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Scolecite works with the Third-Eye and Crown Chakras, bringing a deep, inner peace to those who meditate with it. Scolecite can also act as a guide for those who enjoy astral travel, helping one to connect with different entities from other realms. Scolecite can be used to enhance connectivity between members of a group to make a greater whole, or it can help individuals in the group to be more tolerant of one another. Some enjoy working with Scolecite Crystals to create a cohesive group of different types of stones in a grid or layout.

Try using Scolecite Crystals for attuning to the higher Chakras, Third-Eye, Crown and above. Scolecite can gently enhance meditative and dream states. Those who experience energy blockages may find Scolecite helpful, as it can break through stagnant energies, emotional, physical, and mental, allowing for the free-flowing of energies through all of the Chakras. Meditating with Scolecite can bring info from the past and future to help one in this physical, 3D existence."
Scolecite is a great team stone.  It is often used for group based projects to pull the team together into a more cohesive group and also in offices to engender team spirit.  It has also been used to pull a group of stones together into a united effort toward some issue.  It seems to function as a  harmonizing force between the different energies but also appears to improve  the communication (for want of a better term) between one another.  So instead of each crystal just doing its bit, they all work together in a synergistic effort - far more powerful.


Scolecite Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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