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Aura Quartz, Infused Quartz, Treated Quartz

Treated Aura Infused Quartz Crystal Healing

Used by many psychic mediums for accurate tarot or psychic readings and may also be used during a healing session for auric protection from negative energy. It provides a shielding property for the aura and subtle bodies. It has the ability to guard against negative energy. It provides for alignment of the chakras and balance. It helps one to attune to more spiritual and psychic levels of awareness for those who are involved in spiritual development. It emits a gentle and compassionate energy and provides a shield of protection to those who feel "swamped" with negative energy. Aquamarine stimulates, activates, and cleansed the throat chakra, facilitating communication of higher quality than the mundane. In addition, Aquamarine protects against receiving unwanted clairvoyant energy during discussions with others or during a psychic reading.


Created by taking polished quartz crystals and infusing them with pure Gold, Platinum, and/or Silver. The process of infusion creates an immensely powerful protection which fuses the White, Blue and Gold Rays into an iridescent display of Light with enhanced opalescence.  The Gold treatment produces flashes etheric shades of shimmering violet, aqua aura, ruby, and tangerine colors. 


Angel "Opal or Rainbow" Aura (Infused with Platinum), Melon Aura (Infused with Gold and Copper), Aqua Aura (Infused with Gold), Titanium "Flame" Aura (Infused with Titanium)


Aqua aura: The most common type of aura quartz found. a quartz bonded with gold. aids in the throat chakra. relaxes the body and mind. releases stress. generally a stone connected with the element of water. i found this stone has a peaceful feel to it. One of the few types I worked with personally.


Angel aura quartz: Quartz bonded with platinum and silver. coloring is a quartz with tints of blue, violet, white and silver. aids in all chakra cleansings and aids in dealing with the higher realms

Angel "Opal or rainbow" aura :a quartz bonded with platinum


Celestial Aura Quartz:  Celestial Aura Quartz is created by the bonding of Indium and Gold to Quartz.  It enhances communication and intuition.


Champagne aura: a quartz bonded with gold and silver

Tanzine or tanzan aura quartz: A quartz bonded with gold and indium. the quartz looks like either tanzanite or a blue magic stone. aids in psychic work. aids in the third and crown chakra.


Golden aura quartz aka Imperial gold quartz: is a a quartz bonded with iron, titanium and three other stones. helps make a bond between the third and fourth chakra.

Kiwi aura: a quartz bonded with gold and silver. yet this one appears to be colored blue-green. helps to protect on the emotional plane.


Lavender aura aka fairy quartz treated with Indium: it has the combined properties of indium and spirit quartz. Helps with the 6th and 7th chakras. appears to be a deep purple. looks like an amethyst.

Royal aura quartz: made like titanium flame aura quartz but has a royal blue tone to it as well as gold and purple hues. AKA Siberian Blue quartz. this stone acts as an antidepressant. aids in 5th and 6th chakras and helps with psychic development

Ruby "raspberry" aura: a quartz bonded with gold and silver. appears like a magenta or rose red. A stone of passion. also protective in times of need.

Sunshine aura: a quartz bonded with gold and platinum aids in 4th chakra. helps release past hurts.


Tangerine aura: a quartz bonded with gold and iron. acts as a shield against negativity. aka melon aura quartz, then there's an orange aura quartz with is orange colored


Titanium flame aura quartz: a quartz bonded with titanium. helps stimulate the movement of the kundalini


Infused Quartz Inquiry, Email For Current Selections
Angel Aura Quartz
Aqua Aura Quartz
Azure Aura Quartz
Celestial Aura Quartz
Champagne Aura Quartz
Faden Quartz
Golden Aura Quartz
Imperial Gold Quartz
Opal Aura Quartz
Rainbow Flame Aura Quartz
Ruby Aura Flame Quartz, Ruby Red Flame Quartz
Tangerine Quartz
Tanzan Aura Quartz
Tanzine Aura Quartz
Titanium Flame Aura Quartz
Titanium Quartz
Other Aura Quartz

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