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Chlorite Quartz

Known as a purifier, chlorite is used for cleansing the aura, chakras, and energy meridians.  It is particularly healing to the cells and helps balance their fluid and electrolyte levels (etheric fluids as well as physical ones). It helps the metabolism (actually the mitochondria, for the technically minded) use the power in available nutrients and how to make the ideal energy connection with those nutrients at etheric level. It also protects them from random connections with energies that are not in balance with their electrical potential. It allows the quartz to realign the energy into the ideal, acting as a bridge between spiritual ideal and physical reality.  It brings in energy to enhance cooperation and stimulates one's personal affinity with the "All". It is a purifier, clears chemical, petroleum and pesticide toxins & pollutants from the body tissues and all aura levels, also cleansing chakras and detoxifying.  It is also an extremely positive mineral and can help you visualize and create a more positive future, financially, emotionally, physically.  Chlorite Quartz helps you emotionally and mentally accept your physical self as part of the spiritual flow of the whole. It can stimulate inspiration and further actualization.  Chlorite Phantoms can be used with amethyst to remove undesirable energy implants, the phantom remembers and takes you back to the time of the implant so removal is easy, and chlorite heals the void after removal.  It helps those with environmental illness, Chronic Fatigue, cancer, asthma and liver damage.


Chlorite Quartz Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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