Variscite: Solid cool, pale green. eases depression, fear, worry, anxiety, impatience, stress of a hectic/pressured day by bringing calm and stillness to even the most busy/talkative mind, thus a good meditation stone. Works on astral and etheric level for healing via the nervous system (Central Nervous System) and at DNA level. Centers the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra; also slightly helpful for intuition center. Skin and blood vessel elasticity, impotence/male reproductive healing.
Variscite healing power : Solid cool, pale green. Eases depression, fear, worry, anxiety, impatience, stress of a hectic / pressured day by bringing calm and stillness to even the most busy/talkative mind, thus a good meditation stone. Works on astral and etheric level for healing via the nervous system (Central Nervous System) and at DNA level. Centers the solar plexus and heart chakra; also slightly helpful for intuition center. Skin and blood vessel elasticity, impotence / male reproductive healing. Gives courage to the carrier to continue with the treatment of the sick and elderly and promotes understanding and help with that difficult task.
Variscite - It can help bring you from deep despair to a level of calm and peaceful existence. It helps stimulate the Heart Chakra to bring love and reasoning to all situations. It is helpful when dealing with those that are invalids, both the one that is invalid and the one working with them. It is a soothing stone and sometimes called a "true worry stone" because it can help ease fear, tension, anxiety, worry and impatience. It can help relieve stress and depression and give us inner strength and courage. It is a good stone to help calm the mind and help it be still, especially during meditation. It can help enhance your intuition and psychic abilities and is good for past life recall.