Red Satin Spar Selenite has all of the characteristics of Selenite above, but the color ranges from peach in a small piece to deep orange in a very large piece. The energy is all that White Satin Spar Selenite is, and it does feel like it does an even better job of healing the physical body. The White Satin Spar Selenite connects very strongly to the physical body, but the Red Satin Spar Selenite connects even more strongly to the physical body. The Red Satin Spar Selenite has as strong a spiritual connection as the White Satin Spar Selenite. I have worked with it along with the white Satin Spar Selenite, also, and I have to say this is a formidable combination. The Red Selenite brings some new things to the mix--very positive things! This crystal is an extraordinary healer. From Siri - Red Selenite is high but digs lower down in the emotions when working. The Red Selenite works completely differently than the White Selenite, and that is the beauty of it. Working both White and Red Selenite together for healing is excellent, but remember that Selenite is one dimensional.
Selenite: A Gypsum. White/clear striated crystals. Has been used to work against cancer and is known to stabilize epileptic disorders. Mental focus, growth, luck, immunity, kundalini. Centuries-old record keepers of events/information. Smoothes emotions. Holding crystal, visualize it bringing white light/energy (higher ideas/consciousness) from transpersonal point above head down through body, out through feet into earth/physical plane. Place on 3rd eye for stored info. May help physical and emotional letting go. Repro; spine and nerve system, emotional and athletic flexibility. Sends healing to the earth. Expands sensitivity, field of awareness.
Selenite is the ultimate cleansing and programming stone available, however, Selenite is one of the least known and most underrated crystals out there. It is extremely useful with any healing treatment and especially is a great crystal for skin issues such as: wrinkles, age spots, acne, itchy dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, shingles and pressure sores. It assists in maintaining skin elasticity and a youthful appearance.
You should carry it with you or wear it at all times, hold to the effected area and/or place next to your bed or under your pillow at night. You can also apply an elixir (see below) to the area. It amplifies healing, pulls negative energy from wherever it sits and clears blockages – however, experimentation is the best way to find which way works best for you
Cleansing or detoxing is a vital part of any wellness process. As toxins, pollutants and other substances are released from your body, your natural relaxation process kicks in and tension flows away. Your skin even improves!
Using crystals to cleanse is one option. While there is no one magic crystal that does it for everyone, there are many to choose from and that could be your very own magical crystal. Crystals improve your general state of being and reduce and even eliminate the symptoms of disease (often chronic symptoms). They also speed up changes in your life and facilitate lifestyle choices that promote wellness. The tangible real-life benefits of crystal healing provide the evidence that it works.
Selenite is the ultimate cleansing and programming stone available, however, Selenite is one of the least known and most underrated crystals out there. It is extremely useful with any healing treatment and especially is a great crystal for skin issues such as: wrinkles, age spots, acne, itchy dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, shingles and pressure sores. It assists in maintaining skin elasticity and a youthful appearance.
You should carry it with you or wear it at all times, hold to the effected area and/or place next to your bed or under your pillow at night. You can also apply an elixir (see below) to the area. It amplifies healing, pulls negative energy from wherever it sits and clears blockages – however, experimentation is the best way to find which way works best for you.
Selenite looks like ice clear or partly cloudy, fine, delicate crystals. It is extremely soft as a salt crystal would be and is fragile. In fact you can scratch it with your fingernail. It is found in the sunshine, in the desert and thrives on light. It is not meant to be kept in a box or drawer but is a carrier of light energy.
Selenite is actually the colorless and transparent variety of Gypsum that shows a pearl like luster and has been described as having a moon like glow. The word Selenite comes from the Greek for Moon and means moon rock. Selenite is 70% water and will dissolve it left in water…it is therefore one of the crystals that should never be cleansed with water….it is however self cleansing.
Gypsum is one of the more common minerals in sedimentary environments. It is a major rock forming mineral that produces massive beds, usually from precipitation out of highly saline waters from ancient seas. Its essence as salt resonates with our own salt water bodies in the most primal fashion. It resonates with all human beings. And since it forms easily from saline water, Gypsum can have many inclusions of other minerals and even trapped bubbles of air and water.
Selenite is an excellent stone to have to help clear the energy of all your other gemstones and crystals. It has a very high vibration and vibrates to the number 8. In fact, until humans were evolved enough to be aware of sensing such high frequencies, Selenite was not seen for what it is, although it has existed forever. That is why you may not have heard of it before.
Selenite is direct from nature to you, created by the natural energies of the planet – to be used as a powerful tool for holistic living, wellness and healing
Desert Rose Selenite
Desert Rose: (Selenite) has rose-like flower buds. Known to help new moms increase breast milk. This beautiful form of Selenite forms clusters like rose buds. Very healing and powerful "tool". Works on all the Chakra, especially the Heart Chakra and brings a sense of calmness and tranquility the longer it is with you.
White Satin Spar Selenite
Satin spar Selenite is an excellent mineral to use for power grids: by itself or with other crystals. It works well with any stone that has a female polarity
Red Satin Spar Selenite
Red Satin Spar Selenite has all of the characteristics of Selenite above, but the color ranges from peach in a small piece to deep orange in a very large piece. The energy is all that White Satin Spar Selenite is, and it does feel like it does an even better job of healing the physical body. The White Satin Spar Selenite connects very strongly to the physical body, but the Red Satin Spar Selenite connects even more strongly to the physical body. The Red Satin Spar Selenite has as strong a spiritual connection as the White Satin Spar Selenite. I have worked with it along with the white Satin Spar Selenite, also, and I have to say this is a formidable combination. The Red Selenite brings some new things to the mix--very positive things! This crystal is an extraordinary healer. From Siri - Red Selenite is high but digs lower down in the emotions when working. The Red Selenite works completely differently than the White Selenite, and that is the beauty of it. Working both White and Red Selenite together for healing is excellent, but remember that Selenite is one dimensional.
Elestial Selenite Natural Crystal
Elestial Selenites work like a bridging device to allow us to resonate with higher-frequency vibrations than we can normally sense. Experiencing this resonance entrains the Liquid Crystal Body Matrix to become sensitive to these frequencies. As we become more sensitive, we resonate more strongly, which makes us even more sensitive, creating a self-generating feedback loop that can bring us to entirely new and expanded levels of awareness. Another aspect of this process is that we are speaking not only of ephemeral energies. The subtle currents (sometimes known as Celestial Fire) that are now pouring into the world are composed of a spiritual substance that can work to transform the very matter of our bodies into a higher, more refined form. These are the currents we can bring into ourselves with the aid of Elestial Selenite