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Amulet Stones

Amulet stones are traditionally carried for protection and good luck, but Alcheringa Stones have a much deeper property: that of connection to the land, the spirit of the ancestors, and the dreamtime. The stone stores the energy of its volcanic origins, which is drawn upon for healing. It can also be energetically charged by a healer or shaman.


Uluru Amulet Stone cleanses the biomagnetic field and lets a psychic vie w the aura or receive messages. By enhancing the wearer’s sense of harmony and balance, the stone increases positive vibrations and physical vitality. Wearing the stone prevents anger and rage.


Uluru Amulet stone’s healing power

Uluru Amulet increases stamina and helps overall coherence of the body. It protects against depression and weather-related illnesses. This stone cleanses the blood and has a beneficial effect on the metabolism.


Journey into the Land’s Heart

This journey takes you into the sacred heartland of Australia and into the power of landscape and place.


Amulet Stones Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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