AMPLIFIES ENERGY ~ CLEARS AND ACTIVATES ENERGY ~ Quartz crystals can be used to amplify both body energy and thoughts. Quartz can bring the energy of the stars into the soul. The natural tendency of quartz is for harmony and it is recognized as a stone of power. Quartz can be used to clear and to activate the energy centers of the body. It attunes well to the heart chakra and responds very well at the third-eye area. Quartz crystals were used in Atlantis and Lemuria for rejuvenation
AMPLIFIES ENERGY ~ CLEARS AND ACTIVATES ENERGY ~ Quartz crystals can be used to amplify both body energy and thoughts. Quartz can bring the energy of the stars into the soul. The natural tendency of quartz is for harmony and it is recognized as a stone of power. Quartz can be used to clear and to activate the energy centers of the body. It attunes well to the heart chakra and responds very well at the third-eye area. Quartz crystals were used in Atlantis and Lemuria for rejuvenation
Healing Quartz Crystals Family A-P, Q-Z & Special Inquiries​
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These stones from the Arizona desert, near where Ajoite was first discovered, have the same sweet feel as the Ajoite Quartz pieces. It's possible they're a new form of Ajoite In Calcite. Whatever they are, the energy and color is love is lovely.
Amethyst is the stone of spirituality and dream recall. Used for contentment and meditation. Provides common sense and flexibility in decisions
Ajoite produces a melding between the heart chakra and the throat chakra and facilitates speaking that which is in one's heart
Clear quartz with metallic light blue tint from electrical infusion of gold (amplifies quartz conductivity). Created by treating crystals of natural quartz with an infusion of pure gold. Quartz is placed in a pressurized chamber at high temperature and exposed to pure vaporized gold
It both opens and activates the crown chakra, and assists one to channel desire toward the "proper" goals, assisting one to adjust and to be comfortable in all situations
Helps one connect to spirit and act in truth. Very powerful for deep, peaceful stillness and alpha state/meditation/dream recall. Clairvoyance, out of body travel
Indigo helps one to develop the higher senses of sight, hearing and smell
Arkansas Quartz is known for its high vibration & clear energies. The most programmable Quartz!
Blue quartz, also called Dumortierite, or Siberian Blue Quartz, is a stone of peace, expression and order that can enhance organizational abilities, self-discipline, and orderliness
Very popular metaphysically, Quartz raises consciousness towards enlightenment and purifies on all levels
Currently Cactus Quartz is being used in the treatment of skin eruptions and allergic reactions which are manifested via the skin (via elixir.) It has been used in the treatment of colon disorders, in detoxification of the body and in obsessive behavior patterns
A rare form of Quartz crystal. These crystals must have inspired architects to create turreted castles and cathedrals. Watch out for the lightbrary Cathedrals
Celestial Aura Quartz is created by the bonding of Indium and Gold to Quartz. It enhances communication and intuition
Chinese quartz are excellent for energy work or as use for boosting plant growth
Cherry Quartz has all the qualities of quartz and is also great for the heart chakra
Chlorite are overwhelmingly positive... brings the energy to enhance cooperation and stimulates one personal affinity with "All"... is a purifier
It can be used to gently dissolve negative energies and emotional blockages. It provides for balancing of the yin-yang energy and is an excellent grounding stone
Can be used to " see into the illusions and or problem " and get right to the heart of the matter.
Cinnabar heals and purifies blood. It imparts strength and flexibility to the physical body, stabilizes weight and enhances fertility. Reputed to give wearer long life
Citrine is one of a very few stones that does not hold on to or accumulate negative energy, but dissipates and transmutes it. Also known as a merchant stone
It receives, activates, stores, transmits, and amplifies energy. Stimulates brain functions and activates all levels of consciousness. Excellent for meditation. Brings harmony to the soul
They stimulate and integrate the Heart and Crown chakras, supporting one in bringing together one's deepest love with one's highest spiritual aspirations. Keeping Cranberry Quartz in one's environment is ideal for creating an atmosphere which is pure, clear, free of negativity and conducive to the presence of angels and spirit guides. It is an ideal stone for rooms in which one sleeps, meditates or works in healing modalities. It encourages the expression of love and the conscious awareness
Polished slices of quartz found in the Moldavite fields of the Czech Republic. These carry the blending of heavenly and earthly energies, and work especially well when combined with Moldavite. Powerful and Rare!
Magnifier Quartz is a kind of vibrational turbo-charger that can be applied to amplified the effects of just about anything. This makes them invaluable for constructing crystal tools, and for stone grids and body layouts. They can be added to wands, carried in medicine bags, placed with stones in ones environment, put on healing altars, included in elixirs, or any of hundreds of other applications where one wishes to increase the power of stones and/or one’s intention.
Dream Quartz is conducive to and can assist in the states of deep meditation and lucid dreaming
Clear diamantina carries within it psychic serenity and celestial interaction. Cracked faces within a crystal are frequency points, as they change, so the frequency changes
It is the "enchanted crystals", bringing with it the concepts of Shiva and the understanding that after transition from one phase of life or from the physical body the newness will be re-instilled
Can help one to put oneself in the shoes of another, and to recognize and understand the true feelings of that person. This is quartz crystal that has movable bubbles inside which are water-filled chambers called enhydros.
Epidote is truly a stone to experience in all aspects of one's life..... it dispels critical-ness, enhances keen perception
Faden Quartz is known by the "string" or "thread" that is seen perpendicular to the growth of the crystal
Fire Quartz provides a beautiful dancing energy which when activated stimulates the energy flow on all levels
assists greatly in meditation and has stimulated the movement of the Kundalini to the crown chakra... brings a violet or golden ray to the aura. Carrying the mineral has assisted in "reading" people
I am a very programmable stone, I can be helpful in amplifying your intention in any area but I excel at those things inspired by love and compassion. I help to unify the energies of the heart and solar plexus chakras, linking the energy of the will with love
can help to clear and heal the heart and emotions, to access the vibration of love, and to create prosperity and abundance. It is said to be a 'lucky' stone, especially in matters of love, health and money
This configuration has been used to bring access to the astral, ethereal and higher planes, in order that you may remove barriers and understand the patience of stepwise progression. It can assist in proceeding through traumas and through changes with ease
Golden Healer crystals are excellent for crystal healing, and are said to be helpful when used in any healing situation. Also help keep contact with the spiritual worlds.
Hematoid Quartz is a powerful grounding crystal, drawing ‘chaotic’ and stray energies down into the root chakra and can assist in balancing polarized opposites of emotion and thought
helps one to begin again in this lifetime,,, assists one in clearing the body-mind system of unconscious fears and repressions, allowing for total relaxation and expansion of the life energy. .. known as a stone of attunement.... stimulates clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities
These have been used to bring access to the astral, ethereal, and higher planes in order that one may remove barriers and may understand the patience of step-wise progression
Imperial Gold Quartz imparts an energy of sovereignty, granting one 'dominion; over the realm of one's life and enhancing one's power of conscious co-creation with the Divine. It helps eliminate self sabotage by bringing one's actions into alignment with one's highest good
Q-Z & Special Inquiries​
Eight Faced Crystals
Eight-faced crystals provide conservation of energy, of resources. They stimulate the removal of obstacles in ones path and provide for further installation of energy in all endeavors. They are said to be of other-worldly origination and to bring the capacity for actualization on all levels. In addition, they are said to bring order to ones life, to impart an energy of manifestation and to produce a melding of the spiritual and the angelic realms.
Amethyst Flowers Quartz
Amethyst flowers provide for the melding of the cohesiveness of the two forces of yin/yang, bringing all the remaining details and circumstances to a comfortable and integrated bonding....allows one to recognize that the study of what is beautiful can never be wasted... it is a "stone of Love, a stone of healing, and a stone of blessings". It provides for a connection between the crown and the heart chakra...It can assist in reminding one for the reasons on being on the earth plane.....It is a stone for the Indigo Children...
Ajoite Quartz
Ajoite produces a melding between the heart chakra and the throat chakra and facilitates speaking that which is in one's heart. This quality provides for a peacefulness within ones emotional system and joyful acceptance of ones surroundings, circumstances and environment. The energy of Ajoite also brings peace within the self, regardless of ones actual physical or mental location; Ajoite stimulates understanding and total acceptance. the "Earth Keeper" of the Ajoite phantom crystal will find clarity of spirit through communication via the heart, bringing to fruition the perfection of love and facilitating communion with all of the integral part of the earth, sky and life. Ajoite can be used to eliminate hostility- it is quite difficult for one to remain hostile toward oneself; in addition, and following the same logic, Ajoite can also be used to eliminate anger, abrasiveness, jealousy, prejudice....and all of the negative attributes one could imagine.
Angel Aura Quartz
It both opens and activates the crown chakra, and assists one to channel desire toward the "proper" goals, assisting one to adjust and to be comfortable in all situations. Again, it tends to remove "fear."
Apophyllite Quartz
Helps one connect to spirit and act in truth. Very powerful for deep, peaceful stillness and alpha state/meditation/dream recall. Clairvoyance, out of body travel. Green is most powerful: Heals and brings joyous openness to the heart Chakra as it opens the brow and crown chakras. Clears mental fuzziness and channels for with higher-self + angelic realm contact. Helps see truth for growth.
Mirror Apophyllite has the additional reflective qualities of being able to receive back what intentions are sent into the "mirror' of this stone. It has been used for centuries in India in the "art of gazing". One Mirror Apophyllite is usually passed down from generation to generation. It is often called upon to reflect doings from the past to its user, in order to see both the good and the bad aspects of a families' past. Allowing the gazer to be aware of and work on improving the deficiencies from within. It provides a clear and absolute connection between the physical bodies and the astral bodies of its user. Mirror Apophyllite is an extremely powerful crystal and will also enrich the users' intuitive capacities by stimulating the Third Eye Chakra.
Aqua Aura Quartz
Aqua Aura can work as a shield from psychic or psychological attack. Intrusion from outside sources are quickly dissipated by transmutation into pure loving energy, which can work in a healing process which caused the attack. Aqua aura will help you find your own space again. The aqua aura quartz crystal will bring wisdom to expressive communication, encouraging peace and guard against opposing energies. Aqua aura quartz is even more shielding than an aquamarine crystal, because its gold inclusion.
Arkansas Quartz
Arkansas Quartz is known for its high vibration & clear energies. The most programmable Quartz!
Atlantean Temple Cathedral Quartz aka Lightbrary Quartz
In the ancient times of Atlantis, all learning, all technology, was based upon the use of crystalline structure. What we consider to be metaphysics, they considered to be physics. They derived the purity of science from the purity of crystals. These magnificent crystals can take us back in time to the lost land of Atlantis. With these crystals, Atlantis can be found. They embody the spirit of Atlantis, the culture of Atlantis, and the spirituality that was Atlantis. Each and every one of these crystals was part of the greater whole that embodied the culture of Atlantis.
Implanted Crystals These are crystals brought from Atlantis and physically implanted into the earth at various locations, usually upon power nodes. During the age of Atlantis (especially in the latter days of is existence) most of these crystals were transported to other sacred areas. The crystals contained the original star codes which Atlantis was holding for the planet.
Transference Crystals Crystals still within the veins of the earth. They have had the light codes of Atlantis transferred into them by the Earth Guardians of Atlantis. All of these Atlantean programs are encoded within crystalline matrices of mineral deposits in the earth which Thoth calls "Merlins Mine." The "Merlins Mine" crystal deposits contain Light program encodings for various "programs" in stratum or energy layers of the planet, one of which is Atlantean.
Aura Treated Infused Quartz
Aqua Aura Metaphysical Meaning : Promote clarity of thought, attract positive energy, and Balance the emotions with the aqua aura stone. Smooth and clean aura. ( infused with gold). Color will not scratch off. Aqua aura is produced by bonding the nuclei of molecules of pure gold to the quartz by the natural electrostatic charge of the crystal. This produces a celestial shade of blue, which is part of the crystal and cannot be scraped off. Aqua Aura Shares many of the same characteristics with fine aquamarine. It stimulates the throat chakra, enhancing one's ability to communicate . It has a very high and intense vibration and is a potent tool for healing work and body layouts and activation of the chakras. It may be used to smooth and heal the auric field and release negativity from all levels. It can be used to help with one's inner beauty and attract wealth and success relieve depression and anxiety and assist in creating an aura of peach and well-being .
Champagne Aura Metaphysical Meaning: It can be used to gently dissolve negative energies and emotional blockages. It provides for balancing of the yin-yang energy and is an excellent grounding stone. It further acts as a protective stone, providing for an encompassing barrier of energy around the user. It can be used to initiate a powerful force field which will absorb many forms of negativity, both from within oneself and from outer sources. It tends to refine the vibratory energies when one is in the state of meditation. During "laying-on-of-stones", the placement of champagne quartz pointing away from the feet, the hands, and the base chakra provides for the grounding of all bodies to the healing vibrations and discourages the "healing crisis' which could occur during activations of the energy centers. It provides protection from any detrimental forces present in the ethereal realm.
Imperial Gold Aura Metaphysical Meaning: Imperial Gold Quartz provides the perfect link between the solar plexus and heart chakras, making for a blend of their highest traits." Siberian Gold Aura is highly programmable, so it can amplify one's intention in any area, especially those inspired by love and compassion. Imperial Gold aura imparts an energy of sovereignty, granting one dominion' over the realm of one's life enhancing one's powers of conscious co=creation with the diving. It supports the flow of abundance into one's life. Transforms negative energies to positive forces and brings focus to the user toward recovery, toward rejuvenation, and reclamation for the true self. This has been used to assist one in attaining and maintaining contact with the spiritual worlds and to incite healing on all levels. It provides a powerful healing energy. It stimulates communication and psychic awareness on all levels. This can help to purify ones body and ones surroundings. It provides contact with the "fairy kingdom" of this world. It supports all benevolent wishes and helps them to manifest.
Tanzine Aura Metaphysical Meaning: Similar to aqua aura but carries more violet ray. Infused with gold and Indium. This stimulates the throat, the third-eye, and the crown chakras. It brings together all aspects of both communications and psychic power, allowing the user to adequately communicate visions. It can be used to stimulate the crown chakra to produce visions of the higher spiritual realms. The energy acts as a spiraling force, reaching to invite protection and safety during all activities. It is a "stone of magic", and aids in manifestation. It also facilitates communications with the spiritual world. It also facilitates encounters with other-worldly beings and provides for receiving information of the universal mysteries and akashic records. Perfect for balancing the chakras and may be used as a grounding crystal. One of the most powerful materials for the development of one's latent psychic abilities and the enhancement of one's conscious connection to Spirit. It is an incredibly potent aid for intuitive, medium, shamans, readers and healers. It stimulates the third eye and crown chakras.
Angel Aura Metaphysical Meaning: This can used to balance the centers and meridians of the physical body to provide alignment of the physical body to the etheric body, to align the subtle bodies and provide the polarity adjustments which are necessary within the physical body for optimum health. It can also provide permanence to relationships. It can be used to strengthen the memory and is a "stone of happy dreams and changes". This has been used to awaken both the psychic and mystical qualities. It helps one to understand the higher powers of intuition and mysticism and utilize these powers to enhance personal understanding in realms of the sacred. It can also be used to encourage flashes of intuition and insight. It assists in the alignment between the spiritual self and the psychic and astral planes. It is used to invoke visions, and vision quests. It has also been used to provide a connection to the stars, facilitating communications between the Earth plane and the "star people" of this world and other worlds and spirit guides. It tends to provide a grounding action while enhancing the transfer of information. It is an excellent stone for cleansing and brightening the aura and stimulate healing.
Ruby Aura Metaphysical Meaning: Ruby Aura helps to maintain psychic energies. It can assist in purifying and correcting disoriented, trapped energy and disallows the accumulation of negative energy vibrations. It is an excellent stone for releasing blockages and arrest leakages of energy from the chakras and to transmute negative energy away from the aura. It provides a psychic medium with magnified protective energy. It promotes dreaming and stimulates the connection with , and transmission of information from ones spiritual guides. It assists in increasing perception and helps to regulate the emotional and the intuitive energies. It has been used to assist one in attaining and maintaining contact with he spiritual worlds and to incite healing on all levels.
Celestial Aura Quartz is created by the bonding of Indium and Gold to Quartz. It enhances communication and intuition.
Azure Aura Quartz
Indigo helps one to develop the higher senses of sight, hearing and smell. It enables one to express the purity of the God-self; supporting the ultimate development into a true spiritual teacher who can impart to others high knowledge, understanding, love and wisdom. Helps one to learn control of the Universe's forces and eventually achieve communion with the Christ Consciousness.
Barnacle Quartz Crystals
Crystals covered or partially covered with smaller crystals. The larger crystal is the "Old Soul" and contains the wisdom and trust which attracts the smaller crystals. Used in meditation to provide insights to family and/or community problems. Also excellent for those employed in "service organizations" to help stimulate a group cohesiveness and willingness to work together.
Blue Quartz
Blue quartz, also called Dumortierite, or Siberian Blue Quartz, is a stone of peace, expression and order that can enhance organizational abilities, self-discipline, and orderliness. This enhancement is believed to be due to the effect it can have of balancing the throat chakra and enhancing communication between lower chakras (physical) and higher chakras (mental/spiritual). Blue quartz brings this sense of order to all things, and releases fear, bringing courage to one's life. It is also a boost for creativity and expression.
Brazilian Quartz
Very popular metaphysically, Quartz raises consciousness towards enlightenment and purifies on all levels. Known as "The Stone of Power", Quartz amplifies energy and intention. Quartz raises consciousness towards enlightenment and purifies on all levels. Clear Quartz is also known as the "Master Healer" of the mineral kingdom, with it's very high vibration, and is the most versatile healing stone among all crystals. Quartz is said to be the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is believed to protect against negativity, attune to your higher self, and relieve pain. Quartz crystals are very programmable and have a tendency to hold a program much longer than other minerals.
EXCELLENT HEALING STONE ~ Brazil is the world heart of Quartz production. Brazilian Quartz has a soft heart frequency that is EXCELLENT for healing work. It still seems to carry the ancient energies of Lemuria, which combine the frequencies of heart and mind to attune us to our own Divine Source.
Bridge Crystals
A large crystal with a smaller crystal(s) which penetrates and is located partially in, and partially out of the larger crystal. It facilitates bridging between the inner and outer worlds, between the self and others, and the self and other worlds. It is beneficial when working with the aspects of spirituality, the advanced metaphysical areas, and attempting to share this knowledge with others.
Bushman Quartz
I believe that Bushman & Sugar Blade quartz are the same type, possibly found in different areas thus called by different names. Brandberg crystals Are crystals from the Brandberg Mountains in Namibia. These crystals commonly have water bubbles inside them.
Cactus Quartz
Currently Cactus Quartz is being used in the treatment of skin eruptions and allergic reactions which are manifested via the skin (via elixir.) It has been used in the treatment of colon disorders, in detoxification of the body and in obsessive behavior patterns
This crystal has also been used to rectify localized energy disturbances. It acts to dissipate the disturbance and to replace any disorganized energy with a stable, reliable energy which discourages further disorder.
Cactus Quartz has been used for astral projection and for dreaming. Placing one or more under your pillow at night can increase and intensify the dream state. These crystals are also excellent for use in meditation. Cactus Quartz can also be used to assist in providing one protection from mental and physical harm, and to assist one in maintaining a field of protection.
REMOVES NEGATIVE ENERGY ~ SELF CONFIDENCE ~ Spirit Quartz is a beautiful and unusual form of Quartz. It comes from South Africia and is a Quartz point covered with tiny smaller points. Amethyst Spirit Quartz is said to clear your aura and chakras and can remove negative energy or attachments. Amethyst is an excellent meditation stone. Citrine Spirit Quartz works with the solar plexus chakra and helps you to be in your power. It's a stone to boost your self confidence and self worth. If you are working to manifest things in your life this is an excellent stone to help.
Candle Quartz
is a formation of Elestiated Quartz... It is a stone for luminaries of our Earth, providing for thought transmission within the physical realm and between the luminaries of other worlds. It conducts one to the interior of the being and fosters regard for the body as a "mansion for Comprehension". It produces a realization of the damage one consciously allows to to occur to the body and helps one to be more in control of the issues, recognizing the path to ameliorate and to discontinue negative self fulfilling prophesies. Candle Quartz is a very tranquilizing stone which can be used to dissipate the tedious and oppressive from ones character or environment, the presence of the stone in an environment acts as a clarifying agent " to dispel the shadowy" and to "acclaim the interior illumination." Mystical candle quartz is normally very white & cloudy. The side crystals look like "dripping wax" each pointing towards the main Termination.
Cathedral Quartz
A rare form of Quartz crystal. These crystals must have inspired architects to create turreted castles and cathedrals. Watch out for the lightbrary Cathedrals. They are generally very translucent Cathedral crystals that also appear to have doorways. Cathedral Quartz crystals are named after their shape. They look like mini castles. Not to be confused with Amethyst Geodes; these have only just started to be referred to Cathedrals in the last few years, where the crystals like the ones shown have been referred to Cathedrals for many decades. Clear Cathedrals are referred to as Lightbrary Cathedrals. Lightbraries are said to house the Libraries of Light! These crystals have doorways in them, more often than not, in their castling definition. To travel into the crystal, just gaze into the doorway, you will see it open and your consciousness will be drawn into the crystal. From there you can travel into different chambers and receive information that you are ready for at that time. You can also travel in inner and outer space in complete safety within the crystal.
Chamonix Stone Crystal, Scenic Quartz, Picture Quartz
Chamonix Stone Crystal Also known as scenic Quartz or Picture Quartz. Clear quartz with landscape inside.
Channeling Quartz Crystals
Recognized by a large seven sided face located in the center front position of the terminated end of the crystal; a triangular face is located on the opposite (back) side of the crystal. It provides for a conscious connection to the higher wisdom which is available from the higher self and/or to the wisdom of experience and enlightenment which is available from the "other side". Channeling crystals can be used to bring forth light and love from the most truthful and knowledgeable portions of the self.
Chinese Quartz
These Chinese Quartz Crystals have lovely energy. They range from Yin to Yang to Yin/Yang in their formations and energy. These pieces of Chinese quartz are excellent for energy work or as use for boosting plant growth, even though they are damaged or have broken tips.
Chlorite Quartz
Chlorite is one of the most favorable healing stones. Worn, carried, placed within ones environment or in an elixir, the properties of Chlorite are overwhelmingly positive... brings the energy to enhance cooperation and stimulates one personal affinity with "All"... is a purifier.. useful for cleansing the aura, chakras and energy meridians... attacks anger, hostility, and exasperation,,, the use of Chlorite and Carnelian and Ruby crystals has been used to eliminate psychic attack and to assist earth bound spirits to leave... has been used to eliminate toxins from the body..
Cherry Quartz
Cherry Quartz has all the qualities of quartz and is also great for the heart chakra. Good for: Colds and Flu and infections. Excellent for burns. Said to be good for concentration so is an excellent choice for anyone studying for exams. Nice for anyone studying for exams, love and emotional balance
Chocolate Window Quartz
This is a new find of Quartz from China. Some pieces have an association of hematite. Metaphysically it can be used to " see into the illusions and or problem " and get right to the heart of the matter. Can be used much the same way as a "gazing ball" for divination. As many of the pieces have self healed it is very useful for the same. You can see where during it's growth pattern there have been breaks and then the regrowth. This energy will bring to the user the knowledge of how to get back onto the path of ones lost desires and dreams. Broken dreams can become real once again.
Cinnabar Quartz
Cinnabar Quartz heals and purifies blood. It imparts strength and flexibility to the physical body, stabilizes weight and enhances fertility. Reputed to give wearer long life. Connected will all things physical, exercise and keep fit.
Citrine Quartz
Citrine is one of a very few stones that does not hold on to or accumulate negative energy, but dissipates and transmutes it., working out problems on both the physical and subtle levels. It hence, never needs clearing or cleansing.... the merchants stone; placing a cluster or crystal of citrine in ones cash box has produced more income for the merchant. It not only assists the merchant in acquiring wealth, but helps to maintain a state of wealth. It activates, opens and energizes the navel and solar plexus chakras directing via personal power creativity, and intelligent decisiveness, the energy necessary to enhance the physical body. It stimulates both mental focus and endurance.
Clear Quartz
Clear quartz crystal is the universal stone. Everyone should have one! It corresponds to all zodiac signs, and is a pure and powerful energy source. It receives, activates, stores, transmits, and amplifies energy. Stimulates brain functions and activates all levels of consciousness. Excellent for meditation. Brings harmony to the soul.
Quartz Clusters
Crystals which have grown together, free-standing or on a sandstone base. To foster protection, cooperation, purification, harmony, friendship and intimacy; to break up negative energy in the environment.
Curved Quartz Crystals
Crystals which have a curved shape or which the sides are curved. Produced during the developmental stages, this is a rare occurrence. They emanate a gentle yet powerful energy and can be used to cleanse the aura, promote flexibility in ones attitude, and provide strength in decisions, among other things.
Devic Temple Crystals
Are Master Crystals that, if properly used, can provide a gateway through which Angels, Divas and other beings of light can enter the physical plane. Inside the crystal are rainbow inclusions of trapped air, water and gas that are called veils, foils and fairy frost. The crystal's external formation can also remind us of a temple with stairways and doorways. These crystal forms attract the higher dimensional beings of light who remind us of our own "extrasensory" powers of consciousness and our natural ability to connect with them. The harmonic vibration of these quartz allows the veils between the worlds to be lifted and spiritual energies can infiltrate into the surrounding environment.
Diamantina Quartz
Clear diamantina carries within it psychic serenity and celestial interaction. Cracked faces within a crystal are frequency points, as they change, so the frequency changes.
Dow Quartz Crystal
The Master crystal. A crystal with three, primary, seven-sided faces and three secondary triangular faces between them (737373). It is believed this crystal is a combination crystal that incorporates the properties of both a Channeler and a Transmitter crystal in one crystal. It helps facilitate intuitive awareness and connection with All That Is. It is considered one of the Twelve Master Crystals. The most symmetrical and balanced of all the crystals they combine the properties of both channeling and transmitter crystals as well as exhibiting their own. The ultimate crystal for balancing energies and therefore healing the physical, mental and emotional bodies. In addition they also combine the qualities of 3 and 7 perfectly and harmoniously. In looking at the qualities of these numbers we can receive much insight into understanding the potency of the geometry of crystals. Get a feel for the qualities of 3 and 7 from the following note. In music 7 notes span 3 octaves. 7 chakras. 7 colours of the rainbow. 7 crystal systems - hexagonal, rhombohedral, triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal and cubic.
Dream Quartz
Dream Quartz is a newly discovered quartz from Columbia with Epidote inclusions. Dream Quartz is conducive to and can assist in the states of deep meditation and lucid dreaming. These stones can bring peace to the heart and relaxation to the body and mind. Dream quartz can facilitate conscious contact with spirit guides, and can be an aid in the development of abilities and channeling.
Dream quartz will assist in remembering dreams. Dream quartz also allows one to more clearly envision and manifest ones dreams for the kind of life one wishes to create. Dream quartz will assist in remembering and understanding past life experiences.
Druzy Quartz Crystals
Drusy (pronounced 'DREW-zee') Druzy Quartz Crystals
Very small points which are described as "a myriad of very closely set tiny crystals". The Drusy Clusters consist of tiny crystal points in their very formation, and are encrusted on either sandstone or quartz based matrixes. We like to think of drusy crystals for people who want to encourage ideas or thought forms ready to spring forth and grow. Double Terminated Crystals These crystals have a point on each end. They have the capacity to both push and pull energy through their ends. By placing a double terminated crystal in between the chakras, they can then be used to move energy both upwards and downwards through the chakra column of the physical body.
Elestial Quartz
It is the "enchanted crystals", bringing with it the concepts of Shiva and the understanding that after transition from one phase of life or from the physical body the newness will be re-instilled. It provides the user with a hug from the wind in the willow., allowing for flow in change and actualization.... can be used to assist one in overcoming burdens, to bring the heart and the intellect into synchronicity...they stimulate the actualization of the conscious self... it servers to provide an entrance to information concerning the past, present, a and future of ones existence.. the elestial contains the absolute and ultimate essential wisdom and can provide fir transfer of insight to the physical intellect via the higher-self.....can be used to sustain and maintain during changes....
CRYSTALLINE SWITCHBOARD LINKING MULTIPLE DIMENSIONS ~ Robert Simmons, Book of Stones, says that keeping Elestial Quartz in your area is like having a radio tuned to the "Higher Self Channel" and they are like a crystalline switchboard linking multiple dimensions, times and levels of consciousness to one another! Elestials help to ground higher vibrations into the physical. Elestial Quartz is a very powerful stone. It can change energy in an area for several miles. It is a good stone for anyone dealing with abuse issues as it can pull in the vibration of cosmic love for you and lighten your heart, limiting sadness and grief. Smokey Quartz Elestials can also help break up karmic emotional bonds. This stone is good for astral traveling work and can attune you to the energy of the Akashic records. Smokey Quartz elestials offer added protection against negative energy
TRAVEL TO ANGELIC REALMS ~ These Elestial Quartz Crystals appear to be a cross between Elestial Quartz and Herkimers 'Diamonds". Many of them exhibit a complex ingrown 'skeletal' formations found in certain types of Elestials. Naisha Ahsian says...they stimulate the third eye chakra area and can help access inner libraries of spiritual openings. The more complex the formation of openings and 'portals' in the crystal the more multi-facated the interdimensional opening they offer. In addition, Robert Simmons says...The inter-dimensional qualities of these stones are quite pronounced. In meditation, one may use them to travel to the Angelic realms, as well as the domains of ones spirit guides. They can be very powerful tools for shamanic journeying and soul retrieval, allowing one to go back to the key moments in the life or lives of oneself or one’s client, in order to recover lost parts of the soul. Such work can facilitate profound healings, and those who do such work, or just wish to do so, are advised that Elestial Lightkeeper crystals can provide powerful 'medicine'. These stones are like crystalline switchboards linking multiple dimensions, times and levels of consciousness to one another. When one keeps an Elestial Crystal, most especially and Elestial Lightkeeper, in ones environment, it is like having a radio in the room, tuned to the Higher Self Channel. These crystals constantly emanate vibrations that remind and re-connect us to the inner worlds of Spirit.
Empathic Crystals
are ones which are chipped or damaged in some way. They promote understanding, compassion, kindness and empathy. They open and heal the hearts of those who have closed them while also protecting the open-hearted from too much pain.
Enhydro Quartz
This mineral can help one to put oneself in the shoes of another, and to recognize and understand the true feelings of that person.... The Enhydro assists in metamorphosis and continued change throughout all times, it provide for concentrated determination of both the acceleration and the ease of reformation of self.....In Healing, it is useful to have an Enhydro available; it assists in bringing the body to the state or specified condition that one is attempting to attain
This is quartz crystal that has movable bubbles inside which are water-filled chambers called enhydros.
Epidote Quartz
Increase in that to which one attunes it... This short but clear statement shows that Epidote is truly a stone to experience in all aspects of one's life..... it dispels critical-ness, enhances keen perception, stimulates participation and interaction, and supplements personal power....can be used as an elixir for softening the skin...used in treatment of disorders associated with the nervous system, brain and thyroid
Extra Terrestrial Crystal
A crystal with a single termination at one end and multiple terminations at the other end. It is believed this crystal will help channel space beings, celestial beings and guardian angels.
Faden Quartz
Faden Quartz is known by the "string" or "thread" that is seen perpendicular to the growth of the crystal. From Love is In The Earth: The Faden crystal is one of connection, stimulation and furthering connective forces between the self and that which is chosen as the recipient. It is also a stone for the exploration of the parallel dimensions of ones reality. It strengthens the "silver cord" and produces an energy which both promotes and protects one during flight. This crystal facilitates the attunement between the self and another, similar to the action produced by the Herkimer Diamond. It assists in producing and maintaining the ethereal connection which one has with another (on any planes, in all dimensions) These Healing Crystals are required for all of the Melody Training
Fairy Frost Quartz Crystals
Clear crystal with fractures and inclusions within (sometimes called "Devic"). To facilitate communication with the spirits in nature; to open our hearts to the beauty and magic of nature; to encourage us to care for Mother Earth.
Fertility Quartz
Scepters "were used in Atlantis and Lemuria in healing ceremonies and were a symbol of the power of the realm; those who carried or wore a scepter crystal in the position of 'high priest/priestess'.... It is an excellent configuration for transmission of directional energy. Also to enhance fertility.
Fire Quartz
Fire Quartz provides a beautiful dancing energy which when activated stimulates the energy flow on all levels. ... can be used to stimulate the base chakra and to provide for a direct pathway between the base chakra and the heart. ... activates all the qualities of the base chakra, the heart chakra and the crown chakra and provides physical energy and vitality to the physical body.... stimulates healing qualities of the heart and associated attributes of loving consciousness... has been used to transverse the gap between the physical world and the spiritual world, and can help one to understand transitions
Fire Harlequin Quartz
is quartz containing red dots or strings of lepidocrocite. It provides a beautiful "dancing" energy, which when activated, stimulates the energy flow on all levels. It can be used to stimulate the base chakra and to provide for a direct pathway between the base chakra, and the heart chakra; it can hence be used to direct and to intensify natural proclivities. It activates all of the qualities of the base chakra, the heart chakra, and the crown chakra, and provides physical energy and vitality to the physical body. It further stimulates the healing qualities of the heart and the associated attributes of loving consciousness. It can also be used to balance the polarity of ones body with the higher bodies and to open and balance the meridians of the physical body, stimulating alignment of the physical and ethereal nervous systems. It has been used to traverse the gap between the physical world and the spiritual world, and can help one to understand transitions. It can be used in the treatment of disorders related to the blood, veins, mental acuity, memory, intravascular coagulation of the blood in the circulatory system, imbalances in the thyroid, and atrophy if the thymus. It has also been used in the treatment of depression, despondency, and to activate the will to progress.
Rainbow Flame Aura Quartz
Flame Aura Quartz have been enhanced with a combination of Titanium and Niobium.... assists greatly in meditation and has stimulated the movement of the Kundalini to the crown chakra... brings a violet or golden ray to the aura. Carrying the mineral has assisted in "reading" people
Generator Quartz Crystals
Generator Quartz is the name given to a natural Quartz point in which the terminating point derives from six equally sized sides. Natural Generator Quartz points are relatively rare, although cut and polished points have similar properties. Clear Generator points are termed Male, and Generator points with a cloudy termination are termed Female (see Female Quartz for description). Generator Quartz are powerful magnifiers of energy, and are the second tool of a crystal healers collection. Generator Quartz facilitate the cleansing and balancing of the chakra, focuses and intensifies healing intent. Generator Quartz amplifies group healing intent, humanity healing and Earth healing.
Golden Aura Quartz
Golden Aura Quartz is another new treated stone that is brand new as of fall 2005. It is similar in color to the finest gems of Imperial Topaz , having sparkling shades of gold, orange and pink.
Golden Healer Quartz
For those with psychic leanings, hold in the left hand to increase receiving and in the right hand to increase transmission, or hold it in both hands to optimize both. It can be worn on the body, over the third eye or held in the psychic's hands. Known as the healers stone Rare quartz Golden Healer A quartz crystal which is partially or totally covered with a transparent golden-yellow mineral. This has been used to assist one in attaining and maintaining contact with the spiritual worlds and to incite healing on all levels. It is an excellent stone for use in all healing situations and promotes the recognition of methods and techniques which will further recovery from all disorders.
Green Quartz
Intuitive sources say that Siberian Green Quartz can help to clear and heal the heart and emotions, to access the vibration of love, and to create prosperity and abundance. It is said to be a 'lucky' stone, especially in matters of love, health and money. Siberian Green Quartz is a laboratory-grown crystal which is made in Russia. It is created by a process in which natural quartz is broken down and re-grown with chemicals which are the source of the new color. Its hardness is about 6.5 to 7. Including Green Tourmalinated Quartz, Green Line Quartz
Growth Interface Quartz
Growth Interference Quartz is an amazing Quartz crystal, which has the appearance of being carved with a trim-saw. It is made up from Quartz crystals, which have shared their growing expanse with very thin flat Calcite crystals of the type named ‘paper spar’. The growth interference appears to have occurred during the end of the growth cycle of the long, thin, clear Quartz crystals. The Calcite crystals were sub-parallel during growth and developed at an angle to the lower prism faces of the Quartz crystal. The result is a series of slightly indented lines carving the prismatic faces. This configuration has been used to bring access to the astral, ethereal and higher planes, in order that you may remove barriers and understand the patience of stepwise progression. It can assist in proceeding through traumas and through changes with ease – promoting the understanding of the trauma and the bases for change. It further allows the knowledge that the end of each journey, each experience, and each incident is the beginning of a new delight. It has been used to align the physical body with the subtle bodies and to bring an electro-magnetic alignment to the energy fields of the body. It can also be used in the removal of energy blockages; when carried or worn upon the body, the chakras are aligned automatically and the Kundalini is activated. The energy of the Growth Interference Quartz Crystal has been applied to facilitate understanding of our emerging culture in order to reveal ones ultimate destiny. It brings information concerning your increasing vibratory rate with respect to spiritual evolution and demonstrates the method of giving energy to others while constantly allowing for the energy to be replenished by the energy of the Universe. The mineral truly facilitates your connection with the perception and understanding that we are beings of light, with access to a perpetual and continuous source of energy. This mineral also assists in the removal of doubts – your doubts are recognized and ejected through conscious understanding that you can accomplish anything if you truly have the desire to do so and if you remove self-limitations. This Growth Interference Quartz truly places you in the situation of being ‘completely in command’ of your life. The energy serves to bring you a universal protective force and acts to stimulate the knowledge of any impending danger. It has been used to remove physical blockages within the body, to promote the healing of cuts and abrasions, and to provide information concerning the most positive way for rejuvenation and recovery from any disorder.
Hematoid Quartz
Hematoid Quartz is a powerful grounding crystal, drawing ‘chaotic’ and stray energies down into the root chakra and can assist in balancing polarized opposites of emotion and thought. Hematoid Quartz assists one accept and integrate the shadow self, can be used to manifest dreams into physical reality, transforms negativity into tranquility and clarity.
Is from Brazil is sometimes called Strawberry Quartz although that term is used with many other kinds of Quartz from other locations. This stone has Hematite which causes the red-pink inclusions. It is a great energizer for stimulating the chakras.
Herkimer Diamond Quartz
Herkimer Diamond
From Love Is In The Earth by Melody: ...helps one to begin again in this lifetime,,, assists one in clearing the body-mind system of unconscious fears and repressions, allowing for total relaxation and expansion of the life energy. .. known as a stone of attunement.... stimulates clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities
Himalayan Quartz
These have been used to bring access to the astral, ethereal, and higher planes in order that one may remove barriers and may understand the patience of step-wise progression. It can assist one in proceeding through traumas and through changes with ease- promoting the understanding of the trauma and the basis for change.. it further allows the knowledge that the end of each journey, each experience, and each incident is the beginning of a new delight....Growth Interference Quartz has been applied to facilitate understanding of our emerging culture in order to relay ones ultimate destiny.... facilitates ones connection with the perception and understanding that we are brings of light, with access to an perpetual and continuous source of energy.... also assists in the removal of doubts... truly places one in the situation of being completely in command of ones life... has been used by children to protect from physical harm during childhood... used to promote healing of cuts and abrasions and mend incisions after surgery
Hollandite in Star Quartz
This quartz assists us and reminds us that there are no limits! We are all stars that have fallen to earth.. and sometimes have forgotten why we came here. This quartz helps us to remember the big picture... that the outcome is the correct outcome no matter what it is. It helps us to remember we are born innocent and that that innocence is our pure self. Reach for the stars.. for they are already here ... they are we! Known as the warrior stone for people like soldiers, policemen & fireman or persons who deal with dangerous or stressful situations or occupations
The black star in these crystals are Hollandite inclusions and this type of crystal is VERY RARE! This is a great stone for those who need to remember to 'reach for the stars' or to reach you full potential. Also reminds you that you already are a star, a reminder of your importance in this universe!
Imprints Quartz Crystals
Imprints left on the surfaces or facets of a crystal, where they grew in close proximity to another crystal. The imprints show how something is affected by outside influences, thereby changing the shape or form of the original structure, but the original structure adapts to its environment to allow for growth and change, while still maintaining its basic inherent truth and beauty.
Included Quartz
Included Quartz will have the properties of the specific quartz; i.e.: Smokey, Clear or Citrine and of the inclusion. For instance, a Citrine that has a chlorite inclusion will have the properties of both the Citrine and Chlorite. Other inclusions may be phantoms or other crystals penetrating into the crystal
Included or Inclusions Quartz
When one is attracted to and uses included quartz, the quartz inclusion will work with the person to provide the further nourishment and qualities required. Usually the chlorite and hematite included quartz provide the most powerful healing-type of included quartz.
Indicolite Quartz
Indicolite Quartz specimens work especially well with the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, allowing for enhancement of intuition and clarity of communication. The combination of Indicolite (blue tourmaline) and clear quartz helps to amplify the wondrous qualities of blue tourmaline and combine it with the versatile quality of quartz.
Extremely popular metaphysically, Clear Quartz is known as the "Master Healer", with its very high vibration, and is the most versatile healing stone among the crystals. Clear Quartz is said to protect against negativity, attune to your higher self, and relieve pain.
Isis Quartz Crystal
Has a five sided point to put you in touch with and help you strongly amplify your feminine energy. They put you in touch with the power of the Goddess. This is a helpful crystal for both men and women.
Infused Quartz, Angel Aura, Opal or Rainbow Aura, Melon Aura, Aqua Aura, Titanium Flame Aura
Angel Aura Quartz
Aqua Aura Quartz
Azure Aura Quartz
Celestial Aura Quartz
Faden Quartz
Golden Aura Quartz
Imperial Gold Quartz
Opal Aura Quartz
Rainbow Flame Aura Quartz
Ruby Aura Flame Quartz, Ruby Red Flame Quartz
Tangerine Quartz
Tanzan Aura Quartz
Tanzine Aura Quartz
Titanium Flame Aura Quartz
Titanium Quartz
Created by taking polished quartz crystals and infusing them with pure Gold, Platinum, and/or Silver. The process of infusion creates an immensely powerful protection which fuses the White, Blue and Gold Rays into an iridescent display of Light with enhanced opalescence. The Gold treatment produces flashes etheric shades of shimmering violet, aqua aura, ruby, and tangerine colors.
Angel "Opal or Rainbow" Aura (Infused with Platinum), Melon Aura (Infused with Gold and Copper), Aqua Aura (Infused with Gold), Titanium "Flame" Aura (Infused with Titanium)
Key Quartz Crystal
Is recognized by a three or six-sided indented shape located on the crystal. The indent becomes narrower as it goes within the crystal, and ends within the crystal, usually in an apex termination. It is used to unlock the "doors" to healing concepts and to those aspects of the self which tend to be illusive. It further helps to answer questions like - why can't I..
Kundalini Quartz
Kundalini Quartz comes from the Congo in Africa. It is a quartz crystal with a smoky quartz phantom with hematite inclusions. Kundalini can be defined as the potential energy stored in the nerve center at the base of the spine. It is also said to be an individual’s experience of the universal creative energy. These Black Phantom Quartz are called Kundalini Quartz because of their ability to raise one’s energy level from the base chakra (1st) through the crown chakra (7th) and above. The hematite grounds, the smoky quartz balances and moves primal energies in the body, and the quartz transmits and amplifies energy. Raising the Kundalini will lead one to a more spiritual, less ego-centered life. See also Citrine
Laser Quartz Crystals
Laser Quartz is recognized as a long slender crystal with small faces compromising the termination. The available energy of the laser crystal is extremely well focused through the small termination. It can be used to clear an area of negative energy.
A Laser wand focuses and accelerates the energy passing through it into a tight beam. Laser Points can stimulate acupuncture points Laser Quartz provide protection of the Aura and can remove negative energy blockages.
Laser Quartz Wands Crystals
Laser crystals have long bodies, with balanced terminations. If viewed pointed end on, you will see that the apex of the point is in the exact centre. They are used to transmit very concentrated beams of energy into any area where energy is needed. You can also use these crystals to sew up holes in the human aura, just as you would darn a sock. Many people have holes in their auras through electrical interference, the ingestion of prescribed or illicit substances etc. The result of these holes is that the energy charge of the person is leaked away, like water through the holes in a bucket. These holes can also be used by energy thought forms, or other lower dimensional beings, to gain access and attach themselves energetically to the person. These lower energies will then transmit their own energies of fear and emotional imbalance into the system of their host. Laser crystals are also ideal for joining up the crystals within a crystal mandala.
Law Twin Quartz Crystals
Has been used to stimulate the synthesis of the perfection of the subtle bodies to the state of the physical body. Also used to dissipate and to transmute deviations, working out problems on both the physical and subtle levels. Excellent for clearing the aura and for aligning the auric body with the physical structure. Stabilizes emotions, to dispel anger, and to encourage one to "expect a miracle" among other qualities.
Lemurian Quartz and Russian Lemurian Quartz
Lemurian Seed Crystals
Lemurian Seed Crystals are crystals that are reputed to have been left by the Lemurians, an advanced ancient civilization, to teach and guide us in this time. These crystals are said to have been programmed with conscious connection and love. Lemurians hold and transmit messages of unconditional love, equality, and spiritual teachings. They are also great for dream work and dream interpretation. Lemurians have a very Yin or feminine energy, and for all their power are more gentle-feeling energetically than Yang/masculine crystals. They are very powerful tools for meditation and for healing on all levels. They are excellent for clearing and balancing all chakras.
This information is from Katrina Raphaell and was reprinted from The Crystal Buzz International Newsletter, Issue 12. The Lemurian Seed Crystals are mined in Brazil. They were found at the top of a hill that was being strip-mined for Quartz. These naturally formed generators were found separately in sand and were not attached to clusters. They immediately got attention because they were not like the rest of the Quartz found in clusters in that area. Some, but not all of them, carry a pink to reddish glow. These unique crystals are Clear Quartz but instead of shiny, they appear frosted or dull, like they have a matte finish. Their most unique characteristic is a series of horizontal striations that run up one or more of the sides of the crystal. Usually, these distinct horizontal striations end in a triangular face, forming the apex of the crystal. ~ ~ Katrina goes on to say...Having waited for over a month to receive information about these crystals by the time we finally sat down to meditate with them the first sense I received was that of a powerful group of beings that were ready and waiting to align with the human mind. There was a sense of urgency and I felt that this was the first time a group of humans had consciously aligned with them to receive information. Through the insight of others in the group we came to understand that these beings existed on the earth plane before the time of Lemuria and were part of the natural seeding of star systems. It was during the last days of Lemuria that these crystals were planted within the earth with their specialized purpose. ~~ We came to understand that these "seed" crystals were not programmed with specific information but were rather placed in the rich earth where crystalline growth was expected to form in the coming millennia. These crystals were programmed to transmit frequencies to other crystals that were being created throughout time. A big part of what they relay is the sense of oneness, of unity, of every individual part being equal and no better than any other part and the necessity for love in order to evolve. ~~ It is believed that the race of Lemurians, having seeded our world, left the earth plane for other star systems when life on the surface of the planet could no longer be sustained. However, many of the Lemurians also went into the dimension of inner earth. It is from within that domain that they still care for the earth and are responsible for these crystals surfacing now.
Are said to contain records of the time of Lemuria which we are now beginning to access. It is said that these crystals were planted on the earth by beings from the Pleiades star system to attract their souls to reincarnate on this planet. The Lemurian civilization was fostered by the beings of the Pleiades. The Lemurian Seed Crystals carry memories of their civilization. These crystals are said to have been 'planted' to await their discovery of those that are prepared and able to access the incredible wisdom within. Energetically, these crystals transmit a sence of oneness, unity and the necessity for love in order to evolve. These crystals have been encoded with the knowledge of the healing systems, culture and spirituality of Lemuria. When one is able to receive this information, the appropriate crystal will make itself known to you. To access the information, in a meditative state gently rub the time lines, all the while remaining open and paying close attention to your thoughts, flashes of insight, pictures, feelings and sounds that come forth. They have a very yin energy and they contain & transmit messages of equality and unconditional love from ancient advanced civilizations. A big part of what they relay is the sense of oneness, of unity, of every individual part being equal and no better than any other part and the necessity for love in order to evolve. They are also energy grid links from the Earth to the Stars and other dimensions, excellent for chakra clearing & balancing and they are excellent for dream work - go to sleep holding one. One may also use these crystals to 'travel', via intent, to the time of Lemuria to access the teachings, knowledge and wisdom to bring forth for use in this time. The time lines and etchings indicate the records of experiences 'they have seen' with respect to the healing methodology. They can be recognized by their alternating ruff than smoothness of their six sides. They appear polished but are not and are very clear. They can have a light pink color.
Lepidocrosite Quartz
This is a fantastic crystal that will help access the healing abilities from within and the hematite will assist in grounding and calming. VIBRATION OF LOVE ~ AIDS SELF-LOVE ~ HEART CHAKRA STONE~ Lepidocrocite carries the vibration of LOVE, opens the heart chakra and aids in self-love. It can be used to work on the emotional body and helps in healing old wounds. Lepidocrocite is a powerful energy balancer and healer. It also assists with processing grief, relieving depression and release of self-destructive patterns. It can heal holes in the auric field which have been caused by chemical abuse or by negative attachments or entities. It strengthens your natural psychic protection shield. Lepidocrocite facilitates communication of various types such as verbal, telepathic, emotional. It enhances sending and receiving messages. This stone also strengthens your natural energy shield and surrounds you in a protection cocoon of gold and white light. Only energies for your highest good are allowed through.
Lightbrary Quartz
The term Lightbrary translates to "Libraries of Light" It can be recognized by the appearance of one main terminated point with other smaller castling terminations growing out from the main point. It is one crystal, growing and terminating as many crystals. This configuration has the appearance of a crystal castle. The Lightbraries can contain the sacred 'akashic' knowledge written in the language of light and they remind us of the crystalline cities and temples of Lemuria and Atlantis. They act as energy conduits through which the universal masters can relay specific information that is pertinent to humanity at this time in our evolution. The double spiraling that occurs during the crystal's growth makes this powerful tool extremely sensitive to receiving universal frequencies and human thought forms simultaneously, refining the essence of universal knowledge and converting it into messages that the human mind is capable of comprehending.
Lightning Strike Quartz
Please note that encountering a "Lightning" Quartz is similar in rarity to encountering a Manifestation Crystal ..This formation is a "Grand Formations" which can be used in surviving Earth Changes and has been used to assist one in the recovery from shocks and traumas. It acts as a holophote, both focusing and transferring the light energy in the required direction. It has also been used to bring the energy of love like a lightning bolt. Lightning quartz has been used to support swiftness in breaking the shackles of fear and dominion....Lightning quartz has been used to assist in the removal/relocation of poltergeists and spirits who are experiencing difficulty in the transition from the physical world to the spiritual world. It provides the message to "go to the light" in an expedient and rapid manner. In addition to the Lemurian information which they have been reported to contain, they also contain and easily accessible knowledge of the healing techniques from other planetary worlds. This information is thought to have been transferred to the crystal by extraterrestrial healers who are on-board ships in the select area of Minas Gerais; the transfer being accomplished with the energy of the lightning and during the progressive storms which are subsequent to same. the crystal has also exhibited speed during the facilitation of healing and in the advancement of contact with the extra-terrestrials
Lithium Quartz
This is amazing quartz for the calming and meditative ability. Lithium is a well know medicine for mental disorders due to it's calming and balancing of the brain and emotions.
HEALING AND BALANCING STONE ~ Lithium Quartz is a super high energy healing and balancing stone. It is self-clearing and self-cleansing. Lithium quartz sends and receives energy as well as storing it. Lithium quartz is balancing and calming, and is used in crystal healing as a natural anti-depressant. Emotionally and other ways, lithium quartz is said to relieve stress, anxiety, and tension, bringing relaxation and peace. It works in a gentle and slow but steady and powerful manner, not causing the discomfort of sudden change that some crystals might at times. Lithium quartz is excellent for meditation and prayer. It is used to heal repressed grief and anger, as well as emotional issues from past lives. It is also said to purify water. Physically, lithium quartz is used in crystal healing for stress related disorders, depression, muscular tension, repetitive motion injuries. Lithium quartz is related to activating and balancing all chakras and is handy to work with any individual chakra also.
Like all Lithium and Lepidolite specimens this one has wonderful healing qualities. This is no surprise to metaphysical healers who have known about Lithium for years. Like Lepidolite, Lithium Quartz is a powerful healing tool, that can calm those who are overwrought, keep nightmares at bay and ease tension and stress. Because the Lithium is married to Quartz in these specimens, it brings us the additional qualities of harmony, balance and connection to nature. It is essential to the health of every cell in our being! It's energy is thorough, soothing and essential. It seeks to calm so we may open doorways to our personal sacred truths. Lithium then assists us into the shift of living these truths. It is electrical and has both right and left polarity which strengthens our energy field. It is a wonderful meditation stone carrying us calmly into deep states. For those who are particularly sensitive to energy or are resistant to stronger healing stones, Lithium Quartz will provide and gentle, cleaning and opening energy that will not be upsetting. It works at the heart chakra and at the third eye to connect mind and spirit and allow us to 'feel' our emotions.
Manifestation Quartz
The Manifestation quartz is recognized be a small crystal totally enclosed within a larger crystals. These crystal are quite rare. One must clear any feelings of ambivalence and inner turmoil prior to using this crystal....These crystals can be used to facilitate artistic creativity, creative thinking, agricultural pursuits, and to increase or decrease any aspect of ones life....
The Manifestation crystal is recognized by a small crystal totally enclosed within a larger crystal, and they are very rare. The use of the manifestation crystal requires the inner knowledge that one is a clear and perfect channel, that a pure white light provides the guiding way, and that the purity of the Divine is within the inner self. They can also be used to facilitate artistic creativity, creative thinking, agricultural pursuits, and to increase or decrease any aspect of ones life.
Melody's Stone
Also know as a super seven crystal, often referred to as "Melody's Stone", is a combination of amethyst, smoky quartz, clear quartz, lepidocrocite, goethite, rutile, and Cacoxenite. (Hold these beauties up to the light and look at them through a loupe for an awesome view of this combination!) Areas of the seven minerals may be zoned within smaller segments of this stone, yet these smaller segments will contain all of the energies of the total configuration, even if each mineral is not exhibited separately. Super seven crystals are said to enhance psychic abilities, promote peace and harmony and to be excellent healing crystals.
Merlin Generator Points Excellent quality crystal points with a centrally located point (the facets on the point or tip are equidistant from one another, desirable for generators or wand making). They foster wisdom, focus, magical power and the wisdom to use the crystal in a proper manner.
Metamorphosis Quartz
Metamorphosis Quartz has been used to automatically increase the range, clarity and strength of ones aura.. it also has assisted one in seeing the aura of others...This Mineral is known as "THE stone of transformation", supporting the amplification of energy required for same... it is truly a mineral to assist one in initiating and in persisting in changes, further supporting one during the process... has been used to assist one in intimacy... the mineral is one for healing the self, on all levels
Muscovite with Quartz
This minerals also stimulates the heart chakra and allows the layers of insecurities and uncertainties to disperse...It can be used to lesson self doubt. to promote the acts of looking o the past for lessons which truly have been assimilated... the energy of Muscovite brings quick thinking, succinct and concise expression of ones feeling, and comfort in the exploration of any type of emotional pain which exists within the self.... strengthens the intuitive process... activates an awareness of the higher-self
Nirvana Quartz
ENLIGHTMENT ~ According to Heaven and Earth these crystals came from the Himalaya Mountains and were recently found at elevations over 18,000 feet. The crystals resemble jagged ice sheet and are irregularly formed with deep recesses. They do not exhibit regular six sided bodies and terminations. The Ice crystals tend to be wand like or thick and stubby and are pink or white. Pink is associated more with feminine energy and the heart charka and the white ones with male energy and the third eye. Robert Simmons says they resonate at the intersection of past and future time. There mission is to attune us to the not yet formed potential of what be can be. The word Nirvava connotes enlighten, which both reveals and obscures what the crystals offer. They can be conduits for currents of profound inner illumination, yet this awakening is not an ascension out of the world. It is the incarnation of enlightenment here and now, in the body and on the Earth.
Olive Quartz
Olive Quartz carry all the same energies of Clear Quartz, with a little extra. The extra energies that are discovered in these Olive Quartz (Green-Gold Quartz) Crystals are those that connect with the Heart and Solar-Plexus Chakras. The special vibrations of these Quartz can bring physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Meditating with these crystals can open the Heart Chakra to receive knowledge and inspiration from higher consciousness, and which will in turn be backed up with powerful, creative energies of the Solar-Plexus Chakra. Those who are having trouble determining their purpose in life will enjoy working with these unique crystals and their special energy.
Opal Aura Quartz ( Angel Aura )
Opal Aura (opalescent) quartz crystals are clear/cloudy quartz crystals which have been enhanced with pure platinum; the molecules of the platinum, adhere to the natural electric charge which surrounds the quartz crystal, and are not removed by rubbing or scraping.... these crystals combine both the properties of quartz and platinum to produce a very intense energy... in addition, this crystal form also cleans the aura and acts to stimulate and to cleanse all chakras.
Papagoite Quartz
Papagoite Quartz Crystal Healing The mineral emits a gentle and tranquilizing energy, useful for clearing and opening the throat chakra and the third eye. It assists one in speaking with love and clarity, bringing smoothness to the verbalization of that which is in the mind...... Papagoite provides for an optimistic and broad minded outlook.... can be used to release carefully restrained inhibitions, transforming those limitations to expressions of pleasure.... Used in meditation, Papagoite can assist one in the attainment of a state of extreme beauty and delight.... Papagoite is also quite useful useful in strengthening the bonding of relationships.. The use of the Papagoite and Quartz combination for manifestation is recommended only if one is willing accept and rejoice in that which is fancied
Penetrator Quartz
Penetrator Quartz assists one in getting to the root of the problem. It helps one to move into the center of the activity to which one is determined to move into. It eliminates the blocks to what seems insurmountable and too hard to accomplish. It allows us to move into difficult situations with grace and ease.
Phantom Quartz
It is one of the stones to be used for the redemption and cleansing of the earth. the phantom works to bring together the participants of humanity to save the planet.. specimens are excellent sources of initiating of the healing.. can also be used to access the records of ones progression through past lives. HELPS ALLEVIATE GRIEF AND FEELINGS OF LOSS ~ A crystal that grows over another crystal is called a Phantom. This is a Shaman stone. Helps alleviate grief and feelings of loss. This is an excellent stone to remind you that you can grow beyond your expectations and that you are protected. Promotes courage, good to work with fear & patience issues, addictions, fear of personal power. Stimulates creativity and growth and helps with emotional traumas.
The Phantom crystal is comprised of a white or colored material and may be partial or complete. The phantoms within a crystal provide an indication of the experiences and the transformations the crystal has undergone in its evolution. The crystal represents the many phases and the many types of life which may be experienced during ones lifetime. It is one of the Earth stones to be used for redemption and cleansing of the earth. The energy of the phantom works to bring together the participants of humanity to save the planet. Picture Quartz AKA Scenic Quartz or Chamonix Stone, usually clear with a landscape inside. Brings tranquility to those who gaze at it.
Purple Quartz
Many colors of quartz or formations have their own names, such as amethyst for purple quartz. Crushed amethyst was used by the Ancient Romans as a way to ward off intoxication. They word amethyst comes from the Greek word "amethystus" meaning not drunken, or intoxicated. And there is a Greek legend of how amethyst got its purple color. Once, Dionysis (diety of wine and mischief) was so annoyed by Artemis (a virgin huntress and Lunar deity) that he set his sacred tigers upon a maiden attending her shrine. To preserve the maiden, whose name was Amethyst, Artemis petrified her in sparkling quartz. Lamenting this virgin's demise, Dionysis poured a the contents of his cup over the statue, which immediately became infused with the purple of the grape.
Various varieties of purple colored quartz including Lavender Quartz, Purple Quartz
Prasem Quartz
A rare green colored quartz type found only in Africa. Metaphysical attributes unknown