Healing Crystals & Healing Stones That Begin With B
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Blue Liberite is an ideal ally for attuning to higher realms of consciousness, and for bringing the energies and messages of those domains into one’s awareness. It also has capacity to lift the shroud of depression, anxiety or nervousness. These stones remind one that the Universe is perfect, and oneself as well! They help uplift one’s mood and set the wheels of optimism rolling. In fact, the sense of inner freedom engendered by Blue Liberite is the reason for its name!
Bertrandite helps you put aside the old and easily integrate the new. This crystal helps you express your ideas verbally as well as any feelings you may have been hiding. If you have a lot of physical clutter around you, Bertrandite can help you tone it down--see your way clear to properly clear your space of what is not needed. It helps your brain to be more organized. This is a good crystal for business--helping you conduct your business better as well as publicize it. Bertrandite helps you s
Barium, is an orthorhombic mineral form of barium sulfate(BaSO4). It is the chief barium ore and is also called barytes and barite. It is a white or colorless mineral which is often tinged with blue, brown, gray, red or yellow. It's name is derived from the Greek word "barys" meaning heavy. Barite is used by the Native Americans in their ceremonial practices. They used it to go from physical matter to the spiritual. In Dream Therapy, barite is used to promote and stimulate the dream state
Pakistan. 2nd chakra. A wonderful gemstone for manifesting your dreams and desires. A grounding energy to aid the ideas of thinkers, planners and dreamers, again for manifesting those plans – making things happen. Light bending properties. ‘to lie hidden’ Use as a catalyst for change and refinement. Become less sensitive to things that are upsetting in your physical world. Allows you to feel your emotions but do not become obsessed with them. Releases fear of the unknown.
California 2nd chakra. A wonderful gemstone for manifesting your dreams and desires. A grounding energy to aid the ideas of thinkers, planners and dreamers, again for manifesting those plans – making things happen. Light bending properties. ‘to lie hidden’ Use as a catalyst for change and refinement. Become less sensitive to things that are upsetting in your physical world. Allows you to feel your emotions but do not become obsessed with them. Releases fear of the unknown.
Blue storm is the initiation of fire, the lightening path, the arrival of the thunder beings who bring the final transformation. This crystal is for freedom. It is the point of allowing yourself to be open to your destiny. It is the moment whereby you realise that you are free to do what you wish and that anything is possible if your determined, allowing you to be in harmony with yourself and your surroundings.
Black with purple, violet or blue color - Helps give despondent people the power to master their lives. It's a healer on the physical level, since despondency is the basis of many diseases. It increases our social consciousness and helps us to be more willing to take a stance when we see things as being unfair.
The 'Challengers Stone', encourages the being to face or even take up challenges, with fairness, strength and an open mind. Bronzite helps bring stillness for thought, concentration and composure. It is a stone that encourages an open mind that is fair and non-judgmental not only to the self, but to others and surrounding life. This stone teaches the being to see challenges as an area of learning and living, rather than an area of worry, stress or difficulty.
It is helpful in psychic development, channeling, mediumship, trance work and bringing us to a higher level of spiritual wisdom. It has been called a stone of hope, magic and fulfillment. It can strengthen our will and increase creativity. It can help us recognize and understand what we need to know. It is said to help increase inner strength, vitality, courage, mental clarity, endurance, spiritual focus, intelligence and bring purpose in to our lives.
It is the only gem known in its crystal class. Its beautiful triangular crystals were predicted mathematically before any material in that class was ever found. The cut stones are brilliant blue, from colorless to deep blue and full of fire, since dispersion is only slightly less, equal to, or slightly higher than diamond. In recent years a few pink stones have been faceted. Hardness is satisfactory at 6.5, but it requires some care in setting and wearing it. Stone sizes are small, as only tips
Fosters tolerance, empathy, love, acceptance and a "live and let live" attitude. Excellent for heart , growth, transition, stabilizing.
Brings persistence, altruism, spirituality, healing, strength, learning, communication and comfort.
Beryl has been used for centuries to help stomach, intestines, ulcers, nausea and eating disorders. It works with the mental body for exhaustion, depression and stimulates the mind, nervous system, spine and bones. Beneficial for elimination organs such as the kidneys, liver, and intestines. Helps strengthen the circulatory and pulmonary systems, making them more resistant to toxins and pollutants. Helpful to the eyes, throat and easing a stressed mental state. Beryl is often used as a sedative.
(also known as Goshenite) increases intellectual abilities, wisdom and the capacity to see things from all sides. Stimulates the mind, nervous system, spine, bones, Solar Plexus and 3rd eye, with warm sun energy for mental clarity, confidence, willpower, visualizing, protection. Helps stomach, intestines, works with mental body for exhaustion , depression, ulcers, nausea, eating disorders. Cleans emotional and physical toxins from liver, skin, (including: fear and resentment).
Brings persistence, altruism, spirituality, healing, strength, learning, communication and comfort.
Beryl has been used for centuries to help stomach, intestines, ulcers, nausea and eating disorders. It works with the mental body for exhaustion, depression and stimulates the mind, nervous system, spine and bones. Beneficial for elimination organs such as the kidneys, liver, and intestines. Helps strengthen the circulatory and pulmonary systems, making them more resistant to toxins and pollutants. Helpful to the eyes, throat and easing a stressed mental state. Beryl is often used as a sedative.
Beryl has been used for centuries to help stomach, intestines, ulcers, nausea and eating disorders. It works with the mental body for exhaustion, depression and stimulates the mind, nervous system, spine and bones. Beneficial for elimination organs such as the kidneys, liver, and intestines. Helps strengthen the circulatory and pulmonary systems, making them more resistant to toxins and pollutants. Helpful to the eyes, throat and easing a stressed mental state. Beryl is often used as a sedative.
fosters tolerance, empathy, love, acceptance and a "live and let live" attitude. Excellent for heart , growth, transition, stabilizing.
The healing properties of the element, Bismuth relieves symptoms of isolation, both spiritually and emotionally. As a stone of transformation, it calms disorder and helps push changes in the right direction with a physical vitality, connecting to “all that is”. Energy is transformed from the crown chakra to the base chakra, which is something other stones don’t do. It can be used on all chakras. The power of wisdom can be actualized through Bismuth.
Bloodstone is a calming, grounding, revitalizing strength and to attract wealth. And also for circulation, all purpose healer & cleanser, stomach & bowel pain, purifies bloodstream, bladder and strengthens blood purifying organs. Famous reference to this stone in the bible indicating the likeness to the blood of Christ spilling from the cross. Electro magnetic stone.
Blue John absorbs wisdom from everything and everyone, it holds so much solution and knowledge, that it is to be this is a stone to have a never ending array of teachings that come from a never ending source. It continues to grow and develop, just as the physical and spirit being does. A stone that can be relied upon when situations arise that seem to have no solution, no understanding. Blue John will bring a sense of deep peace and clarity of the mind, guiding the being towards the light
Blizzard Stone protects the body's magnetic field (which uses DC energy) from the outside influences of AC currents and radiation. So, it is good for people who use computers. Blizzard Stone brings discord into accord it is a stone for the 21st century, to help us obtain our goals in ascension. Blizzard Stone helps one to own one's life and let others own their own lives without the need to dominate. It also helps one to realize which areas of one 's life need to be cultivated for one's continue
Gemstone of the Blue/Violet Ray. For enhancing self discipline, persistence and embracing one's highest good
Primarily used to balance and align ones energy field. -They aid in moving energy from the subtle body to the physical body. -Help to recharge the aura and fill empty space with positive energy. -Promote the removal of blockages to allow healing to take place. -Facilitate the balancing of the male and female energies in the body. -Assist in aligning all of the chakras from the crown chakra to the root chakra. -Improve the body's electrical structure by creating an electromagnetic field around it
Bornite compliments an understanding that there is nothing wrong in any aspect of one's incarnation. Everything is for purposeful good. It assists in separating the positive from the negative and allows you to understand the distinct difference.Bornite is one of the strongest healing stones on the mineral kingdom. It has the ability to align every chakra when applied to a given chakra. The energy within Peacock Ore creates a circular, clockwise motion. Even though it is placed on one chakra
Bowenite is known as the stone of fidelity and the dream stone. It enhances ones memory of dreams and helps in dream-solving. It helps release suppressed emotions through the dream process. Place this stone under your pillow before bed to help the above fore mentioned. Astrological Signs of Aries , Gemini , Taurus , & Libra . Vibrates to the master number 11
Flattens and grounds energy. (poor conductor); not generally used for healing. can dull/block energy. May be used as shield, reducing sensitivity and awareness. A common alloy made by combing Copper and Zinc. Recommended by healers as helpful to people who have unusually high levels of metal in their bloodstream, since it is a blood cleanser and detoxifier. Also used for hair loss.
Brazilianite is a wonderful gemstone that is rare and hard to find. The main production area is in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil. It is a energetic crystal that is used to promote creativity and to allow you to focus on all projects. Brazilianite is a good choice for those who wish to release anger and resentment. It will help you to take responsibility for your talents and abilities, offering one a feeling of joy and completeness associated with the third chakra.
Bronze stone healing power: Another alloy, touch is important with this metal. As physical contact with this metal, it can bring on great calmness and deep meaningful thoughts, leading to a far greater insight into your problems.
Stone for Energy Work Brookite helps you to withstand intolerable situations. Attracts and retains energy. Excellent for energizing chakras, auras, environment and other crystals.
The Ancient and helpful can connect with the owner of this stone to bring help and understanding for the good of all. Verdite aka Budstone, Buddstone, Bud Stone, African Jade, is a stone that stimulates the energy centers/chakras. It can assist the movement of Kundalini. Often, verdite is used to access and assimilate ancient knowledge. Emotionally, verdite brings consistency, stability, and fortitude. Physically verdite is used for cleansing the blood, removing toxins, and genital disorders.
4th and 6th chakras. Bustamite is found with Sugilite and Richterite in South Africa. It is a very colorful and beautiful stone which many are drawn to. I have been out of this material for some time and was looking forward to the Tucson show so I could make my purchase! Being one of the first to look through this material at the gem show, this new stock is a better grade and much deeper in color. Use Bustamite to activate the heart chakra, re-align the energy channels, and to stimulate health