Columbian Green Obsidian
Colombian Green Obsidian Stimulates Throat Chakra, communication, helps in astral travel, Tarot reading. Helps keep away negativity and is an extremely protective stone when traveling. Helps with directional knowledge, as well, particularly for sensitive people.
The color of obsidian varies depending on the presence of impurities.
Obsidian in general is a protective stone, though the blue version does not have the grounding qualities of most of the others. Rather it boosts intuition and insight, and improves psychic communication, so this pendulum will be exceptionally useful in personal development work at a spiritual level. Be warned, though - blue obsidian is not for the faint-hearted. It will flush out anything that hinders your growth somewhat emphatically.
Green Obsidian: Heals broken crystals and charges them. Balances Heart Chakra. Assists in energy healing during Reiki. This beautiful stone allows for a connection with nature and the self-realizations of love, tenderness and the significance of nurturing.