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Tourmaline Healing Crystals & Healing Stones
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Ancient legend says that tourmaline is found in all colors because it traveled along a rainbow and gathered all the the rainbow's colors.

Tourmaline is believed to strengthen the body and spirit, especially the nervous system, blood, and lymph's. It is also thought to inspire creativity and was used extensively as a talisman by artists and writers.

Tourmaline is a powerful, electromagnetic, striated gem. Strengthens body and spirit (and meridians), transmutes lower frequency thought/energy to a higher frequency of light and brings light/spirit into the physical. Radiates light protection for wearer. Clears higher frequency, effectiveness. Especially for nervous system; blood/lymph toxins.


Tourmaline healing power : A powerful, electromagnetic, striated gem. Strengthens body and spirit (and meridians), transmutes lower frequency thought / energy to a higher frequency of light and brings light/spirit into the physical. Radiates light protection for wearer. Clears higher frequency, effectiveness. Especially for nervous system; blood / lymph toxins. Black: Powerfully deflects/shields against unwanted or dark energies, especially for sensitive people. Grounds spiritual / light energy into root chakra, for centeredness amid chaos. Neutralizes fears, resentment, neurosis, obsessions, intestinal or spine energy blocks, toxins, constipation. Place at feet, knees, or base of spine for grounded ness during/after healing. Radiation protection.




Black Tourmaline also aids in the removal of negative energies within a person or a space. Black Tourmaline will cleanse, purify, and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration. A popular metaphysical stone, Black Tourmaline is also great for grounding. It balances, harmonizes, and protects all of the Chakras.


In the metaphysical world, Blue Tourmaline is a crystal of Spirit and peace, providing for deep meditation and bringing past hurts to the surface for healing. It encourages the release of emotional bonds and frees the mind to explore a higher consciousness and spiritual connection.


Dravite Tourmaline assists you to feel compassion for all aspects of who you are. This brown crystal brings a gentle and soothing healing of your emotional body, as its energy within the heart chakra helps you to relax and let go.

    Cat's Eye Tourmaline

There are legends and lore, beliefs and crystal powers belonging to cat's eye gems and more specifically, cat's eye tourmaline. Legends state that it can repel negative energy and protect its wearer. It is an excellent crystal to wear when experiencing stressful situations


The rarest of the rare type of tourmaline called achroite is a colorless healing crystal. It is infamous for warding off evil forces from the wearer and its surroundings. Colorless Tourmaline helps to divert from the path of confusion and wrongth easily as it is a protective type of healing crystal.


The healing energies of Green Tourmaline will strengthen your ability to release your stress and ease your anxieties. The healing power of the color green, combined with the powerful energy work that Tourmalines are known for, can quickly realign your energy centers and purify negative energies

    Golden or pink/"Champagne" Tourmaline Crystal.

Physically, Champagne Tourmaline is great for self-healing, and has been credited with purifying the blood, healing bowel ailments, and stimulating physical regeneration of ailing or diseased organs, including intestines and skin.


Multi-coloured tourmaline is said to strengthen weak souls and bring about self confidence in them. It helps release tension and anxiety and increases one's level of tolerance. It guards the nervous system and improves the immune system.


The electric energy of Paraiba Tourmaline can inspire the owner's mind. This gemstone is popular among people in the field of art or design. It is also good for researchers or managers of a company. Paraiba Tourmaline also has a meaning and properties of releasing stress.


It has balancing properties which help one to move away from extremes, and into more equitable emotional and intellectual perspectives. Pink Tourmaline (Rubellite) opens and brings a higher vibration to the Heart Chakra. It is excellent for connecting with the Earth on an emotional level.


The Rubellite Tourmaline properties are extremely beneficial for heart chakra healing, setting love intentions or building love crystal grids. In addition to working with the heart chakra, Rubellite tourmaline connects with the root chakra to bring strength, courage and conviction to all your endeavors in love.


Emotional: Purple Tourmaline can be used to explore the roots and ramifications of our belief systems, both material and spiritual. It has an extremely calming vibration, and can help reduce PTSD symptoms such as compulsive thinking/reliving memories


Watermelon Tourmaline Crystal Healing Properties: Watermelon Tourmaline is a combination of pink and green Tourmaline that soothes the heart and counters anger or resentment. Used in meditation it assists with calming the mind and the emotions, allowing us to release stress.


There are many people that use Yellow Tourmaline as a healing gemstone. It is useful when you want a peace of mind or want to get rid of bad energy from your body. A good thing of Yellow Tourmaline is it can vitalize and heal at the same time. It would give you the energy to make a progress while healing your stress.

Other Tourmaline

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