SYNERGY 12 Selenite Mandala Power Disc
NOTE: Pictured Disc is an example, shapes and colors will vary
White Azeztulite*
Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite*
Tibetan Tektite
*Azozeo Super-Activated!
“One may work with these Selenite Mandala Power Discs in various ways, including holding one or more of them during a meditation or spiritual healing session, placing one over the heart, or on another chakra point during a body layout, placing one or more of them in one’s environment, sleeping with one or more of these (wrapped in soft cloth or a pouch), or merely picking one up and holding it for a few moments each day. The energies of all the stones in these Mandala Power Discs are greatly amplified and beautifully integrated. Selenite also has the quality of purification, which means that tools, into which one has incorporated a Selenite base, seldom if ever need energetic clearing or cleansing. To broadcast the energies of these discs through an entire room or building, I recommend placing one in the center of an array of quartz crystals or Selenite wands. The energies inherent in the Mandala Disc will then emanate in all directions!” —Robert Simmons
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