Cinnabar heals and purifies blood. It imparts strength and flexibility to the physical body, stabilizes weight and enhances fertility. Reputed to give wearer long life. Connected with all things physical, exercise and to keep fit.
A colorful mineral that is unique to the mineral color palette-an attractive cinnamon to scarlet red. Well shaped crystals are uncommon and the twinned crystals are considered classics among collectors. The twinning in cinnabar is distinctive and forms a penetration twin that is ridged with six ridges surrounding the point of a pyramid. It could be thought of as two scalahedral crystals grown together with one crystal going the opposite way of the other crystal. Cinnabar was mined by the Roman Empire for its mercury content and it has been the main ore of mercury throughout the centuries. Some mines used by the Romans are still being mined today. Cinnabar shares the same symmetry class with quartz but the two form different crystal habits
Cinnabar- is a mercury sulfide. Cinnabar links East and West traditions of alchemy, because it is made of the two elements important to each tradition. From the tradition of Western alchemy, we know that mercury represents the soul and sulfur represents the spirit, therefore cinnabar bridges what is honestly real and deep within each of us to what is supremely divine. In the East, cinnabar and mercury represented re-birth and the ability to regenerate. Together they symbolize the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Eastern alchemy ignored sulfur as a spiritual element, and focused on extracting mercury to obtain the substance they believed conferred immortality or at the very least long life. However, just the opposite was true. It was not uncommon to ingest mercury which led to early death and brain dysfunction. Today, cinnabar is crushed and reconstituted for jewelry purposes, but some natural specimens are available. Cinnabar is good for conditioning reflexes as it provides feedback to the autonomic nervous system regarding physical exercise and practice. It is useful for all professions or interests which involve developing reflexes, such as race car driving, hunting, martial arts, etc. With clear quartz, cinnabar can be utilized to strengthen the nervous system and brain wave polarities. Cinnabar reduces and balances overactive electromagnetic impulses, and can be helpful for sleep apnea, Turrette's Syndrome, and Parkinson's disease, among others. Cinnabar was used historically as vermilion pigment. Cinnabar is listed as an Etheric Conditioner in the Spiritual Apothecary. (1st and 12th chakras)
Said to attract abundance - try keeping cinnabar in your wealth corner.
Warning: Since Cinnabar is mercury based, caution should be used in the handling of it. It is poisonous if ingested, so wash your hands after handling it. Cinnabar (mercury sulfide) is the single most toxic mineral to handle on Earth. The name of the crystal means dragons blood, and it is the main ore of mercury. Forming near volcanos and sulfur deposits, the bright red crystals signal danger of the worst kind. Cinnabar may release pure mercury if disturbed or heated, causing tremors, loss of sensation and death. In the Middle Ages and late 1700s, being sent to work in Spanish mines containing cinnabar formations was widely considered a death sentence. Cinnabar was widely used in Chinese history for ornamental food dishes, and intricate carvings were created from chunks of it, sometimes at the expense of the artisans. Even more incredibly, some ancient medical practitioners believed cinnabar held healing powers, and prescribed it for certain conditions.