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Healing Jasper Stone Family  A-O, For P-Z
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African Map Jasper aka Spotted Jasper
A variety of jasper that has markings much like giraffes, cheetahs and hyenas in Africa. This stone can have spots in tan, black and a variety of browns ranging from a reddish-brown to cappuccino.
African Prase Jasper,  Green is the color of healing and traveling back in time. It will balance the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness. Green is a good general healing color because it stimulates growth therefore it is good for helping heal broken bones - regrowth of tissue of all kinds. Green is also alchemy - the alchemy of consciousness from one realm to another through the spiraling energies of DNA - Sacred Geometry. Green as a healing frequency can be placed around family members who are ill.

Apple Jasper aka Apple Green Jasper  Faith Properties: Jasper is known for its exceedingly soothing properties. It is supposed to balance all the energy centers (charkas) by balancing the ida-pingala or yin yang. It is nurturing and is said to create conditions for supreme bliss. It has salubrious effect on the stomach and liver.  Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!!


Arizona Lizard Stone Jasper This stone occurs in colors ranging from light to dark green. It promotes healing on all levels, allowing the body to reject the cause of the disease. Disorders of the skin and bloating are assisted by Arizona Lizard Stone. It alleviates headaches and provides emotional stability. Energy blockages which may lead to poor circulation can be removed through the use of this stone 
Autumn Jasper coloring varies from sand to brownish to red color. According to American Indian belief Jasper is thought to protect against negativity and promotes healing.

Basanite (Black Jasper) Is a useful scrying stone. It takes you deep into an altered state of consciousness and brings prophetic dreams and visions

Bat Cave Jasper This stone ranges from chocolate brown to tan. It is useful in helping to find one’s center and facilitating very deep states meditation. Stress is released with the “gentleness of a summer breeze.” Bat Cave Jasper assists in the transition to astral as well as the journey itself. It helps in the purification of the body and stimulates motor functions. Night vision is enhanced.

Black Jasper is great for the lower chakras, making it an excellent stone for grounding the energies of one who may be experiencing spaciness. This property can greatly help those with a lack of emotional and/or physical stability. Black Jasper is also good for connecting one's higher vibrations to the earth, helping with manifestation work. Black Jasper is exceptionally cleansing and can bring support during a healing crisis.

Black Silver Leaf Jasper shares silver leaf jasper's patterns of lines and bands of earthy colors, but is generally darker and rarely includes shades of red.

Black Spot Jasper aka Spot Jasper for healing, protection, health, beauty, & energy  White includes all of the colors spectrum. It represents the source of conscious creation. It will purify the body on the highest levels. It is the highest charging field to bring peace and comfort at the highest level. The Frequency of White Light White has always been seen as transcendent - pure - perfection - innocence, chastity - triumphant of spirit over the flesh. White is the color most often connected to cleanliness or clean - with phrases like "Pure White" or white and clean. These are some of the reasons a bride wears white in most societies. White denotes spiritual authority

Black White Jasper Black jasper and white jasper is a wonderful way to balance yin-yang and male-female energies. Try using one in each hand can really enhance your meditations and energy work. White Jasper is great for the upper chakras and for clearing negative energy. White Jasper is also good for connecting to the spiritual and angelic realms as they reflect the purity of Spirit.

Zebra Stone Jasper
Black Zebra Jasper   Zebra Jasper is a form of jasper with dark and white stripes, like a zebra. It is a striking gemstone that is believed to motivate and energize you to overcome apathy and transform your ideas into action. Zebra Jasper is also said to give you the courage to get to grips with your problems, and to give you the determination to see projects through to completion.  White includes all of the colors spectrum. It represents the source of conscious creation. It will purify the body on the highest levels. It is the highest charging field to bring peace and comfort at the highest level. The Frequency of White Light White has always been seen as transcendent - pure - perfection - innocence, chastity - triumphant of spirit over the flesh. White is the color most often connected to cleanliness or clean - with phrases like "Pure White" or white and clean. These are some of the reasons a bride wears white in most societies. White denotes spiritual authority

Brown Zebra Jasper  Zebra Jasper is a form of jasper with dark and white stripes, like a zebra. It is a striking gemstone that is believed to motivate and energize you to overcome apathy and transform your ideas into action. Zebra Jasper is also said to give you the courage to get to grips with your problems, and to give you the determination to see projects through to completion.

Blue Jasper   Connects you to the spiritual world. It stimulates the throat chakra; balances yin-yang energy, and stabilizes the aura. This stone sustains energy during a fast, heals degenerative diseases, and balances mineral deficiency. Position: Navel and heart chakra for astral travel.  Blue is the color of electricity. We live in a program created by electromagnetic energy - blue white ...back to source. Blue is the color of truth, serenity and harmony, by helping to soothe the mind. Blue is good for cooling, calming, reconstructing and protecting. Blue will help feverish conditions, it will help stop bleeding and it will help with nervous irritations. It is very good for burns. Too much blue could leave you cold, depressed and sorrowful.

Blue Mountain Jasper - Blue is the color of electricity. We live in a program created by electromagnetic energy - blue white ...back to source. Blue is the color of truth, serenity and harmony, by helping to soothe the mind. Blue is good for cooling, calming, reconstructing and protecting. Blue will help feverish conditions, it will help stop bleeding and it will help with nervous irritations. It is very good for burns. Too much blue could leave you cold, depressed and sorrowful.

Blue Snowflake Jasper  aka Gold Spot Sodalite  This gemstone, while named for its similarity to sodalite, is a actually a jasper. With natural, copper-colored flecks sprinkled in random, cozy nooks of each bead, it reminds us of snowflakes falling against a vivid sky, with the sun peeking through where it can!   Blue is the color of electricity. We live in a program created by electromagnetic energy - blue white ...back to source. Blue is the color of truth, serenity and harmony, by helping to soothe the mind. Blue is good for cooling, calming, reconstructing and protecting. Blue will help feverish conditions, it will help stop bleeding and it will help with nervous irritations. It is very good for burns. Too much blue could leave you cold, depressed and sorrowful.

Brecciated Jasper  A stone for shamans.  It heals mental stress and clears us clear headed.  Enhances organizational abilities, relaxation and a sense of wholeness.  Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink combines these energies. Shades of deep pink, such as magenta, are effective in neutralizing disorder and aggressiveness. Light pink brings about a very calming effect. Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness and self-worth

Brick & Mortar Jasper   The peach frequency is used for peace, truth, and balance.  Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!!

Brown Jasper  Brown Patterned Jasper  Helps one find stability and balance. Benefits ailments that result from environmental pollution. Boosts the immune system and assist in extracting pollutants and toxins from the body. Keep in mind that this process takes some time since Jaspers work slowly. Helps one become more ecologically aware. Well suited for use by people who wish to relive past events through regression or analysis. Grounding, centering, self-esteem. 

Brown Zebra Jasper

Bruneau Jasper Color combinations of brown, tan, and ivory in circular patterns occur in Bruneau Jasper. The patterns occasionally form eye-like structures. Bruneau Jasper is useful in helping the user to see the interconnectedness of all things and worlds, including past lives, while maintaining a firm awareness of the physical world.   The health of the eyes is affected by Bruneau Jasper. Bacterial infections and diseases of the reproductive system are helped by this stone, as are disorders within the fatty tissues of the body. It is a good stone for bodily transitions of age. The herbalist may find it useful for the intuitive preparation of herbal combinations.  Red is the color of energy, vitality and power. It is used for burning out cancer, drying up weeping sores or wounds, etc., it will warm cold areas to reduce pain. Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!!

Bumblebee Jasper  Bumble Bee Jasper (or Bumblebee) is actually a combination of volcanic matter, anhydrite, hematite, sulfur, arsenic, etc. There is much debate over whether it is a true jasper or an agate, as some have called it. The lovely patterns on this stone often imitate the coloring found on bumblebees, hence the name. The yellow coloring is due to the presence of sulfur, which is toxic, as is arsenic, so care should be taken - always wash your hands after handling.

Chameleon Jasper,  Green is the color of healing and traveling back in time. It will balance the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness. Green is a good general healing color because it stimulates growth therefore it is good for helping heal broken bones - regrowth of tissue of all kinds. Green is also alchemy - the alchemy of consciousness from one realm to another through the spiraling energies of DNA - Sacred Geometry. Green as a healing frequency can be placed around family members who are ill.

Chapenite Jasper is a combination of beige and milk chocolate brown.  No healing information available

Cherry Orchard Jasper, also known as Septinite   Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!!

Chocolate Jasper   Restoration of: Honor, integrity, intuition & communication, Healing for: Immune system, skin disorders, kidneys & depression

Cobra Jasper aka King Cobra - Helps us to realize that we are all part of the whole, no one is separate.  Helps give us confidence in taking the next step in one's true path.  Helps enable us to know that sometimes what others feel is right for us, in fact, may not be healthy for our spirit.  Also properties for Green Jasper - Helps balance energies between members of the opposite sex, balances and clears all Chakra's and removes energy blocks. It balances both highly energized people and those who may be too mellow. 

Colorful Thread Jasper    Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink combines these energies. Shades of deep pink, such as magenta, are effective in neutralizing disorder and aggressiveness. Light pink brings about a very calming effect. Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness and self-worth

Combination Jasper  Healing properties of both jaspers will apply 

Dalmatian Jasper aka Dalmatiner gives stamina and helps you avoid sprains and spasms.  It helps with cartilage problems and purifies the blood.  Helps us see our own strengths and weaknesses.  Brings a sense of fun and protects from nightmares.  Helps with calming animals.  White includes all of the colors spectrum. It represents the source of conscious creation. It will purify the body on the highest levels. It is the highest charging field to bring peace and comfort at the highest level. The Frequency of White Light White has always been seen as transcendent - pure - perfection - innocence, chastity - triumphant of spirit over the flesh. White is the color most often connected to cleanliness or clean - with phrases like "Pure White" or white and clean. These are some of the reasons a bride wears white in most societies. White denotes spiritual authority  Polka Dot Jasper

Dragon Blood Jasper   Brings joy to community interactions. Increases courage & strength. Physical heart healing. Grounds spiritual energy through heart chakra

Dry Lake Jasper - It helps us connect to the earth and brings stability and balance. It can help us achieve deep meditation and  center oneself.  It also helps us with past life regression, revealing the karmic causes for what is happening in this lifetime.  Also all the general properties of Jasper.

Earthtone Jasper  -  It helps us connect to the earth and brings stability and balance. It can help us achieve deep meditation and  center oneself.  It also helps us with past life regression, revealing the karmic causes for what is happening in this lifetime.  Also all the general properties of Jasper.

Easter Egg Jasper  -  Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink combines these energies. Shades of deep pink, such as magenta, are effective in neutralizing disorder and aggressiveness. Light pink brings about a very calming effect. Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness and self-worth

Elephant Skin Jasper    Elephant Skin Jasper healing for grounding, introspection, dissolving negative energy, balance, & stability

Exotica Jasper - Silver/Grey is the color of peace and persistence. It is the major purging color so it is very good for removing unwanted diseases and troubles from the body. It is best for cancer of tissue and blood. Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present.

Fancy Jasper aka India Agate 
This gemstone is an opaque creamy beige or gray stone with lavender, green, pink, orange or red swirls and specks. It is said to facilitate tranquility and help eliminate worry and depression. It also might bring mental clarity.   Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present.

Fire Cracker Jasper  -  No healing information available

Fire Jasper  Forest Fire Jasper -  Fire jasper stands out with earthy shades of red, terra cotta, gray and brown.  Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!!

Flame Jasper    Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!!

Flower Jasper aka Flower Wood Jasper & Chinese Flower Jasper   Flower jasper is a whimsical gemstone; its cream base is swirled with gray, mauve, raspberry and mustard. This stone is currently very difficult to find on the market. It is said to lift spirits, soothe a broken heart (by activating the heart chakra) and help one break out of depression.   Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink combines these energies. Shades of deep pink, such as magenta, are effective in neutralizing disorder and aggressiveness. Light pink brings about a very calming effect. Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness and self-worth

Fossil Coral Jasper   Spiritually- self-expression, Subconsciously- Eases fear as well as emotional and social strain, Mentally- Promotes ability to communicate, team spirit.  Physically- Helps with breathing difficulties 

Frog Skin Jasper - Frogskin jasper has a very cool frog-like pattern.  Green is the color of healing and traveling back in time. It will balance the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness. Green is a good general healing color because it stimulates growth therefore it is good for helping heal broken bones - regrowth of tissue of all kinds. Green is also alchemy - the alchemy of consciousness from one realm to another through the spiraling energies of DNA - Sacred Geometry. Green as a healing frequency can be placed around family members who are ill.

Geometric Jasper,  -  Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present.

Grey Jasper  This ash-colored gemstone is decorated with reddish-brown and white patches. Silver/Grey is the color of peace and persistence. It is the major purging color so it is very good for removing unwanted diseases and troubles from the body. It is best for cancer of tissue and blood.

Green Leaf Jasper aka Chinese Writing Stone, Firework Jasper The geometric pale green patterns against its deep green background bring to mind a tree in the afternoon shade.  Green is the color of healing and traveling back in time. It will balance the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness. Green is a good general healing color because it stimulates growth therefore it is good for helping heal broken bones - regrowth of tissue of all kinds. Green is also alchemy - the alchemy of consciousness from one realm to another through the spiraling energies of DNA - Sacred Geometry. Green as a healing frequency can be placed around family members who are ill.

Green Jasper, Green Line Jasper, Green Pattern Jasper, Green Tree Jasper, Green Vein Jasper - Is used for Respiratory/Heart Chakra work. Especially suited to tempering aspects of your life that have taken on too great an importance. Works as a gentle daily reminder that the whole is only the result of all the parts. Works best on ailments of the upper torso, digestive tract, and the cleansing organs. General healer. Stomach problems, hallucinations, restful sleep. This verdant stone is considered the great balancer, connecting the physical and spiritual sides of a person. Mystics note that it doesn't follow the usual properties of green, such as fertility.

Green Zebra Jasper 
This gemstone has jagged banding of hunter-to-mint green and snow white. Mystics say the light stripes inspire faith, joy and optimism, while the dark sections inspire endurance, confidence and strength. It is said to ease depression and steady mood swings.

Green Spot Jasper   Spot Jasper for healing, protection, health, beauty, & energy   Green is the color of healing and traveling back in time. It will balance the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness. Green is a good general healing color because it stimulates growth therefore it is good for helping heal broken bones - regrowth of tissue of all kinds. Green is also alchemy - the alchemy of consciousness from one realm to another through the spiraling energies of DNA - Sacred Geometry. Green as a healing frequency can be placed around family members who are ill.

Green Vein Jasper, Black, Red, Blue, Dragon Vein Jasper - Green is the color of healing and traveling back in time. It will balance the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness. Green is a good general healing color because it stimulates growth therefore it is good for helping heal broken bones - regrowth of tissue of all kinds. Green is also alchemy - the alchemy of consciousness from one realm to another through the spiraling energies of DNA - Sacred Geometry. Green as a healing frequency can be placed around family members who are ill.

Harmony Jasper aka Dumar Stone, Lotus Jasper, Peace Jasper, Peace Stone
The soothing greens and mottled whites of this gemstone remind us of the surf crumbling on the beach. Some beads also include patches of gray, pink or lavender.

Imperial Jasper    Royal Imperial Jasper is seen to personify our journey towards God. The forgetting of what we have been before and the revealing of who we are as spiritual beings - the suffering of tribulation in this present world and the end of suffering by living from a soul state. This rare Jasper Allows us to understand that we are apart of God and everything, that we never have to be afraid. Royal Imperial jasper provides protection to reduce fears and insecurities.  Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink combines these energies. Shades of deep pink, such as magenta, are effective in neutralizing disorder and aggressiveness. Light pink brings about a very calming effect. Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness and self-worth

Imperial Purple Jasper 
This regal jasper is rich with purples, browns and beiges. It exhibits a combination of spots, swirls and spindly matrix. Imperial purple jasper is found in South Africa. 

Impression Jasper - Previously labeled variscite, this stone has proven to be somewhat of a mystery. We know that it is a natural jasper-like material, but no one in the market knows what to call it yet. Impression Jasper has become the accepted trade name, but the scientific name has yet to be identified. This stone has become very popular in the market for its beautiful green/blue color and sandy matrix pattern.

Indian Paintbrush Jasper - It helps us connect to the earth and brings stability and balance. It can help us achieve deep meditation and  center oneself.  It also helps us with past life regression, revealing the karmic causes for what is happening in this lifetime.  Also all the general properties of Jasper.

Itasy Jasper  -  There are several stones on the market with the name itasy jasper. The peach frequency is used for peace, truth, and balance.  Some are composed of pastel shades and varying patterns of tan, gray, cream, white and peach; others include deeper shades of red and yellow and look similar to what we call fancy jasper. The name itasy comes from a volcano in Madagascar and the surrounding region. However, we have been unable to verify this jasper is actually mined in the vicinity of Itasy.  Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink combines these energies. Shades of deep pink, such as magenta, are effective in neutralizing disorder and aggressiveness. Light pink brings about a very calming effect. Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness and self-worth

Ivory Jasper
Another Mexican Jasper (Mexico is full of unique and incredible chalcedonies), this dark tan stone is decorated with black lines criss-crossing its surface. You can utilize the Ivory Jasper as an anchor during astral travel, or for meditating on the outcomes of various choices.

Jicorite Jasper   -   It helps us connect to the earth and brings stability and balance. It can help us achieve deep meditation and  center oneself.  It also helps us with past life regression, revealing the karmic causes for what is happening in this lifetime.  Also all the general properties of Jasper.  Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink combines these energies. Shades of deep pink, such as magenta, are effective in neutralizing disorder and aggressiveness. Light pink brings about a very calming effect. Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness and self-worth

Kambaba Jasper aka Brecciated Army Jasper, Camo Stone   Kambaba Jasper is an exotic looking jasper from Africa, Its pattern includes speckles and concentric rings. It contains a jumbled jungle of forest green, mint green, black and brown. It is said to mystically soothe the nerves and state of mind. As with other jaspers, traditional lore says that it is good for grounding and protection. It is purported to be beneficial for plant growth and health, particularly in arid environments or where the soil is poor. Crystal healing lore says that Kambaba Jasper helps dietary stabilization, assimilation of vitamins and minerals, and cleansing the body of toxins.  

Kiwi Jasper becomes warm when held, with a sense of healing, and the feet become warm too, also felt peaceful and relaxed.

Leopard Jasper or Leopard Skin Jasper    Protection stone, connects to solar plexus to form shield; also protection stone for travel. Balances the yin-yang energies.  Stabilized the aura and eliminates negativity. Can be used for dowsing.   Bring what one needs. Note that it doesn't necessarily bring in what you want. However, it is a wonderfully supporting stone. Brings you what you need  

Mahogany Jasper  -  Stones of Red are projecting stones which assists in destroy disease, strengthens conscious, courage, strength, physical energy, luck, and success. Red stones are used for protection, courage, energy. Help with blood, relieve anemia, stop bleeding, heal rashes and wounds.  

Maple Jasper - These Maple Jasper stones have wonderful browns, tan, red and black flowing through them.

Marble Jasper  -  Marble Jasper, aka Brown Jasper - It helps us connect to the earth and brings stability and balance. It can help us achieve deep meditation and  center oneself.  It also helps us with past life regression, revealing the karmic causes for what is happening in this lifetime.  Also all the general properties of Jasper.

Mary Ellen Jasper - Stones of Red are projecting stones which assists in destroy disease, strengthens conscious, courage, strength, physical energy, luck, and success. Red stones are used for protection, courage, energy. Help with blood, relieve anemia, stop bleeding, heal rashes and wounds.   Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!!

Mexican Zebra Jasper aka Black and White Zebra Jasper 
This black-and-white, jaggedly-striped gemstone from Mexico is actually a calcite. It has become known as jasper on the market (likely because its irregular pattern resembles that of jasper), so we've kept its recognized name.  White includes all of the colors spectrum. It represents the source of conscious creation. It will purify the body on the highest levels. It is the highest charging field to bring peace and comfort at the highest level. The Frequency of White Light White has always been seen as transcendent - pure - perfection - innocence, chastity - triumphant of spirit over the flesh. White is the color most often connected to cleanliness or clean - with phrases like "Pure White" or white and clean. These are some of the reasons a bride wears white in most societies. White denotes spiritual authority

Misty Mountain Jasper - It helps us connect to the earth and brings stability and balance. It can help us achieve deep meditation and  center oneself.  It also helps us with past life regression, revealing the karmic causes for what is happening in this lifetime.  Also all the general properties of Jasper.

Mottled Jasper  wear for protection against drowning   Luck, love, stimulates sexual gratification and love of life. This stone is rare and expensive. When worn it draws luck and good fortune. It's also used in love spells. Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money.

Mookaite Jasper   Australian Mookaite Jasper aka Mookite Jasper:  Associated with the lower chakras and is very protective. It's an excellent emotional protector, and as a root chakra stone, so can protect physically as well. a balancing and helps with acceptance of change. It is also good for the immune system and for stabilizing root health issues.  Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!!

Mozarkite Jasper -A beautiful Jasper found in Southwest Missouri, that is one of the Brecciated Jaspers. The wonderful array of colors comes from two different stones that came together. Rhodonite mixed in with the broken Quartz as these gemstones reformed coloring the gemstone pink, red, brown, blue and gray. Another Jasper that brings joy and can also be used to align all seven Chakra.

Muddy Jasper   Muddy jasper is characterized by its rich caramel coloring and mottled patterns of gray, cream and dark brown.  

New Haven Jasper   Combination of many  colors makes this Jasper a soothing stone  Purple is also a color that will connect you with your spiritual self. It is good for mental and nervous problems. It will assist very well with rheumatism and epilepsy. Helps with pain, is used in deep tissue work and helps heal the bones. Too much purple and you don't tend to live in this world.

Ocean Jasper  aka Fisheye Jasper, Orbicular Jasper, Ocean Wave Jasper, Ocean Jasper is produced from only one mine near Marovato, Madagascar. The deposit, being located at the edge of the ocean, can only be seen and collected at low tide. This remote area has no roads so the material must be transported to civilization by boat. Technically considered "Orbicular Jasper" in reference to its colorful orbs, some have adopted the name "Moon Jewel Jasper." But "Ocean Jasper" seems most fitting, as it was found right along the shore. Orbicular jasper's distinctive patterns are made up of round or spherical inclusions of contrasting colors floating in solid jasper. The orbs can range in diameter from a millimeter to a centimeter, and frequently show a particularly dramatic concentric banding. How orbicular jasper forms is still a scientific mystery. This stone helps one to accept responsibilities, develop patience and help with circular breathing during meditation. Orbicular Jasper allows for nutritional stabilization, to improve digestion and assist in detoxification and elimination.


Bright Orange Jasper - Its creativity juices are extremely intoxicating and sweet tasting. Wearing orange is fun and can make me feel quite playful. If I wore orange all the time I'd never get any work done. Orange cries out for me to get out into the world and create something grand.

Orbicular Jasper  - Ocean Jasper (also called Orbicular Jasper) is an unusual jasper found only at a remote location on the coast of Madagascar that can only be mined at low tide! The colors vary widely - including white, green, pink, red, black, blue. The wild polka dots, wavy lines, multi colored floret patterns of Ocean Jasper make this a gorgeous and exciting stone. The positive vibrations of Ocean Jasper make it a stone of joy. Stimulates solar plexus, heart and throat chakras, Increases expression of love in words and actions, Gently brings into focus the positive aspects of one's life, Brings relaxation and cooperation to the home or workplace. This powerful stone lifts negativity so one can fully appreciate blessings

Owyhee Jasper - Owyhee Jasper is a domestic stone, first discovered in the Owyhee mountains of Idaho.  Metaphysical Lore: According to Melody, this stone's metaphysical properties include, but are not limited to: assisting healing of animals, dissipation of energy blockages, activating hand and foot chakras, fostering in connection to Earth and ones natural senses Earth healing, fostering healing with crystal and stones, enhancing personal.  Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!! flexibility.

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