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Citrine: Clear yellow Quartz looking, but is really burnt Amethyst, (Yellow from Iron.) For Solar Plexus Chakra.  Known as the Merchants Stone, brings money into your life, when kept in your wallet, you will never be without cash.


Mental and emotional clarity. Problem-solving, memory, will power, optimism, confidence, self-discipline, digestion. Reduces anxiety, fear, depression, stomach tension, food disorders, allergies. Detoxification: Spleen, kidneys, liver, urinary system, intestines. Electromagnetic. Citrine is one of two crystals which never have to be cleansed of negative energy. 
An energizing and highly beneficial crystal. Its color is usually a pale golden yellow, but can be found in darker shades as well, although some literature considers the darkest crystals to be Smoky Quartz. The Celtic people of Scotland call the dark Citrine crystals Morion and Cairngorm. They are invigorating and positive. Can surround and fill anyone with its brilliant color, energizing every aspect of life. Increases motivation and promotes physical activity, which in turn improves digestion and helps the cleansing organs. May also work as a detoxifier for the blood. Persons involved with education or business will especially benefit. Can guide you to harness and utilize your creative energy. Helps us analyze events and steer them in a positive direction. Develops inner calm and security, and makes us less sensitive and more open to constructive criticism. Can dispel negative feelings and help us to accept the flow of events.


A stone that is specifically known to be helpful for diabetes is Citrine. Sunny Citrine carries a warm vibration that promotes the healthy function of the metabolism, pancreas, spleen, and organs of elimination. Commonly used for manifestation programs, Citrine cleanses all of the chakras, and sends its high vibrations specifically into the Sacral and Solar-Plexus Chakras, bringing a improved self-image and self-confidence to the user. Citrine encourages one to overcome fear, depression, and over- sensitivity, and improves one's overall outlook on life. These properties encourage greater optimism and joy, and allow for the attraction of more positive things into one's life. Another pertinent physical attribute for Citrine is the ability to repel and transmute illnesses involving the thyroid, kidneys, bladder, eyes, and thymus, making it a helpful stone for diabetes. It can be used in body layouts, by simply placing the stone over an affected area or organ of the body


Citrine Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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