Stone for Energy Work
Brookite helps you to withstand intolerable situations. Attracts and retains energy. Excellent for energizing chakras, auras, environment and other crystals.
Brookite's have a strong crystal energy, the stones are wonderful assets to use to help you to understand your life better, and to discover your reason for being here on the earth at this time.
These are truly positive stones that help your vibration to rise, and assist you to look at life in a new way, more accepting of the possibilities as your future unfolds.
They resonate strongly within the higher chakras, and in particular will encourage the opening of the soul star chakra as well as the higher etheric chakras.
These crystals will stimulate the crown chakra and the third eye, and will also help you to move upwards within the soul star chakra and above.
Brookite crystals are quite unusual, and have a quite powerful ability to stimulate your higher chakras and areas of your brain that have never been opened.
They stimulate the brain, and may open your awareness, assisting you to see and perceive things you have not experienced before.
This stimulation of your brain assists you to awaken to new experiences in the spiritual realms.
Their metaphysical properties relate to how they aid you to see things in a new way, recognizing that you are your spirit, a being of light not just a being in a physical body.
These stones can help you to see that your spirit and physical body are one being. They can assist you to make contact with your spirit guides for the first time.
If you are already working with a particular guide, you may also find that you may meet a new teacher, who will be your guide when journeying using this stone.
The area within the higher realms that their energy will take you to, is also the dimension of the angels.
Angelic beings may also be there to assist your progress and ally any fears you may have when you discover areas you have never before been to before.
How Will It Help You? Healing Attributes
You may be using it for developing psychic gifts or in meditation to experience its unusual qualities for journeying in the higher realms.
Additionally you may also find that it is helpful to heal health issues at the same time.
While this crystal is primarily known for its action to boost your spiritual growth, it is also a good healing stone.
Brookite assists the person using it to attract and retain additional energy, and it grounds high frequency light energy into the body.
Its vibration may boost you if you are feeling lethargic or apathetic, and it helps you to stay in the present moment and simply go with the flow.
It also assists you to deal with situations that you might be finding intolerable, and it boosts your awareness of beliefs that have brought you to your current situation and that you would benefit by changing.
It can be a helpful stone to energize the chakras, and it is known to be advantageous when used following surgery.
It is said to be helpful for anyone with debilitating health issues, for circulation problems and for strengthening the major organs.
While its action is most well known for its resonance within the higher chakras, it does have a good effect within the sacral and base chakras.