Lithium Quartz
Lithium Quartz, Healing and Health. The healing energies of Lithium Quartz will balance your mood swings and alleviate your stress. They will also help ease feelings of depression and anxiety. They can restore your emotional balance, which will be greatly beneficial if you have mood swings and are bipolar.
Lithium Quartz is a stunning crystal that’s usually violet, lavender, and pinkish grey in color. It contains lithium, but it may also contain other minerals that can also be found in most quartzes.
This is why some Lithium Quartz crystals are darker or lighter in color. Some crystals have manganese, kaolinite, iron, and aluminum in them.
Lithium Quartz can only be found in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Why Would You Use Lithium Quartz?
Lithium Quartz is a gentle but very powerful crystal. It will make you relax without robbing you of the strength you need to function properly.
It can give you the right kind of balance when you’re feeling sick or stressed out but still need to perform at your best.
This crystal can help eliminate your anxieties, worries, and stress. It will dispel your fears, and it will lift you out of your depression.
Any thought or feeling that’s not making you stronger or braver than you are will be eliminated by this crystal.
You will no longer be feeling uninspired or uncoordinated.
You will no longer be facing difficulties when trying to understand your relationships, or why you even exist in this world.
Your consciousness will be unlimited, and your possibilities will be made manifest to you when you have the energies of the Lithium Quartz in your life!
It can activate your third eye and allow you to tune in to the calming energies of the higher realms. It will also make you more attuned to your angels and spirit guides.
Lithium Quartz has a grounding quality that will give you balance and healing on a physical and emotional level. Whatever is hurting you or keeping you up at night, your Lithium Quartz can easily put to rest.
This crystal can assist you in understanding and clearing problematic situations in your life. It will not make everything perfect, but it will bring a smoother flow of energies.
It will not transpire with just a snap of a finger, but you will feel the changes happening in more ways than one.
The healing, balancing, and calming properties of the Lithium Quartz will be amplified and strengthened when it combines with your own energies.
Lithium Quartz is the crystal of dreams and intuition. It’s a powerful meditation stone that can help you understand your dreams and trust your instincts.
It will guard your beliefs against uncertainty or doubt. You will have more conviction in your personal beliefs, and you will stand by them no matter how much people urge you otherwise.
Lithium Quartz also signifies dreams, luxury, and nobility. It will open many new doors of opportunities for you that can bring you closer to your dreams and the life that you desire.
This crystal will help you interpret your dreams. It will inspire you to do great deeds, achieve big dreams, and restore the magic in your life and your relationships.