Phenacite aka Phenakites
Clear Phenacite
Phenacite is a milky white to clear crystal. A powerfully loving, healing, spiritual stone. Clearer stones intensely opens 3rd eye, Crown and Transpersonal Chakra as a white light channel. Clairvoyance/spiritual communication, meditation, astral travel, journeys. Helps one to map out a pathway within the dimensions. Energizes meridians and healing of other stones. It is a powerful stone for clearing and activating the chakras, in particular, the Third Eye and Crown chakras.
Yellow Phenacite
It helps one to go further in meditation, and gives a deep awareness of one’s inner structures, the chakras in particular. Phenacite in general can be used to amplify the energies of other stones used for healing, and to balance energy within one. It can also alleviate despair and fear of change, and lead one to live in love. Russian Phenacite in particular raises group and environmental energies. Some pieces also contain Seraphinite, which is an excellent stone for healing and bringing positive change to one’s life. It may also help one to contact Angels.
Burmese Phenacite
"The new Phenacite crystals from Burma vibrate at one perhaps the highest and most intense frequency I have ever felt from Phenacite. They powerfully stimulate the third eye chakra, causing pulsations and inner imagery almost immediately. Longer meditation with one of these stones at the third eye can initiate visions of colors and sacred geometric forms that can be doorways for interdimensional travel. Because of their form, clarity and perfect terminations, these Phenacites can direct fine streams of energy to any chakra or meridian point, stimulating them to their highest harmonic levels and integrating the physical and Light Body components with one another. These are true Ascension crystals, and their power is apparent even to many people who do not normally 'feel' crystal energies. Those who work with them will find themselves lifted and opened in ways that expand their inner horizons" RS