Chalcedony, or Calcedony, is a fine-grained variety of the silica mineral quartz. It has a waxy luster and appears in a great variety of colors -- usually blue-white, buff, light tan, gray, yellow, or brown. Chalcedony is named for the ancient seaport of Chalcedon (Kadikoy, Turkey). Archaeologists have dug up Babylonian and Assyrian Chalcedony cylinder-seals dating from 500BC. Common forms of Chalcedony include agate, bloodstone, jasper, and onyx.
*Blue Chalcedony
A type of Quartz that heads a family which includes Agate, Carnelian, Jasper, Tiger's Eye, and Onyx. Found in the US, Sri Lanka, USSR, Mexico and Brazil. Gray is most common color but stone are found in shades of white, black, blue, and brown. Helps ease self-doubts, makes one more reflective. Eases bad dreams and problems related to the eye, gall bladder, bones, spleen, blood, and circulatory organs. Cleansing in nature and will promote healing of open sores. It needn't be cleaned afterward since it has such strong cleansing qualities of its own. Fosters the maternal instinct and is said to aid lactation.
*White Chalcedony
Powerful cleanser including open sores. Fosters the maternal instinct and increases lactation, improves mineral assimilation and combats mineral buildup in veins.
*Dendritic Chalcedony
Promotes clear and precise thought. This stone is useful when you are under pressure or attack as it facilitates calm communication while remaining relaxed.
*Pink Chalcedony
Encourages kindness and all good qualities. Brings out a sense of childlike wonder and willingness to learn new things.
*Red Chalcedony
Bestows strength and persistence in achieving goals. It advises when to fight and when to give in gracefully.
*Deep Blue Chalcedony
Balances the energy of the body, mind and spirit. Encourages brotherhood among all. Symbolizes benevolence and good will. Alleviates hostility, irritability and melancholy. Enhances generosity, responsiveness and receptivity.