Kaurilite is an Amber-like substance which formed from the resin excreted by the ancient Kauri trees of New Zealand. Since we introduced it a year or so ago, it has become very popular in the USA. We were glad to receive the new batch Robert recently acquired.
Robert Simmons writes: “Kaurilite carries a tremendous amount of life force, bringing an infusion of prana into one’s auric field and one’s Liquid Crystal Body Matrix. This is because Kaurilite comes from hardy and long-lived trees, whose lifestream spans many millions of years. The Kauri Being is strongly present in Kaurilite, and is naturally friendly to humans. Love is simply in the nature of the Kauri Being, as are wisdom, majesty, patience and humor. When one aligns with Kaurilite, one resonates with all of these qualities. Kaurilite can work metaphysically to enhance one’s physical, mental and emotional vitality. It is a good material for all types of self-healing practices, lending energetic support to the immune system as well as one’s blood and lymph systems. Kauri trees produce natural anti-microbial substances, which may have something to do with Kaurilite’s spiritual capacity to aid one in overcoming microbial invasions and other types of illness. Kaurilite is itself a liquid crystal substance, and perhaps this accounts for its strong healing resonance with our own liquid crystal cells and tissues.”