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Tigers Eye And Hawks Eye

Natural Gold,  Green, gray or blue Tiger's eye aka Hawks Eye-like quartz. Helps gain perspective to see/face situations fully. Seeing the overview clearly and unflinchingly, as from a Hawk's eyes. Stomach and brow chakras. Blue: Deepens meditation. helps us see the truth (self, others, situations) in order to grow. It can help gently attune the third eye red

Makes it easy to retain overview in complex situations and helps with difficulties in decision making. Relieves pain; helps with shivering, and hormonal hyperactivity.

Hawk's eyes strengthens will and courage. Fortune. Helps one to speak more and gain more confidence. In gemology, chatoyancy is an optical reflectance effect seen in certain gemstones. Coined from the French "oeil de chat", meaning "cat's eye", chatoyancy arises either from the fibrous structure of a material, as in tiger eye quartz, or from fibrous inclusions or cavities within the stone, as in cat's eye chrysoberyl. The effect can be likened to the sheen off a spool of silk: the luminous streak of reflected light is always perpendicular to the direction of the fibres.

This stone is most recognized for bringing money, psychic protection, courage, luck confidence, willpower, clear thinking and speaking to show us the personal power in life that we have. Very versatile for the Yellow/Solar Plexus and Crown Chakra. Tiger's Eye works on our mental plane by amplifying thinking and manifesting what you think about. Helps separate thoughts from feelings, more centered, less emotional. Tiger's Eye allows us to recognize both our talents and our faults. It can reveal your true needs without our self-serving or rigid mental attitudes getting in the way. Use Tiger's Eye with malachite or pearl to benefit from their synergy for mental/emotional balance and true understanding. This stone helps change anxiety, fear and obsessiveness into practicality and logic. Has the grounding energy of the earth, but is embellished with a glowing warmth. A stone for people who need more confidence to accomplish their goals. Draws helpful people and material things to the wearer. Centers energy and mental focus. This stone helps us to find our closest version of perfectionism without obsessive behavior.  Tigers Eye is the anniversary gemstone for the 9th year of marriage. Roman soldiers wore tiger's-eye for protection in battle. Tiger Eye was thought to be all seeing due to its appearance.Multi Universe Golden Sun, There is an amazing correlations between photos from the universe and stones we have in the earth itself. Amazing isn't it? 
Folk Remedies: Known for treating digestion and stomach disorders such as biventricular disease, anxiety and ulcers. Helps with the mending of broken bones and the alignment of bones in the spinal column. It has been used for disorders of the eyes such as night blindness. Rub with essential oil on front and bottom of stone before placing it at your solar plexus for detoxification. Tigers Eye relieves high blood pressure. The Chinese categorize this stone as a true balancer of Yin and Yang. Therefore, it balances both sides of the brain, bringing awareness to perception.

Feng Shui: Used in the Center area for balancing and grounding. The Chinese categorize this stone as a true balancer of Yin and Yang.


Gold Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye Stone is a crystal with lovely bands of yellow-golden color through it.
This is a powerful stone that helps you to release fear and anxiety and aids harmony and balance.
It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions.
Traditionally it was carried as an amulet against curses or ill-wishing, and is known to give you courage, self confidence and strength of will.
It enhances creativity and is one of the stones that aid kundalini awakening.
This natural crystal balances the brain, so it may be of benefit to help those who are suffering from mental disease or with personality disorders.


Red Tigers Eye

Red-Tigers-Eye, Healing and Health. The healing properties of Red-Tigers-Eye are believed to be very effective against blood disorders, such as anemia. It can also help in the treatment of eye infections and enhance night vision. This stone can give physical strength and vitality


Blue Tigers Eye aka Hawks Eye

Blue Tiger Eye (also called Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Tigereye) is a very soothing stone as it aids in reducing stress, increasing calm and easing anxiety. Shimmery Blue Tiger Eye can illuminate issues that may have been difficult to see otherwise


Tigers Eye Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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