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Each geode holds special energy. They can hold just about anything. They are more about reminding one of a feeling or a way than about healing other things. such as meditating, one can hold that knowledge and assist you in remembering to do it, or to exercise, or getting the rest you need, or something as simple as remembering to smile. it is important that you find the one that connects to you and holds a feeling you connect to when choosing to work with geodes. Many times those seeking vision are gifted a geode by mother earth while there to remind them of what spirit has given them on the mountain. Each memory is different and the geodes hold those for the one they are gifted too.

Assists Astral Travel
The geode comes with many crystals, some being, quartz, amethyst, and citrine.  They can help you to see the whole picture and helps with coming to a decision before things get out of hand. It helps one have the ability to shape one's own future. It bridges communications with the Higher Deity and also helps in communications with people that are in the same healing fields. It can assist one in astral travels. They are also good tools for meditations as well especially the amethyst geodes. These stones can be good for soothing and de-stressing. Aids in spirituality and psychism.

Geodes are geological rock formations which occur in sedimentary and certain volcanic rocks.  They are essentially rock cavities or vugs with internal Crystal formations or concentric banding.  The exterior is generally Limestone while the interior contains Quartz Crystals and/or Chalcedony deposits.  If the Geode is completely filled with Crystal, being solid all the way through, it is then called a nodule.

A geode type of agate, called "Thunder Egg" by Native American Indians, is found in Oregon. Fire agates come from Mexico and Arizona. Commercial deposits exist in China, Mexico, India, Madagascar, and the U.S. along the shores of Lake Superior agates are found all over the world where highly pressurized hot water rich in silica filled crevices and vugs.
The outer surface of an agate is rough, pitted and ugly. It masks the beauty of the crystal inside. However, the crust is weak and somewhat fragile and over centuries it is washed away allowing the gemstone to be discovered along rivers and streams.


Geodes Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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