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Barium, is an orthorhombic mineral form of barium sulfate(BaSO4). It is the chief barium ore and is also called barytes and barite. It is a white or colorless mineral which is often tinged with blue, brown, gray, red or yellow. It's name is derived from the Greek word "barys" meaning heavy. Barite is used by the Native Americans in their ceremonial practices. They used it to go from physical matter to the spiritual. In Dream Therapy, barite is used to promote and stimulate the dream state, allowing one to remember their dreams. On a physical level, Barite is used to cleanse the system of toxins, to soothe a nervous stomach and to assist in the healing of addictions. The Blue variety of Barite is used to stimulate conversation as well as to give the courage needed to speak in front of large crowds. This sky-blue colored cluster of crystals, made of orthorhombic structure, is often seen as Celestine also called Celestite. Barite is found all over the world either in masses, crystals or the famous desert rose. Some of the many countries are Mexico, Canada, England and the USA.


Barite Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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