Green Tourmaline
Green Tourmaline is a healer’s stone not to be taken lightly. In addition to resonating with the Heart Chakra, it also resonates or assists in aligning the entire physical Be-ing, capable of balancing all Chakra’s simultaneously. This is a very powerful, vibrant stone, to be respected and worked with gradually so as not to over-stimulate your physical body.
It is our physical body which aligns or re-aligns itself with that of Green Tourmaline rather than the stone’s energy aligning with our own. It is possible to experience an energetic shift beginning with your core essence, radiating outward into your Auric and Ethereal Energy bodies.
Clear Quartz Healing Properties. Clear Quartz is also known as Crystal Quartz or Rock Crystal. It is a natural form of silicon dioxide and is a 10th Anniversary gemstone. Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals.
Some generators have been known to generate enough energy to crack and shatter other crystals in their near vicinity, so be careful where you place them and how you use them.