Bloodstone aka ("Heliotrope") Solid dark green, red flecks. Electromagnetic (high iron). Ancient Egypt, Atlantis used to calm, ground, revitalize. Classic for wealth, menstrual cramps, anemia, bloodclots, hemorrhoids, birthing or reproductive systems, imbalance. Cleansing heart and blood circulation, marrow, thymus, lungs; Heart. Found in the USSR and India. A deep green with flecks of red, often resembling drops of blood. Benefits the circulatory system. Helps purify toxic blood and detoxify the kidneys, liver, and spleen. Increases courage, helps in avoiding dangerous situations by soothing the mind. Benefits the bones, heart, and reproductive organs. Helps raise consciousness. If Bloodstone is used for a specific healing layout, it should be used by someone who has experience with the stone.
Bloodstone is a calming, grounding, revitalizing strength and to attract wealth. And also for circulation, all purpose healer & cleanser, stomach & bowel pain, purifies bloodstream, bladder and strengthens blood purifying organs. Famous reference to this stone in the bible indicating the likeness to the blood of Christ spilling from the cross. Electro magnetic stone.