Rainbow Fluorite
Rainbow, Violet or Purple Fluorite
All rainbow colors. Usually translucent and come in shades of white, brown, blue, yellow, purple, red/pink, or colorless. Important balancer, healer. Opens heart (especially green), Throat Brow, Crown Chakra for clarity, overview, seeing additional truths/realities. Spleen bones, teeth, lungs, detoxification, anxiety, insomnia. Benefits the teeth and bones. People with arthritis, rheumatism, or spinal injuries have reported some relief from their conditions when they employ Fluorite in their healing regimen. Helps to rekindle sexual appetite and heighten intuitive powers. It is suggested using Fluorite in conjunction with Calcite and Pyrite. Assists in fighting mental disorder and gaining spiritual awakening. Helps one become more aware of the higher levels of reality and can anchor and free one from over stimulation on the psychic plane.
Clusters: lowers work/life stress (helpful on your desk)
Tumbled: Fluorite tumbled Healing with fluorite is a rather complex issue since fluorite properties are so diverse. Fluorite protects the blood vessels from fat accumulation and cholesterol depositions. It also counteracts the problems caused by osteoporosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Fluorite helps with asthma, infections and influences. It is believed to be an excellent cure against senility. Fluorite balances the bodily energies and promotes inner harmony and equilibrium. It also removes stress and negative energy and can be used to reorganize and bring order the complete organism. It might also work with skin related issues. All colors of fluorite are able to successfully fight certain beginning phases of cellular dysfunction. In combination with a green tourmaline crystal or with a rock crystal quartz stone in form of laser wand, you can use fluorite to heal the affected areas of the body. It is important to simultaneously maintain strong faith in God and strong desire to bring order in the cells where the problem has manifested itself.
Clear and Purple: Objectivity; clears the way for new things, uplifting, aura cleanse, 3rd eye, eyesight, sinuses; repels colds. Enhances other gems. The transparent variation, also known as white fluorite, is believed to be able to establish a link to the spiritual energies provided that it is placed on the seventh crown chakra. White fluorite balances all the chakras and increases the pace of spiritual evolution. It also brings peace, strengthens the consciousness, and helps in establishing full focus on here and now. It brings the spiritual and intellectual harmony.
Double Pyramid: Aligns spirit with physical plane, inner with outer awareness, and 2 sides/brain; Crown Chakra, illuminating karmic lessons.
Purple Rainbow Fluorite: Change. Helps one get out of ruts. Rainbow fluorite can have a full range of nuances starting from purple and blue up to red and golden yellow. This is the reason why this type of fluorite is so popular and comes in so many forms, such as wands, points, eggs and orbs. Rainbow fluorite is believed to help the nervous system on physical level, but on more spiritual grounds it readily shows its meditative and inspirational features, promoting positive events, joy and creativity.
Fluorite should be cleansed often due to its remarkable ability to absorb negative energies. It should be cleaned at least once a week, and if used in healing or self-healing after each therapy session. It can be cleansed by using running water for several minutes. Afterward it should be exposed to sun light for crystal charging and energy accumulation.
Elixir made out of fluorite protects the blood vessels, and helps against dental problems. Elixir made with yellow fluorite can be used for problems with the spleen.
Information from Sunny Ray