Healing Crystals & Healing Stones That Begin With M
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Merlinite is an aid to learning all types of magic. It opens the psychic channels for higher guidance. It helps one grasp the interrelations between astrology, tarot, numerology and other occult sciences. It facilitates prophetic visions, and it attracts frequent synchronicities. It opens one to serve as a channel for manifestation of the creative forces of the higher planes.

Mystic Merlinite can part the veils between the visible and invisible worlds, opening the doors to deeper intuitive abilities. It can facilitate opening the dormant areas of the mind. For those wishing to work with elemental energies for magical manifestation or awakening to mystical experiences, this stone can be a powerful ally. The black and white mixture of Mystic Merlinite symbolizes the Light and Shadow sides of the self, both of which one must embrace in the moment of inner awakening.

Magnesite aka Brucite Rock comes in white, gray, yellow, brown; often marbled. Promotes positive attitude, relaxation, calmness; helps fearfulness and irritability. Aids healing in the areas of the gall bladder, migraines, vascular, stomach, blood clots, magnesium deficiency and lowers cholesterol. For emotional insecurity. For disappointment at the non-fulfillment of hopes

Magnesite aka Brucite Rock comes in white, gray, yellow, brown; often marbled. Promotes positive attitude, relaxation, calmness; helps fearfulness and irritability. Aids healing in the areas of the gall bladder, migraines, vascular, stomach, blood clots, magnesium deficiency and lowers cholesterol. For emotional insecurity. For disappointment at the non-fulfillment of hopes

Magnesite aka Brucite Rock comes in white, gray, yellow, brown; often marbled. Promotes positive attitude, relaxation, calmness; helps fearfulness and irritability. Aids healing in the areas of the gall bladder, migraines, vascular, stomach, blood clots, magnesium deficiency and lowers cholesterol. For emotional insecurity. For disappointment at the non-fulfillment of hopes

Magnesite aka Brucite Rock comes in white, gray, yellow, brown; often marbled. Promotes positive attitude, relaxation, calmness; helps fearfulness and irritability. Aids healing in the areas of the gall bladder, migraines, vascular, stomach, blood clots, magnesium deficiency and lowers cholesterol. For emotional insecurity. For disappointment at the non-fulfillment of hopes

Magnesite aka Brucite Rock comes in white, gray, yellow, brown; often marbled. Promotes positive attitude, relaxation, calmness; helps fearfulness and irritability. Aids healing in the areas of the gall bladder, migraines, vascular, stomach, blood clots, magnesium deficiency and lowers cholesterol. For emotional insecurity. For disappointment at the non-fulfillment of hopes

Lodestone also called (Magnetite, Iron.) Metallic black, natural magnet. Related to (and works like) hematite for grounding, clear thinking, focus (detail work, decisions, etc.). Electromagnetically pulls toxic blocks and pain from energy meridians, pancreas, and lower glands. The Chinese are said to have been aware of some of the effects of magnetism as early as 2600 B.C. They observed that stones similar to magnetite, when freely suspended, had a tendency to assume a nearly north and south dir

Steady pulsing electromagnetic energy. (High copper content) Malachite and azurite are the same chemical, practically, Copper Carbonate. The only difference is the ordering of the elements in the molecule. On brow: Stimulates physical and psychic vision, concentration. For heart and solar plexus centers: Stomach, liver, kidney stones, lungs, immune system, radiation, MS, circulation. Powerful healer with azurite or chrysocolla for healing: Releases and draws out pain, inflammation, depression, a

Steady pulsing electromagnetic energy. (High copper content) Malachite and azurite are the same chemical, practically, Copper Carbonate. The only difference is the ordering of the elements in the molecule. On brow: Stimulates physical and psychic vision, concentration. For heart and solar plexus centers: Stomach, liver, kidney stones, lungs, immune system, radiation, MS, circulation. Powerful healer with azurite or chrysocolla for healing: Releases and draws out pain, inflammation, depression

Steady pulsing electromagnetic energy. (High copper content) Malachite and azurite are the same chemical, practically, Copper Carbonate. The only difference is the ordering of the elements in the molecule. On brow: Stimulates physical and psychic vision, concentration. For heart and solar plexus centers: Stomach, liver, kidney stones, lungs, immune system, radiation, MS, circulation. Powerful healer with azurite or chrysocolla for healing: Releases and draws out pain, inflammation, depression

Steady pulsing electromagnetic energy. (High copper content) Malachite and azurite are the same chemical, practically, Copper Carbonate. The only difference is the ordering of the elements in the molecule. On brow: Stimulates physical and psychic vision, concentration. For heart and solar plexus centers: Stomach, liver, kidney stones, lungs, immune system, radiation, MS, circulation. Powerful healer with azurite or chrysocolla for healing: Releases and draws out pain, inflammation, depression, a

This stone clears and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. Placed on the third eye, it activates visualization and psychic vision. On the heart, it brings balance and harmony. It opens the heart to unconditional love.

Another common and plentiful stone generally found in the US, Italy, and Greece. Comes in shades of white, brown, yellow, red, green, gray, and black. A cleansing stone that is beneficial for the blood, skin, and cleansing systems. This mineral is used to provide both clarity and states of "suspension in both meditation and tantric activities. Provides for strength of self control and mastery of thought. It enhances the powers of serenity. Marble can provide the "good common sense" in matters of

Another common and plentiful stone generally found in the US, Italy, and Greece. Comes in shades of white, brown, yellow, red, green, gray, and black. A cleansing stone that is beneficial for the blood, skin, and cleansing systems. This mineral is used to provide both clarity and states of "suspension in both meditation and tantric activities. Provides for strength of self control and mastery of thought. It enhances the powers of serenity. Marble can provide the "good common sense" in matters of

Another common and plentiful stone generally found in the US, Italy, and Greece. Comes in shades of white, brown, yellow, red, green, gray, and black. A cleansing stone that is beneficial for the blood, skin, and cleansing systems. This mineral is used to provide both clarity and states of "suspension in both meditation and tantric activities. Provides for strength of self control and mastery of thought. It enhances the powers of serenity. Marble can provide the "good common sense" in matters of

Connemara marble, this stone helps you to feel more in control. A good stone for those wishing to heighten their psychic abilities. Used in treating diabetes and hypoglycemia. Increases the absorption of calcium and magnesium. Connemara marble is beautiful, light green marble that is unique to Connemara in the West of Ireland. The stones have a lovely pale shade of green and have a uniqueness all of their own.

It can help bring clarity during meditation and tantric activities. It can help us with recalling our dreams. It can help arouse "unused" portions of the mind, bringing us the strength of self control, helping us master our thoughts and bring the power of serenity. It can help purify and control our thoughts and assist us in achieving what we desire. It can help heighten our good common sense pertaining to our home, our heart and our sustenance. It can provide physical and emotional protection.

Another common and plentiful stone generally found in the US, Italy, and Greece. Comes in shades of white, brown, yellow, red, green, gray, and black. A cleansing stone that is beneficial for the blood, skin, and cleansing systems. This mineral is used to provide both clarity and states of "suspension in both meditation and tantric activities. Provides for strength of self control and mastery of thought. It enhances the powers of serenity. Marble can provide the "good common sense" in matters of

Another common and plentiful stone generally found in the US, Italy, and Greece. Comes in shades of white, brown, yellow, red, green, gray, and black. A cleansing stone that is beneficial for the blood, skin, and cleansing systems. This mineral is used to provide both clarity and states of "suspension in both meditation and tantric activities. Provides for strength of self control and mastery of thought. It enhances the powers of serenity. Marble can provide the "good common sense" in matters of

Another common and plentiful stone generally found in the US, Italy, and Greece. Comes in shades of white, brown, yellow, red, green, gray, and black. A cleansing stone that is beneficial for the blood, skin, and cleansing systems. This mineral is used to provide both clarity and states of "suspension in both meditation and tantric activities. Provides for strength of self control and mastery of thought. It enhances the powers of serenity. Marble can provide the "good common sense" in matters of

Marcasite inspires relaxation, reflection, spiritual development, focus and clarity. It encourages past life recall and awakens ancient memories. Silver-gray metallic is an iron ore which is iron oxide (like Hematite). Marcasite is iron sulfide. One of the most grounding of all stones (Root Chakra.) Condenses scatteredness, fuzziness into mental clarity, concentration, memory, practicality, helps study, bookkeeping, detail work, sound sleep. Confidence, will power, boldness. Egyptians used also

1st chakra. I like using this stone not only for its grounding effect, but also for the way it pushes us to explore our inner selves more deeply. It allows us to see ourselves very clearly, and offers information on how we can improve our lives for the better. Marcasite in this stalactite formation is very rare. These are incredible crystals!

Mariposite is said to be a stone that reduces stress and helps us be calm and balanced. It is a stone said to help us adapt to change and be more flexible as well, from a calmer spiritual space in the face of change. This calm and balance from reduced stress also helps reduce fear, which in turn breeds more calm and balance. Mariposite is also said to help cope with energy overload, and avoid or eliminate exhaustion. It is also a stone of creative self-expression.

Rainbow Mayanite will help you to feel safe thru this planetary transition as well as to easily obtain this spiritual enlightenment. This unique crystal offers healing on many levels by resonating with our entire energy system or chakras. The full spectrum of color OR Rainbow. We find that the Rainbow Chakra Quartz never needs cleansing because of the intense strength and ability to self cleanse. Lay the Rainbow Chakra Quartz on each chakra to activate and stimulate each energy center.

This green garnet or Melanite will assist us in our relationships, this can be in our personal relationships as well as work based ones. I find that this is a good choice to bring us closer to our children, it will help us bond to our children, especially those in their difficult teenage years. Treatment of strokes, cancer rheumatism and arthritis. Beautifully formed crystals from Mexico.

The ‘Stone of True Calling’, removes the Earthly placed shroud to bring forth inner visions of ones true calling in the journey of the life. Melikaria helps one to gain a sense of knowing what is the next most beneficial step in life, that which will take one out of the crowd and onto a path of self-enlightenment. A stone that greatly enhances visionary processes, this can be at any given time but only for the highest benefit of all. Melikaria opens the inner self to ancient teachings and ancien

Melody Stone Super Seven opens up all the senses and helps one to see auras it is considered and important stone for stimulating and developing all types of psychic abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling, telekinesis and others.

Intuitive sources say that Merlinite is a stone of magic, conjuring the memories of wizards and alchemists. It is said to blend heavenly and earthly vibrations, allowing one access to multiple realms. It can be used to access the akashic records, to draw upon the powers of the elements, to enhance shamanic practices, and to bring magic into one's life.

Merlinite has been used in the treatment of skeletal structures and disorders of the veins and arteries. It is also said to promote physical growth and to facilitate the flow of blood through the body. It is a cleansing mineral for the body and one which can enhance lymph flow and excretion. It also helps with both the effects of colds and the effects of smoking too.

Merlinite both promotes our levels of contact with spirit and also aids our own spiritual growth. It is a stone of magic, reminding us of the memories of wizards and alchemists. It's black and white coloring is said to blend heavenly and earthly vibrations together allowing us access to the spirit and shamanic realms and to the Akashic Records too. Merlinite lets us bring magic into our lives.

Intuitive sources say Nantan Meteorites can open and activate the 3rd eye chakra, facilitating inter-dimensional communication and travel. They are said to increase the flow of chi throughout the body and meridian system. Wearing them can bring increased energy flow to the auric field, and can provide a shield of protection from negative energies.

Many of them sparkle with iridescent rainbow colors. Mica - Helps bring clarity in visions and mysticism. Helps provide self reflection, allowing us to recognize that what we see in others is often within ourselves as well, thus allowing us to acknowledge and eliminate the traits that we wish to. Helps our flexibility on many levels, emotional, physical and intellectual. Helps growth in all areas we pursue. Helps reduce anger, tantrums and nervous energy. Helps relieve energy blockages.

It has Spiritual transcendence and promotes a cosmic awareness. It gives off a refreshing, almost sentimental energy which helps reduce stress and remove despondency, encourages openness and honesty, and helps to expand our consciousness and self love. Helps to increase spiritual awareness, giving us a sense of inner peace. Helpful throughout the menopause period. Treats leg cramps and calms the heart. Uplifting and balancing. Enhances honesty and self-love. A great stone for "gridding" an area

This stone represents prosperity. A gentle friendly, calming, soothing stone, which opens throat, heart, and solar plexus Chakra. Used for self-expression, artistic creativity and healing. This is a great stone for communication, confidence and leadership. Reduces self-damaging behavior, increases self-respect, grace, self-assuredness with communication. Great over a door to bring in new business. Green stone instrumental in distilling the raw information used for personal expression. Helps filt

This stone helps relieve stress and calm fears, thus allowing us to face and overcome them. It can help you to unwind, allow you to drop your shields so that we can become one with Mother Earth. Helps us with balancing our bodies. Helps us be comfortable with our sexuality and works well on our lower Chakra's. It is said to help detoxify both the mind and body. You can use this stone to tone down stressful dreams and to alleviate feelings of loneliness and powerlessness. See also the properties

- Unblocks, thereby encouraging new initiatives, especially after long periods of doubts and hesitation. - Bestows inspiration, making it possible to begin anew, over and over again. - It calms passion and violence, helping to solve highly emotional situations. - Considered to be powerful in healing addictions such as alcoholism. - It cleanses the soul and restores wit. - Symbolic of true emotions; it binds friends and commits lovers.

Powerfully expands psychicness, channeling. On Heart Chakra. Eases longing to leave earth. On pillow, brow, crown: Telepathic access to spiritual laws, info from higher regions/places to help us and Earth to be healthier and more spiritual. An intense meteorite helping people incarnating from elsewhere be more comfortable here on earth (reducing asthma, toxin sensitivity, emotional intensity, epilepsy...)(May make some too spacey; be sure to ground self after use and before driving). Fragile

Molybdenum brings constancy, continuity and reliability in our lives. It releases an energy that brings balance into your life, also balances the chakras, the bodies and the mind. It fills voids in the aura and stimulates an electric charge creating balance in all areas of your life. If you wear it or keep it within your energy field it will provide continuous balance and alignment. Molybdenum is a stress reliever and it can be useful in making progress and retaining possessions. It enhances com

This is a very energetic gemstone and a variety of Amblygonite. It is from Montebras, France. The healing properties are similar to Amblygonite, 3rd and 7th chakras. This is a crystal that is high in lithium which is used to heal depression, and anxiety, great for those who are bi-polar. I find this stone to be helpful for those who have a hard time completing tasks or projects, good for you procrastinators! Amblygonite helps one to maintain a sunny out look on life, encourages one to remain cen