Healing Crystals & Healing Stones That Begin With H
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Heartenite evokes and amplifies the energies of the awakened heart. It stimulates the heart chakra with great intensity, calling forth latent capacities which are within our hearts, but usually do not manifest. The green-gold Light is the vibrational ray of Heartenite, and this speaks of the creative power of the individual will and the wisdom of the Universal Heart married together and acting as one.

Herderite is one of the pre-eminent stones for awakening and charging the upper chakras of the body and fully connecting one’s conscious awareness to the higher dimensions linked to the chakras above the head in the etheric body. All varieties of Herderite share this trait, and they are incredibly powerful tools for interdimensional travel, communication with spirit guides and Light beings and embracing enlightened awareness as a full-time state of being.

These crystals are manifestations of pure, solidified spiritual Light. They emanate a high, harmonious energy that positively “sings” on the upper levels of the Quartz vibrational spectrum. Herkimers are ideal for body layouts, dream work, meditation pieces, jewelry, templates, energy tools or just about any other application. They not only broadcast their own energies—they can also pick up and magnify the frequencies of other stones.

Energetically speaking, this mineral is a soft pink color which I feel ads the emotion of love while exploring the third eye in your visualization work. Creates a wonderful balance between the heart and third eye

It is helpful in balancing the body and a teacher for those who are too wound up in the mental world. It can relieve mental stress and is a great stone for healing. It is an excellent stone to help us find our balance.

Blue Halite is for activation of the third eye, crown chakra and Soul Star, also auric cleansing, stimulating psychic abilities. The Rich Blue/Violet inclusions in these stones stimulate the higher mind.

Pink Halite is said to bring peace and calming, clear heart chakra and solar plexus, assist in manifestation of self love and inner clarity. It can be dissolved in bath to cleanse and replenish ones energies.

Hanksite provides insight, perception, adeptness, awareness. Good for use in meditation

Natural Green, gray or blue Tiger's eye-like quartz. Helps gain perspective to see/face situations fully. Seeing the overview clearly and unflinchingly, as from a Hawk's eyes. Stomach and brow chakras. Blue: deepens meditation. helps us see the truth (self, others, situations) in order to grow. It can help gently attune the third eye red Makes it easy to retain overview in complex situations and helps with difficulties in decision making. Relieves pain; helps with hivering, and hormonal hyperact

It protects from the negativity emitted by electrical equipment, helps us be more decisive, and take action due to its ability to create energy and flow. Brings a positive outlook and releases ancient murk that has been held in the emotional body at the solar plexus. It strengthens the will and brings harmony with self and others. It is also a useful protector from radiation from computers.

For mental clarity, focused will, physical well being and higher consciousness.Intuitive sources say Heliodor is a stone of mental clarity, focused will, physical well being and higher consciousness. It is said to overcome inertia and sluggishness, and to lend strength and enthusiasm for achieving one's mission in life. It can facilitate spiritual love, clairvoyance, transmutation and the leap of Ascension.

This crystal is the most recommended stone for grounding and is associated with the Root Chakra, by encourages ones survival instincts and is centering. Hematite condenses scattered feelings, turns fuzziness into mental clarity, enhances concentration, memory, practicality, helps those who study, do bookkeeping, detailed work and helps with sound sleep. Considered the symbol of life energy, hematite allows for more confidence, will power and boldness. Helps us adjust to being physical. A protec

Harmotome - It helps us to reach out to others, bringing the spirit of brotherhood and love. This can help one stay on a schedule. Helps during the formation of a group to bring it together harmoniously. It can help one to learn and absorb things of an unusual nature. It is also a good stone for someone that is involved in musical activities.

Hauyne - It can enhance and bring us deep meditation. It can be helpful in the journey back into past lives. It can bring us peacefulness and self acceptance.

Hemimorphite is a mineral that can be used to decrease “self-centeredness’” and to encourage the state of egoless-ness while facilitating the staying power of the self. Hemimorphite allows one to take responsibility for happiness or unhappiness, for creating ones personal reality, and for recognising and utilizing the powers of self-concept. Hemimorphite can further enhance ones self esteem when one maintains the honesty of ones relationships to reality. Hemimorphite is an excellent stone to ass

Hemimorphite is a mineral that can be used to decrease “self-centeredness’” and to encourage the state of egoless-ness while facilitating the staying power of the self. Hemimorphite allows one to take responsibility for happiness or unhappiness, for creating ones personal reality, and for recognising and utilising the powers of self-concept. Hemimorphite can further enhance ones self esteem when one maintains the honesty of ones relationships to reality. Hemimorphite is an excellent stone to ass

Clear, white, blue, green or grey - Helps to be less self centered and allows us to not be egotistical. It helps us to take responsibility for our own happiness or unhappiness, thus allowing us to create our own personal reality, in that letting us recognize that we are in control of our own self concept. It helps us gain self esteem, brings luck, to live a joyous and creative life. Helps us to manifest practicality and sensibility as well as helping to relieve feelings of hostility and anger.

7th chakra. RARE! Use Heulandite to program the mental body for the ability to create one's reality. Heulandite allows one to go back in time to the ancient civilizations of Atlantis/Lemuria where important information is stored. Access this information for personal growth or to help others. Allows one to have a good life. Also good for releasing limitations. Some feel that this stone will enhance weight loss. Green in general is about growth and healing.

7th chakra. RARE! Use Heulandite to program the mental body for the ability to create one's reality. Heulandite allows one to go back in time to the ancient civilizations of Atlantis/Lemuria where important information is stored. Access this information for personal growth or to help others. Allows one to have a good life. Also good for releasing limitations. Some feel that this stone will enhance weight loss.

It can be helpful in recalling a past life. It can help us to keep an open mind and helping to keep us centered. It can help us to be more receptive of others and situations during difficult times in our lives and times of loss. It can help us to release jealousy and conceit, to move forward on our path. It is associated with the crown Chakra.

4th chakra. Hiddenite is the green variety of Spodumene, so it is considered the sister stone to Kunzite. These crystals are from the mountains of Afghanistan. Usually you do not see Hiddenite rough, it is usually all cut into gemstones. Aids the ability to feel emotions, promotes compassion for others and heals disease resulting from repressed emotions of this and past lives. Increases self awareness, discernment, and fosters trust in others.

In addition to the properties of Kunzite, this mineral helps to stimulate the intellect and the loving side of ones nature.... prompts connection with the other worlds and.. for clarity in the transfer of knowledge... can provide insight when diagnosing disorder of the physical body.

One of the rarest tumblestones on Earth - Hilutite was first showcased to the world in April 2009. It is an amazing combination of the minerals Garnet, Zircon, Goethite and Quartz. From Sri Lanka a new star is born, it is said that Hilutite has the most incredible positive energy

hey are stones of protection and strengthening of mind. They can also help enhance psychic abilities. They are helpful in preventing nightmares when hung or placed by the bed. Hanging one near where a pet sleeps helps guard it as well. When hung or placed in homes or vehicles they offer protection from harm for all who reside or travel within. When placed on an Altar they offer a perfect vessel for creating a link to the Earth Mother and her water spirits. They have also been used to help rid

HOLED or HOLEY stones are any stone that has a naturally weathered/eroded hole clear through it. Stones with a naturally occurring hole in them are considered good luck by many people. They offer Receptive Energy and by Looking through the hole is said to give one the power of second sight and the ability to see the invisible world of the fey. These appear to be a form of Limestone. From Llewellyn.

Casual Body Chakra. One of my favorite stones for we mined this ourselves in Oregon many years ago. What a wonderful time for me, thoughts of Holley Blue bring me nothing but pure happiness and joy. I find I am more at ease in difficult situations when I am wearing my Holley Blue Ring. This beautiful stone focuses one's life purpose for this incarnation. Opens and balances the casual body chakra allowing for transmission of spiritual energy into your awareness. A good aid for new channelers.

Hornblende can help when your argumentative side takes over with friends or loved ones. It helps individuals to accept compromise so that all parties can attain resolution. It is a grounding stone and works well with other minerals and humans

Gently absorbs and uplifts stress, tension, anxiety, emotional intensity, etc. Quietly loving, calming. Works with the heart center, bringing greater gentleness, patience, tact. Helps bones, teeth, and other calcium aspects of body.

Gently absorbs and uplifts stress, tension, anxiety, emotional intensity, etc. Quietly loving, calming. Works with the heart center, bringing greater gentleness, patience, tact. Helps bones, teeth, and other calcium aspects of body.

This is an expander of creativity and insight which can greatly assist in clarifying your direction in life.

Himalaya Red Azeztulite emanates powerful currents that resonate at the root, heart and crown chakras. Of all Azeztulite's, it most deeply grounds the energy of the Great Central Sun in the realm of matter. In our bodies, it provides a wealth of prana, the spiritual life force. It enhances the inner qualities of courage, Himalaya Gold Azeztulite emanates Azeztulite’s whole pattern of energies, and one of its special qualities is its resonance with the solar plexus Chakra. This is the seat of pow

Himalaya Gold Azeztulite emanates Azeztulite’s whole pattern of energies, and one of its special qualities is its resonance with the solar plexus Chakra. This is the seat of power and manifestation in the human being. As with other conditions we carry from the past, within the solar plexus are patterns of limitation that severely restrict our capacity to create. We literally do not know our power, and in the past, this may have kept us from abusing it. Yet with evolution into expanded awareness comes the necessity of taking up our full range of potentials. The arrival of Himalaya Gold Azeztulite coincides with the beginning of our development of new capacities for creative manifestation through the will. The stimulation of the solar plexus, in alignment with the Seat Of Vision in the third eye chakra, is an important aspect of this activation.

Himalaya Red Azeztulite emanates powerful currents that resonate at the root, heart and crown chakras. Of all Azeztulite's, it most deeply grounds the energy of the Great Central Sun in the realm of matter. In our bodies, it provides a wealth of prana, the spiritual life force. It enhances the inner qualities of courage, vitality, passion and strength. It aids greatly with the integration of the highest vibrational frequencies of the spiritual realms into our bodies and into the earth. Himalaya Red Azeztulite energetically supports the blood and the immune system. It can act a s a sort of “spiritual disinfectant”. It resonates with the hemoglobin and the liquid crystal structure of the blood, and its influence can set the pattern for the infusion of the bloodstream with spiritual Light. It energetically supports the bones and marrow, the colon, the connective tissues and the spleen.

7th chakra. This is a remarkable stone in its capacity to allow us to see the magic and divinity within the very cells of our body and the physical. Often we see the physical body or material plane as being "poor" or "lesser" and strive to separate ourselves from it to reach for higher spiritual understanding. However the material plane is an echo of the divine and within every cell of every plant, within every cell of every person, there is that timeless magic and divinity. The aim is not to reach from the physical up to the divine but to bring the spirit down into our daily lives - to make spirit fully into flesh and live that reality. That is a part of what Hyalite teaches.

The 'Stone of Rest', these stone energies are very deep; they will help those who just need rest from the world’s ways. Times when one feels over burdened or worn out from that which is around them, when rest and quiet is needed, this stones energies will surround the being and aura like a cloak of protection and invisibility.