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Nebula Stone

Nebula Stone is a fairly new gemstone that was discovered in 1995 by Karen and Ron Nurnberg in a mountain region in Mexico.

Nebula Stone is also called ‘The Birthstone of the Cosmos’ and holds a rare combination of Arfedsonite, Zircon, Calcite, Acmite, Anorthoclase, Riebeckite, Aegirine, Quartz, and many other minerals.

The stone is speckled with nebula-like formations of pale green eyes in a dark green background. The white or lighter colored veining is a self-healed Quartz.

The Aegirine component will clear the negativity from your aura and stimulate kundalini and your psyche, giving you the courage and the energy to do whatever is necessary for achieving your highest path.

The Anorthoclase component will provide you with a revolutionary and unorthodox energy that will make your transformation possible.

Nebula stone will help bring spiritual light into your body and infuse you with this wonderful energy.

This spiritual light will also ground you to earth and help you achieve an enhanced recognition.

It will make you acknowledge that you are a spiritual being enjoying a physical experience in this world.

Nebula Stone will expand your understanding of why you are here and why you have the life that you do. It will also activate or enhance your psychic abilities or special gifts.

This stone can also be used to support healing and release the toxins in your body.

Nebula Stone has very powerful and unique energies that facilitate memory recall.

It’s a very grounding stone that will make you feel safe, secure, and stable. It will increase your physical vitality that will help you overcome your challenges.

This stone signifies a window to the cosmos, revealing the triad connection of the light energies from the Earth, to the heavens, to all beings.

This stone also represents the cosmic dance of the different cycles of life. It’s excellent for meditation because it will harmonize your personal energies.

It will enhance your awareness of being an important part of the cosmos, making you understand that you are the chalice of light!

It’s a beneficial stone to have in times of tragedy, confusion, and despair, inspiring you to remember other people’s kindnesses and to reflect upon only the positive things.

Nebula Stone will also encourage kindness to yourself. It will free your mind from bondage, inspire invention and discovery, and give you the courage to experience a real adventure.

Nebula Stone’s metaphysical properties and powers are still being discovered and studied, but you can’t deny that the energies of this stone will continue to impart a valuable contribution to this world and all who live in it!
How Will Nebula Stone Help You?

Nebula Stone, Healing and Health

On a physical healing level, Nebula Stone can help with cell growth and cell renewal. Its healing energies can treat depression and calm bipolar conditions.

This stone can improve memory and the mind itself. It can also help in reversing or easing degenerative conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

Nebula StoneNebula Stone can aid in the treatment of neurological conditions that are not exactly degenerative but can make everyday living challenging.

It can support where the immune system has gone out of balance and resulted in cellular damage.

It can also help in the repair, renewal, and protection required from such immunity problems.

Nebula Stone is purifying for the physical body.

It can support the detoxification process from chemical abuse and in breaking away from self-abusive behaviors and patterns.

It is an ideal stone for recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. Nebula Stone can promote the release of toxins from the body.

It can also help regulate cystitis and increase fertility in women.
Nebula Stone and Wealth

Working with the energies of Nebula Stone will make you recognize your own talents and capabilities that will help you achieve your money goals.

It will work to keep you motivated and inspired so that you will always keep going, no matter how tough and discouraging it can get sometimes.

This stone will attract good luck and good fortune, and you will be successful with your pursuits, both in your career and your personal passions.

It will remove all the blockages that are in your path to success, and it will help you set realistic goals that you will achieve with no problem!

Nebula Stone, Love and Relationships

Nebula Stone will remove your fears in love and help you release yourself from unhealthy attachments. It will encourage you to make room for the new.

Nebula Stone is also known as the ‘Becoming Stone’ because it will bring together all the particles of your inner and outer life experiences.

It will awaken healthy and positive cellular energy while also raising your conscious awareness. This will help all of your life resources to become one!

Nebula Stone will activate your body’s cellular light.

It will strengthen and unite pure light with your entire being.

It will nourish your entire self in every cell and every nerve with enlightenment and divinity.

It’s a stone that will inspire your soul to remember, find itself, and help you belong and become a part of life.

Having this stone in your life will give you a sense of belonging and a sense being a part of all that surrounds you.

Nebula Stone will also be very beneficial in the creation of life itself. It will be very supportive in the formation of what is required for life to grow healthily and thrive with purity.


Nebula Stone Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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