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Siberian Quartz

Siberian Blue Quartz carries a great deal of energy. There is no other gemstone that so strikingly exhibits the Blue Ray as does Siberian Blue Quartz. It activates both the throat chakra and the third eye in a blended harmony that both awakens the insights of the higher mind and facilitates the eloquent communication of its knowledge. The Wind element energy of this stone evokes psychic awakening, and it can be of assistance to those who wish to develop the powers of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, prophecy, psychokinesis, mediumship and interdimensional communication.


Siberian Purple Quartz is laboratory grown in Russia. It carries the Violet Ray of transmutation and amplifies spiritual energy. It resonates with the crown chakra and helps to transform blocked energies. Balances the emotional body.


Siberian Green Quartz is laboratory grown in Russia. Activates the heart chakra and expands throughout all the bodies. When consciously directed is very calming and bathes one in healing energy.


Siberian Gold Quartz is laboratory grown in Russia. Powerful balancer. Balances the male and female aspects as well as the right and left brain. Helps to create synapses between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Aids in connecting to higher self, accelerates the development of psychic abilities. Carries the Gold Ray of Christ Consciousness.


Siberian Quartz Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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