A surprising discovery for multiple reasons is the material called Pakulite. Its named is derived from Mt. Paku, a New Zealand volcano which produced these unique and remarkable spherulitic rhyolites. They are also called New Zealand Chrysanthemum Stone, because of the flowerlike patterns within it. (It is not the same mineral as the other Chrysanthemum Stone.) This type of stone is found in only two places in the world.
Robert Simmons writes: “The appearance of Pakulite is subtly psychedelic. These stones display unbelievably complex and intricate patterns, but usually in earth-tone colors that can make their trippy show easy to miss. You have to look carefully at Pakulite, but then it will blow your mind! Some pieces are like explosions of thousand-petaled lotus flowers infinitely connected to one another. Others show off high-contrast patterns that look like slabs of fractal hieroglyhphics. But all of the Pakulites, if you scrutinize them carefully, compulsively confess to their volcanic origins. They are solidified, visual vibrations that speak of the intensity of the Earth’s energy in the lava-flow events that formed Paku Mountain. The currents of these stones enter you first through your eyes, which will be enlivened by the sight!
“Pakulite is something of a sexy rock. It stimulates all three of the lower chakras, arousing one’s life force energies, creativity and power. It can help artists find inspiration and it can benefit one’s love relationship through the vibration of intimacy that it provides. It can kindle the fires of will and persistence that combine in the controlled explosion which is called personal power. The power that arises under the influence of Pakulite is balanced and friendly rather than dominating or aloof. When one resonates fully to the subtle currents emanated by these stones, one learns the feeling of full commitment to one’s chosen path, neither needing the approval of others, nor shunning it.
“Pakulite has a way of providing grounding at a high energy level. It draws one in to an attentive and purposeful connection with the Earth, in which one’s awareness of feeling grounded is experienced as interesting and pleasurable. One’s entire energy field is infused with an awareness of being touched by the Being who is the Earth. This touch engenders a powerful attraction, within which the simple act of knowing one is deeply connected to the Earth creates a conscious relationship between oneself and Gaia. That is what I mean by grounding at high energy.
“Pakulite stimulates the inner state of youthfulness, characterized by strong vitality, optimism, humor, playfulness, and an eagerness for new adventures. It arouses a relaxed sense of self-confidence, and the desire to offer comradeship to others. It stimulates curiosity, and it encourages one to look for new ways of seeing and understanding other people and the world in which we live.
“In spiritual self-healing Pakulite supports one’s overall energy level, and it boosts the immune system through its infusion of vitality. It supports the liver, kidneys, bladder and sexual organs. For men, carrying or wearing a Pakulite can help dispel issues causing impotence. For women, it energetically protects the ovaries.
“Pakulite provides a spiritual connection to the Divine Feminine, as She manifests within the Earth, and acts as the Earth’s vitality. This being is related to the Hawaiian goddess Pele--perhaps best described as a sister energy. One can connect to this being in many places in New Zealand, because the land there is still very alive, both physically and spiritually. To many who have encountered Her, this Feminine One seems to be rising in presence and power, as one of the vivid faces of the awakening Earth.
“Pakulite vibrates harmoniously with Peridot, Amulet Stone, Moldavite, Phenacite, Revelation Stone, Empowerite, Sauralite Azeztulite, Honey and Cream Azeztulite, Moonlight Agate and New Zealand Carnelian