Healing Crystals & Healing Stones That Begin With G
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Green Taralite is a stone of well being, happiness and spiritual Light. It connects one’s awareness to the cosmos, and helps one recognize oneself as a member of the entire Universe. This stone can enable one to enter vibrational resonance with Divine beings in the spiritual realms. This resonance allows one to ‘travel’ to them in a very real way. In the inner worlds, to shift one’s resonance it to travel to the new vibration level upon which one’s attention is focused.

Green Gahnite from Minas Gerias, Brazil. Gahnite - Rare variety of Spinel that may be green, blue, yellow, brown or grey. - It can help enhance psychic abilities and our intuition. It is helpful in aligning the intuitive center with the higher self. It can facilitate astral travel. It can help to align and stimulate third eye chakra. It is useful in helping us attain knowledge of the movement, position and blockages in the path of the Kundalini. See also the properties of Spinel.

Galaxyite is a Microcline-labradorite Feldspar discovered in Quebec, Canada in 1995. This stone represents the galaxy and can be used to facilitate contact with higher beings; offering security and protection from all negative energies. Opens the third eye to self discovery and clears the way for positive change. Galaxyite has a strong connection with all of the planets in our solar system. Great choice for those who wish to learn about astrology. "Star bright, starlight, the most beautiful star

Centering, grounding. Aligns energies, "stone of harmony." Stimulates circulation and blood flow. This stone is an infection fighter and helps to strengthen the lungs. It is a cubic lead structure that adds balance to the emotions and the etheric body

Gaia Stone is green obsidian from volcanish ash of the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's, and carries strong Earth energy, even the "soul of the Earth." Gaia Stone enhances Goddess connection, connection with Earth and Earth devas. It also brings prosperity. Gaia Stone is especially good for self-healing emotional wounds and past traumas. Gaia Stone is primarily associated with the heart chakra, but can also be used to harmonize all the chakras.

The ‘Stone of Surrounding Tranquility’, helps the being to find tranquility and peace not just within, but from surroundings, from that which is all around. Garnet overall is a grounded stone. It knows its journey well and helps its keeper deeply. A stone that continually moves forwards, adjusting and shifting its energy accordingly with Mother Earth. With an eternally positive output and a destination of light, Garnet is a medicine box, a book of teaching, a hand of hope. In its numerous forms

The ‘Stone of Surrounding Tranquility’, helps the being to find tranquility and peace not just within, but from surroundings, from that which is all around. Garnet overall is a grounded stone. It knows its journey well and helps its keeper deeply. A stone that continually moves forwards, adjusting and shifting its energy accordingly with Mother Earth. With an eternally positive output and a destination of light, Garnet is a medicine box, a book of teaching, a hand of hope. In its numerous forms

It can help soothe a stressed nervous system. The can be used by healers for stress related diseases, such as anorexia, mistrust and people needing comfort. Also all the properties of Garnet.

This green garnet or Melanite will assist us in our relationships, this can be in our personal relationships as well as work based ones. I find that this is a good choice to bring us closer to our children, it will help us bond to our children, especially those in their difficult teenage years. Treatment of strokes, cancer rheumatism and arthritis. Beautifully formed crystals from Mexico

The frequency of Spessartine Garnet is connected to the base, sacral and solar plexus chakras. It helps to overcome fears concerning new experiences or fear of failure. It brings a creative energy to one's being allowing one to freely express ones ideas and bring them into manifestation. It's energy allows one to be optimistic and confident in one's actions and to make the changes needed to move forward on one's path in a positive manner.

Hessonite Garnet - It can help eliminate feelings of inferiority. It can encourage us to explore new challenges and gives us courage to move forward in our personal endeavors. It can enhance our intellect and reduce aggressive tendencies. It can help release toxins from the body and mind and improve relaxation. It can help inspire creativity on all levels. It can encourage and increase self esteem, self respect, respect of others and spiritual growth

The ‘Stone of Knowing’, a support to the being at times of change, times of vulnerability and at times of uncertainty. Garnet overall is a grounded stone. It knows its journey well and helps its keeper deeply. A stone that continually moves forwards, adjusting and shifting its energy accordingly with Mother Earth. With an eternally positive output and a destination of light, Garnet is a medicine box, a book of teaching, a hand of hope. In its numerous forms its offerings do often differ, yet fol

Ideal for activation of root chakra and manifestation of dreams into reality. Garnets are powerful stones of attraction and manifestation, enhancing charisma, sexuality, fertility, adventurousness and fun.

4th chakra. Heart. These are lovely tiny crystals of Demantoid Garnet, very energetic! Moves energy through the heart chakra on a much deeper level than most heart based chakra stones. I feel that this gemstone is wonderful for removing guilt that accumulates in our heart which can cause energy blocks. Cleanses the entire energetic system- very potent energy

Stimulates creativity, passion, and the circulatory system. The brighter the better. Red: Root and Spleen Chakra. Warms, energizes emotionally and physically (arthritis, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low Blood Pressure, detoxifying and strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life force and sexuality, hormone balance, antibodies, fertility, persistence, stamina, passion, confidence (and stubbornness).

The ‘Infinite Earth', this stone is pure beauty, pure wisdom, given from the Heart of Mother Earth, Tsavorite is a Heart of life force energy to Human Kind. This stone has a voice all of its own, Tsavorite speaks the truth, that of wisdom and of peace. This stone is given in that of light and in that of love. Tsavorite is a blessing; Mother Earth has given human kind a messenger, a teacher, a healer. To nurture and bring all back to the true self, to be As One.

Stimulates creativity, passion, and the circulatory system. The brighter the better. Red: Root and Spleen Chakra. Warms, energizes emotionally and physically (arthritis, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low Blood Pressure, detoxifying and strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life force and sexuality, hormone balance, antibodies, fertility, persistence, stamina, passion, confidence (and stubbornness).

The 'Stone of New Beginnings', brings forth the essence of love and charm to both inner life and outer life. A perfect stone to keep close by at the beginning of a new relationship or a new venture to help ensure everything flows with beauty as much as can be. Garnet overall is a grounded stone. It knows its journey well and helps its keeper deeply. A stone that continually moves forwards, adjusting and shifting its energy accordingly with Mother Earth.

The frequency of Spessartine Garnet is connected to the base, sacral and solar plexus chakras. It helps to overcome fears concerning new experiences or fear of failure. It brings a creative energy to one's being allowing one to freely express ones ideas and bring them into manifestation. It's energy allows one to be optimistic and confident in one's actions and to make the changes needed to move forward on one's path in a positive manner.

It can be used for situations where there is a lack of love, within ourselves as well as others, to bring that loving energy to the world. It can help release jealousy, envy, distrust and anger in our lives. It can help release blockages of our heart and throat Chakras. It can help us to release resentment and animosity and help us to understand the basis for it, allowing us to learn the necessary lessons that needed to be learned. It can help enhance relationships, both in union and parting

Life force, personal power, magic, vitality, longevity, Inspires powerfulself-loyalty and self-love, inner radiance, aids in doing real magic, and can link one to spiritual helpers from ancient New Zealand. Greenstone is a stone of life, used in healing work to implant vibrations of vitality and program the body for long life.

Phantom-Crystal is a variety of the quartz that has formed on earlier existing crystals over the course of a million years. It’s a crystal or a mineral deposit within a crystal.

Guardianite brings a deep and immediate grounding through the root chakra. It offers an instantaneous connection with the Earth and its upwelling life force. As Guardianite’s currents flow into one’s field, they permeate the Liquid Crystal Body Matrix with a humming vibration of well-being. Guardianite makes one feel happy, calm and safe. It nourishes the etheric and astral bodies, enhancing their integration with the physical self.

Stimulates creativity, passion, and the circulatory system. The brighter the better. Red: Root and Spleen Chakra. Warms, energizes emotionally and physically (arthritis, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low Blood Pressure, detoxifying and strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life force and sexuality, hormone balance, antibodies, fertility, persistence, stamina, passion, confidence (and stubbornness)

The 'Stone of New Beginnings', brings forth the essence of love and charm to both inner life and outer life. A perfect stone to keep close by at the beginning of a new relationship or a new venture to help ensure everything flows with beauty as much as can be. Garnet overall is a grounded stone. It knows its journey well and helps its keeper deeply. A stone that continually moves forwards, adjusting and shifting its energy accordingly with Mother Earth.

It is helpful in our personal and business relationships. It is a stone that is useful during times of change, when you need to move on and stop living in the past when it no longer serves you. It can help bring us closer to and bond with our children, especially during the difficult teenage years. It helps bring us energy during times of stressful situations such as divorce. Also has all the properties of Garnet.

Gaspeite lowers distress and brings in assurance. It also reduces ignorance, particularly emotional ignorance. It helps attracts friends and friendships. Aboriginals used gaspeite to bring visions and to grant success. Metaphysically, gaspeite is best known for helping to bring spirituality into every day life. It brings good fortune, abundance and helps prevent loss. Gaspeite has been used for heart problems, lungs, and gallbladder. Chakra - Heart chakra.

As a fairly recent discovery in 1966, this mineral has no known folk lore although it is mentioned that the Aborigine's used Gaspeite to bring about good fortune. As a healing stone, it is thought to reduce stress and help with heart, gallbladder and lung problems. Metaphysically, it is thought to bring spirituality into everyday life. Gaspeite is said to help one find the spiritual in mundane life, to help heal the inner child and aid the digestive organs

As a fairly recent discovery in 1966, this mineral has no known folk lore although it is mentioned that the Aborigine's used Gaspeite to bring about good fortune. As a healing stone, it is thought to reduce stress and help with heart, gallbladder and lung problems. Metaphysically, it is thought to bring spirituality into everyday life. Gaspeite is said to help one find the spiritual in mundane life, to help heal the inner child and aid the digestive organs

The ‘Stone of the Earth’s Spirit’, holding an intriguing and strong energy, that help’s one to seek wisdom, peace and tranquility within Mother Earth, from stream’s to seas, tree’s to flower’s, this stone brings the being in touch with the beauty and wonders of nature. Grossularite Chrome help’s one to remove oneself from the brick and mortar, bringing one closer to Mother Earth, creating an understanding of the connection with what lays beneath one’s feet, under one’s hand’s

This stone heightens the awareness of nature and the natural rhythms of Earth. It aids concentration and soothes the nerves as it has very good nurturing and calming qualities

Excellent for heart chakra; flushes and heals heart blocks (loss, hurt, guilt, fear) for allowingness, flexibility, self-forgiveness, peace of heart, patience. Keeps one in light, love, and healing daily. On Throat, expressing feelings, verbal and artistic creativity, thyroid. Also, heart bloodsugar, and emotional balance. High conductivity from copper draws out pain, heat (fevers, inflammations, arthritis). Excellent therapeutic aid for healing loss, incest, other traumas. Cleanses auric field.

Assists Astral Travel, The geode comes with many crystals, some being, quartz, amethyst, and citrine. They can help you to see the whole picture and helps with coming to a decision before things get out of hand. It helps one have the ability to shape one's own future. It bridges communications with the Higher Deity and also helps in communications with people that are in the same healing fields. It can assist one in astral travels. They are also good tools for meditations as well

This meteorite was first discovered in 1836, although it was known to the local inhabitants prior to that date. Most specimens show flight markings and evidence of a violent break up. High nickel content. Although the date of the impact is not known, the age of crystallization of the iron-nickel metal in the Gibeon has been dated at 4 billion years. See also

girasol is a stone of gentle but powerful energy that can enhance and clarify feelings (especially those connected to love and passion), and allows the bearer to look deep within themselves for true feelings. Girasol is an excellent mineral tool for visualization, dream paths, and guided direction of energy (such as Reiki). Girasol metaphysically enhances communication and will help the user to speak thoughts that otherwise might be difficult to express. It enhances creativity in artists

Girasol Rose Quartz is a variety of pink Quartz with a milky opalescent sheen. It encourages you to create a private space for visualization, dreaming, fantasy and artistic creation. Slows down an overactive mind and body. Alleviates panic, fears, phobias and anxiety. It also a stone of love, in particular unconditional love. It helps us to be at peace within ourselves, accept ourselves and forgive others. Generates kind and gentle thoughts.

Glendonite is a teaching stone of learning, discovery, and understanding . It supports the learning process by helping process information and thoughts in easy to understand terms. Because of this, it may help discover one's life purpose. Physically glendonite helps heal broken bones, abrasions, regenerates cells, and makes teeth and bones stronger. It is also known as a stone that helps make a loving home and good family life.

Goniatites are an extinct group of ammonoid. They lived early in the Devonian period, some 400 million years ago, and became extinct during the Permian period.

Goethite teaches one to enjoy the journey in life, brings energy to the pursuit of discovery, and enhances communication with the angels

To those who use minerals, metals and crystals for healing Gold symbolizes the purity of spirit and they attribute the power of cell regeneration, energy conductivity, communication transmission and energy purification to the metal. According to their belief system, Gold spurs the regeneration of neurotransmitters in both lobes of the brain and creates a balance of brain function between creative and logical thought. It also benefits the nerves with its ability to improve the flow of information