The energy of the Purple Amethyst that is embodied within these stones, creates a connection to the higher chakras.
This resonates from the third eye right up to the higher transpersonal chakras. The white quartz emanates the pure white light of the Divine realm.
The Prasiolite energy brings high vibration energy down from the higher realms to the heart, grounding this into the physical, then continues to take the energy down to the solar plexus chakra.
If you are looking for good ways to relieve your stress, these stones will aid the healing of emotional problems, including depression, as they connect you to a beautiful heart based loving energy.
The vibration of Prasiolite also known as Green Amethyst within this stone accentuates a strong vibration within both the heart chakra and the thymus or higher heart chakra, and encourages you to feel strong compassion for those around you.
How Will It Help You?
Once you commence using Amegreen, and begin to bring information down from spirit, you may discover that you experience a strengthening of your intuition.
If you are just beginning to develop your intuition, you may find that the process moves along more quickly. This variety of quartz is a strong aid to assist you to develop psychic powers or gifts.
It is primarily the vibration of the purple Amethyst Crystals that creates this. The Amethyst vibration resonates within the third eye chakra and crown chakra, and takes the energy on up to the soul star chakra.
The energy then moves up through the higher transpersonal chakras to connect with the Divine mind.
This lovely crystal is also known to stimulate psychic visions also known as clairvoyant ability. This is because it embodies the same strong energy that the Purple Amethyst has to encourage a range of psychic gifts.
Its vibration also enhances creativity and inspiration, and you may feel inspired to take steps to make changes in your life. This is heart based creativity, that brings a compassionate and loving vibration into the process, and it encourages you to be guided by and with Divine love.