This stone is an excellent stone for meditation. It can be used to clear clouded areas of all the Chakra and especially to assist in opening the Heart Chakra. It is also believed to help activate the kundalini, or 'serpent fire' energies. By placing this stone on the Crown Chakra, it initiates the movement of kundilini energy up the spine. Relaxes one's overall nature.
So named for its connectivity to the highest choir of angels, Seraphinite (Clinochlore) offers some spiritually beneficial energies to all those who encounter it. Seraphinite is a stone of light energy, pulling higher vibrations into the subtle bodies, making it an important stone for those working on the ascension process. Seraphinite can infuse each of the chakras with divine energies. Seraphinite can be uplifting for those experiencing a reactional depression. Working with Seraphinite during meditation can help those who lack purpose to discover their place in the universe.
Seraphinite is also known for connecting with the devic realm and tends to have a stronger effect when used in nature. Seraphinite clears blockages in the chakras and enhances the aura, and it can have beneficial effects for both the wearer and the person nearby. Seraphinite also makes a great crystal to keep in the home, office, or even the car, where it can emit its protective, angelic energies out into the environment. Seraphinite can be used by experienced, spiritual adepts to raise the Kundalini energies up along the spinal column.
Seraphinite is well-known as a superb healing crystal, offering balance and strength where these qualities are lacking. Many crystal healers love Seraphinite for its ability to bring light energy into the DNA, for accelerated healing. Its ability to focus on the Heart and Crown Chakras adds to its healing effects in these regions of the body.
Physically, Seraphinite can aid with the delivery and assimilation of vitamins and minerals in the various organs of the body. Seraphinite also can enhance weight loss and the detoxification process. Use Seraphinite when warding off the chills or for fighting an infection. From Healing Crystals
Feng Shui: Used in the North area for personal journeys and in the Center area to increase spirituality and find balance.
History: This stone is light to dark green to whitish green in color and displays what appears to look of skin from a snake, due to its inclusions and variations in color. Worn as an amulet to protect those from snakebite during ancient times, this stone is especially used as a decorative object and is used a sculptor stone in Zimbabwe.