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Aventurine seems to enable abundance and brings good luck and money, joy, balance and clarity. Universal love, truth and prosperity are traits we can gain by working with Aventurine. Spiritually, Aventurine protects the heart, enhances creativity and working with spirit guides. Green is the color of healing and Aventurine, as a member of the quartz family, has a concentrated ability to dissolve emotional blockage. It's a particularly effective crystal for emotional healing and is especially helpful when worn for this purpose or placed on the heart center during Chakra balancing. It helps to balance the emotions, and is one of the best stones to wear or carry during stressful periods. It can also be used in crystal layouts when stress is internalized in the solar plexus area. It is also used with stones which have a seemingly more harsh energy. Aventurine is often referred to as the all-purpose healer. This means not only that it is considered by many to be good for physical disorders, but that it is healing on all levels. It helps us to find solutions to life's problems.

Folk Remedies: Aventurine works with lungs, heart, adrenal glands, calming troubled emotions, and sexual organs. It is known as the "heart healer". Historically also known to draw out heat of fevers, inflammation, nervous system, stress and migraines/headaches. In your bath water, a soft, soothing stone for general healing. Heals emotional pain/fear/imbalance by dissolving blocks in the heart Chakra.

Feng Shui: Works in any area or in your life, which needs an emotional lift. It helps with any negative direction where better choices or good luck is needed. Aventurine is associated with the North area related to career and the West area relating to creativity.

History: A member of the quartz family, Aventurine, (SiO2) is a green chalcedony that contains small inclusions of one of several shiny minerals which give the stone a glistening effect. The glistening effect of Aventurine is known as aventuresence. The color of the aventurescence depends on the mineral included in the stone. Mica inclusions give the give the stone a yellowish or silverish glitter or sheen. Goethite and Hematite inclusions give the stone a reddish or grayish glitter or sheen. Fuschite inclusions give the stone a greenish sheen. Aventurine may be green, orange, brown, yellow, or gray.

AVENTURINE, RED: Balances the male / female energies. Enhances creativity and motivation. Balances all bodies. Gently opens the base chakra. Aids one to bridge the 2nd chakra to the heart chakra, bringing love and intimacy together.

Blue Aventurine: Circulation. I get very happy when I wear this stone. I also use this to help clear my congestion.
Green Aventurine: Physical healing. I either place this around my neck or on the area where healing is needed. This is the stone I would choose for overall healing support. For major illnesses, I would use emerald and/or frosted quartz as well. Transparent Aventurine is extremely powerful - however, it needs washing daily (dry flat). Immature transparent aventurine will fade.


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