Stones and crystals that start with A
Stones and crystals that start with A
Healing Crystals & Healing Stones That Begin With A
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Atlantisite is the name given to this beautiful combination of green serpentine with inclusions of pink to purple stichtite from Tasmania and, as such, it blends together the properties of both these minerals. Atlantisite is a healing stone for the heart and lungs. It can help with kidney complaints and complaints of the stomach. It can relax cramp and is helpful with period pains. It has been used to promote the elasticity and regeneration of the skin and in the treatment of hernias.
Azumar is a powerful stone in the realm of feeling. Its currents wash through the Liquid Crystal Body Matrix, bringing refreshment, joy and rejuvenation to every cell. It is a wonderful stone for healing and brightening the emotional body--effortlessly dissolving negative fixations within its peaceful waves of pleasure and power. It can aid in dispelling anger, envy, fear and stress, replacing them with serenity, enthusiasm, confidence and the feeling of being enveloped within an atmosphere
Melanite is Black Andradite Garnet. This crystal carries the properties of both Andradite and Garnet in addition to its own properties. It can help you learn not only self-love but also how to love others. Melanite works well on most negative energy, even anger, to allow it to disperse. This crystal will bring a good beginning and solid foundation to love relationships. It will also bring a speedy and peaceful split to a love relationship, if the need arises
Lemurian Gold Azeztulite carries the high vibrational frequencies for which the Azeztulites are well known. It powerfully stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, and can fill the entire skull with powerful pulsations and golden Light. If one holds one of these stones to the head, and after a few minutes puts the stone down and opens one’s eyes, one will sometimes see an atmosphere of golden Light permeating the room. If one keeps eyes closed and continues to hold the stone, one may often see
Ajoite in Quartz emanates one of the sweetest, most nurturing and loving energies of any stone in the mineral kingdom. It is a pure bearer of the vibrations of the Earth Mother or Soul of the World.
Angelinite brings an immediately sense of lightness to one’s consciousness, as it stimulates the third eye and crown chakras. It is a stone of very rarified and high-frequency currents, and it can ‘pull one up’ to the angelic realms. It is a stone of vibrational Ascension, and it lifts one’s energies very high, very quickly. In this way, it stretches one’s capacity for consciously entering into levels of higher and higher vibration. It increases one’s capacity to concentrate one’s awareness in t
Amazez can purify one’s field in a way that makes possible conscious interaction with higher beings on many spiritual planes. The angels, and even the Azez themselves, can more readily approach one who has been purified by this stone. Amazez is also an excellent stone for out-of-body travel, raising one’s vibration high enough to transcend the body while simultaneously protecting one from negative influences
Amazez can purify one’s field in a way that makes possible conscious interaction with higher beings on many spiritual planes. The angels, and even the Azez themselves, can more readily approach one who has been purified by this stone. Amazez is also an excellent stone for out-of-body travel, raising one’s vibration high enough to transcend the body while simultaneously protecting one from negative influences
The ‘Travellers Stone’, brings forth grounding and protecting. It resonates very well within the Root energy centre of the being. Aztee can be used as a protection talisman for the traveller, bringing forth guidance and a watchful eye. This is a stone that holds a very deep red aura which shows its active grounding energies. Also, Aztee has offerings that allows a strong bond to be formed between itself and its keeper.
The 'Stone of Grounding', brings one back down to earth and is very beneficial to beings who are around high energy natural sources such as crystals & minerals, who need to stay in the here and now. Axinite is fantastic to be given to those who have got a bit above themselves and need to be reminded of where the focus needs to be. This stone can also put a stop to greed and obsessive materialistic ways.
This crystal expands your consciousness. If you are ready, it can lift your awareness and vibration to a higher level. As Azeztulite raises your vibrations, it helps you to give out a positive vibration to a higher level and as it raises your vibrations, it helps you to give out a positive vibration to others. This crystal should be handled with care if you are not use to working in the spiritual realms or at high frequencies. Healing at a physical level, this crystal treats cancer, cellular
In spiritual self-healing, Black Azeztulite cleanses and clears one’s body and energy field of negative energies, disharmonious attachments, psychic parasites, implants, and inappropriate karmic patterns. It can be used for conditions in which the body attacks itself. It offers power and protection to those who work with it. It aids in releasing emotional wounds.
Himalaya Gold Azeztulite Creative manifestation through the will, co-creating with Sophia, kindling the Great Central Sun in the heart, filling the body with Gold Light Himalaya Red Azeztulite Life force, cellular transmutation, radiance, regeneration
Black Tourmaline Azeztulite facilitates rapid progress in spiritual development. It works very quickly, clearing away negative attachments, dysfunctional habit patterns, predatory entities, fearful thoughts and self-negating ideas. Its cleansing and purifying effect is so strong and so instantaneous that it clears the way for a simultaneous Light infusion offered through its White Azeztulite component. Black Tourmaline Azeztulite dispels the negative while replacing it
Cinnazez is a quickener of consciousness and an awakener of higher awareness. It can stimulate one’s nervous system to actualize latent capacities of clairvoyance, telepathic communication, attunement to heavenly realms, and direct knowledge of Divine truth. It is felt as the solidified essence of the Philosopher’s Stone, and it can help the body open to become a conduit of the Celestial Fire of the Great Central Sun.
The multi-hued white stones below are a new type of Azeztulite recently discovered in North Carolina. In addition to Quartz, these stones are composed of Mica and Spessartine Almandine Garnet. They emanate very deep spiritual currents, and are powerful tools for bringing spiritual Light into the body, and ones, consciousness. They are immensely strong heart stones of Love and Truth.
Himalaya Red Azeztulite emanates powerful currents that resonate at the root, heart and crown chakras. Of all Azeztulite's, it most deeply grounds the energy of the Great Central Sun in the realm of matter. In our bodies, it provides a wealth of prana, the spiritual life force. It enhances the inner qualities of courage, vitality, passion and strength. It aids greatly with the integration of the highest vibrational frequencies of the spiritual realms into our bodies and into the earth.
Attunement to the Gold-White Light, Light Body awakening, time travel, accessing the Hall of Records, kindling the Sun of the Heart. Storm element, Heart, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, Soul Star and Transpersonal
Sauralite vibrates with astonishing intensity, combining the Nameless Light of the Great Central Sun with the living vitality of the Earth. New Zealand is one of the energetically clearest places on the planet, a place where the Light of Heaven and the love of Earth are vibrantly intermingled, and these stones are evidence of it. They carry the purpose of Azeztulite in its full realization, the living Light of the Divine married to the density of matter.
Activates brow and throat Chakra more assertive communication and alert, quite, deep access to subconscious and other times/places/lives. Psychicness, creativity, decisiveness, deeper insight, seeing truth, reduces depression, anger, abnormal cell growth. High copper content stimulates thyroid, sinus, skin cleansing, spleen, nervous system, mental and etheric bodies. Referred to as the jewel of wisdom. It is said to increase psychic abilities
Emanates currents that reverberate in the heart, third eye, and crown chakras
Himalaya Gold Azeztulite facilitates this kind of co-creating activity in several dimensions. Its stimulation of the third chakra lends greater “poser” to our intention. When we are strong-willed (and avoid trying to be tyrants), we have more to offer on our side of the dance. We can focus our intentions better and keep our actions in alignment with the intentions we have set, even though we have released expectations.
Have a deep purple with an array of dark blues using Indium. Deep azure-blue, pyrite-streaked stones are powerful healing medicine when worn with purposeful intent.
It carries the same energies as Amethyst, which works with the Third-Eye, Crown, and Etheric Chakras. It is a spiritual stone that has a protective and purifying nature. Amethyst is very powerful and protective, and is a first choice of many metaphysicians. Amethyst was used in ancient times to recover from both physical addictions as well as addictive relationships, and became known as the "stone of sobriety." A natural stress reliever, Amethyst can encourage inner strength.
This stone has the calming, soothing energy of the sea. This is the stone of courage. Tranquilizing, uplifting, openness, innocence, lightheartedness, creativity, communication, self-awareness, confidence, purpose. Throat, Spleen, Heart Chakra. Used for protection on journeys, especially those who travel on water. Affects etheric and mental levels. Helps stabilize and harmonize unsettled surroundings. Helps reduce fears.
The perception of being in another place and time is also very acute, use Afghanite to explore this inner-outter realms. Some feel that this mineral will allow you to communicate your thoughts, feelings and emotions in an “easy to understand way.” Bring people together allowing for attention and focus for a common task, enhances all group settings. This is a peaceful stone, allowing certain individuals to understand the need to end all wars or conflicts. Many crystal chunks imbedded in Calcite
Atlantisite is a healing stone for the heart and lungs. It can help with kidney complaints and complaints of the stomach. It can relax cramp and is helpful with period pains. It has been used to promote the elasticity and regeneration of the skin and in the treatment of hernias. Atlantisite can also help with cases of diabetes and hypoglycemia.
Clear, white, light green striated crystals. Helps one connect to spirit and act in truth. Very powerful for deep, peaceful stillness and alpha state/meditation/dream recall. Clairvoyance, out of body travel. Green is most powerful: Heals and brings joyous openness to the heart Chakra as it opens the brow and crown chakras. Clears mental fuzziness and channels for with higher-self + angelic realm contact. Helps see truth for growth.
Astaraline is a combination of Muscovite, Quartz and Cronstedtite. It is grayish pink or grayish yellow. It resonates throughout the body, readily entering through the third eye and the heart chakra, and making itself felt throughout the body, even to the hands and feet. It fills the Liquid Crystal Body Matrix with a sense of well-being, as if one is being cradled in Light. As a stone of cellular consciousness, Astaraline can help those involved in self healing
Used to calm & assist in stabilizing ones energy field, is a wonderful complement to the metaphysical properties of citrine, which is said to have the ability to clear, strengthen & cleanse the auric field, assisting one in staying protected & connected to Source.
Anglesite from Sonora, Mexico - It is believed to help us contact "the other side" and has been used for channeling. It helps us stay grounded during communication with others that are not on the Earth Plane. It helps bring dreams into reality. It helps allow open and loving communication with others regarding spiritual issues.
Aqua Aura is highly stimulating to the throat chakra, enhancing one's ability to communicate inner truth, as it also has a soothing and relaxing effect on the emotional body. Aqua Aura Quartz can be used to soothe anger, cool feverish-ness, and release stress. It is strongly connected to the element of water, and it is therefore a stone for enhancing one's access to the truth of the emotions and the portals of Spirit which are accessed through the emotions.
Anthracite Coal from Pennsylvania - I was unable to find metaphysical properties of this stone but below is information on what it is. It is shiny and feels wonderful in your hand. It can be polished to a beautiful mirror finish as you can see. Anthracite is the hardest of all the ranks of coal and typically has a lustrous black appearance.
Atacamite purifies the kidneys removing fear and promotes elimination at all levels. It is a powerful cleanser for the etheric body and the brow chakra. It can be used to heal the genitals and is said to improve resistance to herpes and venereal disease. Placed on the throat, Atacamite heals the thyroid gland, opening the throat chakra and removing the blockages to self expression that can lie behind hypothyroidism. With its calming green color it is also beneficial for the nervous system
It can help open the crown chakra and provide a clear path. It helps us restructure and reorganize old patterns and helps smooth changes in our lives. It can help with transitions from one life to another as well as assisting in birth and rebirthing. It is useful in astral travel and can be used to locate energy blockages in the body.
ANCHI Crystals come to us from the beginning of time as a rare offering from the Earth. As such, ANCHI Crystals hold the Codes, Wisdom, and Alignments of the Original Plan. They are capable of enhancing one’s ability to live in an Optimum State. This Optimum State is a combination of many factors. In today’s world few of us have a life style that creates and nourishes this state of being. External stress as well as internal stress is an everyday fact of life.
Combination of pastel purple Amethyst & green Prasiolite with white Quartz. Helps to lift spirits, awaken love & dispel fear.
This a stone that brings with it a sense of peace and freshness from the old to the new. Anthracite is a stone to move the being out of unsteady and unsuitable stages of life, into that of benefit and true warranty. Also a stone to help the being out of periods of depression and anxiety, as well as helping to calm nerves, protect from panic attacks and ward from sudden drops in the mood state.
Alabaster is a "drawing" stone meaning it has the ability to draw things to you or to draw things away from you, depending on what your needs are. It works wonderfully for drawing things of the Spirit to you, White alabaster summons the spiritual. Because alabaster is so soft, it does best with a sun's cleansing. It can also draw forgiveness, whether it be you that needs self forgiveness or the ability to forgive someone that has done you wrong
Anandalite is an amazingly powerful stone for the safe and beneficial awakening of the kundalini, the evolutionary energy in humanity. The stones often kindle a warm, fiery energy in the lower chakras, which transforms into light when it reaches the heart. As they continue their upward flow, the currents of Anandalite frequently engender the experience of spiritual joy, also known as Ananda––Divine bliss