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Transparent dk. blue, yellow, clear...Weight loss. Helps to deepen meditation. Blue and purple are used especially to heal and stimulate throat Chakra and kidney point for self-expression, teaching, healing mouth, throat, thyroid, high blood pressure, stuttering. Reducing hunger. High Calcium content strengthens bones, muscles, mineral assimilation. Use yellow on Solar Plexus and Brow Chakra. A mineral still in its embryonic stage as a healer. Comes in many forms and colors. Easily confused with half a dozen other minerals. Found in transparent, translucent, and opaque forms. Varies in color from white to brown to green to yellow and even violet. Crystal form is hexagonal and glassy in appearance. Found all over North America as well as in Mexico, Norway, USSR and Sri Lanka. Most commonly confused with Fluorite and Aquamarine. Benefits muscle tissue and general motor skills. Promotes calcium absorption. Eases hypertension and restores clear thought.


BLUE APATITE: Can help to integrate and balance the emotional, intellectual, physical and etheric bodies. Stimulates clairvoyance. Good for past life insights. Has a happy, light energy.


Communication. I wear this stone when there has been a misunderstanding. It is also helpful for fighting viruses.

Yellow Apatite:  Removes cellulite, treats the liver, pancreas, gall bladder and spleen.  Yellow apatite elixir is used for appetite suppression.

Green Gold Apatite:  It balances the polarities, mental and emotional, mal and female, activity and serenity, love and will, bringing forth a dynamic balance in which well being is enhanced and strength of purpose is combined with peace of mind. Green

The 'Stone of Cleansing', this stone is perfect for cleansing the physical being inner and outer of any negative energies and of any negative attachments. Green Apatite is beneficial to the bodies Energy centers, to cleanse and contribute in balancing each individual Centre, especially harmonious within the Heart Centre and bringing stability within the Root Centre.

This is a stone that can also be used for cleansing rituals around the home or within needful environments. Placing Green Apatite around windowed areas can help play a part in attracting positive energies to oneself and ones environment. Alongside this, it is helping the stone keep charged within, as natural light is the best charger for this particular form. Green Apatite is good to use at time’s when one feel’s low and sluggish from toxin’s in the environment being absorbed within, by cleansing and clearing to refresh the mind, body and spirit.

A stone to bring forth relaxation and soothing to a wary soul, especially good before times of sleeping and rest. Green Apatite will be of benefit to those of you who are close to nature, very good for when you want to carry the healing energies of nature everywhere you go. This is a stone to help one find and gain direction in life, to help one find the way on crossroads, and help one find the way home.

An intriguing offering of Green Apatite is that is can clearly help one to connect with the natural physical Earth, especially with energies that are within stone and rock from small to great sizes. It help’s one to “read” and decipher such energy, to hear it’s voice, and to recognize it’s call.
“I am seemingly a whisper, yet I am the greatest voice”
Information on these stones have been channeled by :-Katie Jacqueline –October 2009


Apatite Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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