Healing Crystals & Healing Stones That Begin With C
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Cataclasite is a newly discovered stone from southern Africa. It is an ivory-white color, with specks of black spread throughout it. Cataclasite is very powerful for stimulating the third eye. It vibrates there immediately, moving into the interior of the head and stimulating the pineal gland. This stone feels as if it is capable of triggering the pineal gland to release what some ancient spiritual traditions call the 'Divine Nectar.' When this occurs, there is a feeling within the brain
Cryolite is a sodium aluminum fluoride mineral with a monoclinic crystal system and a hardness of 2.5 to 3. Most Cryolite has been found at the Ivigtut site on Greenland’s west coast. It has been found in Colorado, usa; Quebec, Canada; and at Miask, Russia. The energies of Cryolite focus directly on the most needed component of human evolution at this time
The stone we call Crocodile Rock is a black and green quartz-based material from Madagascar. Its wild patterns of green on a black matrix suggest the markings on the skin of a crocodile, which is the derivation off the stone's name. Crocodile Rock is a stone of light-hearted fun and adventurousness. It is an excellent stone to uplift those who are 'down in the dumps,' because its currents bring attention to the humorous side of life, reminding one not to take oneself to seriously.
Coromandel Stonewood carries deep memories of the ancient Earth. It carries the memories of New Zealand’s Lemurian history, as well as the Lemurian qualities of deep intuition, empathy and bodily knowing. It encourages one to envision the potential for a Lemurian revival in the world today, and suggests that the New Consciousness for which humanity is destined is one of empathic rapport
Clinozoisite is friendly to the heart, both physical and emotional. It enhances the presence of heart intelligence in one’s conscious awareness, and encourages one to speak and act from the heart at all times. In self-healing, it promotes a state of overall well-being in the heart, also lending energetic support to the circulatory system and lungs. It enhances one’s appreciation of Nature’s beauty and aids in creative self-expression.
Spelled either way, is used during planetary alignments, world meditations, full/new moon ceremonies to increase awareness. Brings rainbows to your life and allows you to see events in a positive light. Treats cellular disorders, hormonal imbalances and relieves stress.
Found 1576, actual fall estimated at 4000-6000 years ago. Type: Iron based meteorite. Octahedrite, coarse (3.0mm) with silicate inclusions (IA) Analysis of metal: 6.62% Ni, 90.0 ppm Ga, 392 ppm Ge, 3.2 ppm Ir A mass of 8 tons was found at a depth of 5 meters in crater 10.
man made aka Silicone Dioxide. Carborundum - Man made material aka Silicone Carbide - Even though it is man made, it's made from natural elements. It has black spiky crystals with beautiful iridescent colors. - It can help absorb chaotic thoughts. The rainbow colors of the stones are associated with all 7 Chakras. It helps "Shines a Light" into all areas of our lives, thus helping lift depression and melancholia. It is good to help relieve stress and its associated physical disorders. It can als
Energy Domes are a great way to bring the positive energy of crystals into your home or workplace. Attractive, but also small and discreet, place these Energy Domes in key areas where you live and work to enjoy the benefits that are believed to emanate and radiate from these crystals
A stone of personal protection. This is a great stone for grounding and protecting against negativity. It is said to reflect negativity back to the sender. It can help bring synchronicity within ourselves. When you take it out into nature, with you, it helps allow you to bond with the gentleness of our Mother Earth, bringing the gentle energy back inside of you. It helps to reduce the feelings of separateness and prejudice. It can be used to relieve the feelings of rejection or disapproval and e
Cavansite activates the throat and 3rd eye Chakras, enhancing insight, communication and and access to field of higher knowledge. It can help enhance intuition and psychic awareness. It is also useful for protecting the healer during psychic healing, helping to prevent any of the patient's problems from attaching themselves to the healer. Cavansite inspires new ways of thinking and dispels negative thought patterns
Cavansite activates the throat and 3rd eye Chakras, enhancing insight, communication and and access to field of higher knowledge. It can help enhance intuition and psychic awareness. It is also useful for protecting the healer during psychic healing, helping to prevent any of the patient's problems from attaching themselves to the healer. Cavansite inspires new ways of thinking and dispels negative thought patterns
This stone represents confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities, assertiveness and outgoingness. Precision, analysis, stimulates appetite, encourages celebration and brings awareness of feelings. It is the stone of passion and sexuality and is associated with the Sacral/Spleen Chakra. This stone helps you feel anchored and comfortable with your surroundings. Provides a connection to the past or to historical events. Carnelian can improve motivation. Helps one achieve greater success i
You can work with Casa Crystals in any way that you will allow. They will provide their retuning function whether or not you use them with intention. However, when used with intention, Casa Crystals become much more powerful, and you will begin to see manifold and manifest change in your life. “Your instinct is to push away that which would help you. This is a normal response because when you encounter a higher vibration it works on you like sandpaper against your skin.
Natural Cat's Eye ( chrysoberyl ) is a stone of good fortune and good luck. It is said to bring serenity and happiness, along with optimism and generosity. It is used in emotional crystal healing to bring forgiveness, balanced emotions, and self-esteem. Cat's eye can enhance creativity and kindness. It is also a stone of protection. Physically, cat's eye is used in crystal healing for kidneys, pancreas, liver, lymph nodes, spleen, and leukemia issues.
Celestite is a stone of peace and can help connect you to the angelic realm. It stimulates clairvoyant communication , dream recall, and journeys out of the body. It also promotes purity of heart and attracts good fortune. Psychologically, Celestite imparts gentle strength and enormous inner peace despite urging one towards a greater openness to new experiences. Mentally, Celestite calms and sharpens the mind and promotes mental balance. Placed on the third eye, Celestite opens a connection
It has the qualities of both quartz and Indium. Quartz has a harmonizing effect and aligns the chakra system. Indium imparts a more powerful, yet practical energy to the wearer and the blue color helps stimulate the throat chakra, improving communications abilities through speaking. These crystals are very attuned to reiki and chakra work
Celestobarite is said to show us both sides of every situation. It is thought to show us the advantages and disadvantages of a choice, giving us the information to make an informed decision. This beautiful stone is a great addition to any crystal collection and makes a gorgeous gift.
Clear/misty white to brown. Helps us be centered, confident, capable and versatile amidst life's challenges. Grounding to here/now and higher self. Graciousness, good listening/communication skills. Translate higher concepts to everyday language. Psychicness, clarity. Shows what we can/can't change. Letting go (stress, addictions..) Insomnia, Central Nervous System, coordination, general healing. Both grounds root chakra and opens crown (& Throat) Chakra. Plant growth , protection against bugs.
Incredible deep blue color. For insight, psychic attunement, enhancing clairvoyance and ability to "read" people and situations This mineral can be used to eliminate the feeling of abandonment and restraint and to assist one in continuing toward ones goals without confinement. It has also been used to assist one in the selection of choice - the energy of Chalcanthite tends to reflect the choice of preference which will further ones objectives and desires
Helps ease self-doubts, makes one more reflective. Eases bad dreams and problems related to the eye, gall bladder, bones, spleen, blood, and circulatory organs. Cleansing in nature and will promote healing of open sores. It needn't be cleaned afterward since it has such strong cleansing qualities of its own. Fosters the maternal instinct and is said to aid lactation.
Powerful cleanser including open sores. Fosters the maternal instinct and increases lactation, improves mineral assimilation and combats mineral buildup in veins
Bestows strength and persistence in achieving goals. It advises when to fight and when to give in gracefully.
Encourages kindness and all good qualities. Brings out a sense of childlike wonder and willingness to learn new things.
Promotes clear and precise thought. This stone is useful when you are under pressure or attack as it facilitates calm communication while remaining relaxed.
Balances the energy of the body, mind and spirit. Encourages brotherhood among all. Symbolizes benevolence and good will. Alleviates hostility, irritability and melancholy. Enhances generosity, responsiveness and receptivity.
Balances the energy of the body, mind and spirit. Encourages brotherhood among all. Symbolizes benevolence and good will. Alleviates hostility, irritability and melancholy. Enhances generosity, responsiveness and receptivity.
Chalcopyrite is an excellent stone for meditation and this is its most powerful aspect, although it is also a strong healing stone for the physical body. It has a powerful resonance within the higher chakras, and is acknowledged as a stone of the mystic, as it is common for it to make a powerful connection to the higher spiritual and mystical realms.
Chalcopyrite is an excellent stone for meditation and this is its most powerful aspect, although it is also a strong healing stone for the physical body. It has a powerful resonance within the higher chakras, and is acknowledged as a stone of the mystic, as it is common for it to make a powerful connection to the higher spiritual and mystical realms.
It can be used to gently dissolve negative energies and emotional blockages. It provides for balancing of the yin-yang energy and is an excellent grounding stone. It further acts as a protective stone, providing for an encompassing barrier of energy around the user. It can be used to initiate a powerful force field which will absorb many forms of negativity, both from within oneself and from outer sources. It tends to refine the vibratory energies when one is in the state of meditation
Works with Indigo & violet Chakra to transmute/lift us out of emotions, fear. Seeing old patterns with new possibilities. Opens heart, inspiration, service, seeing clearly (mentally, physically, psychically), faster healing. Some find useful also for entity release work and alcohol/liver detoxification.
Chalcosiderite can be used in the treatment of arthritis, bones and joints and neuralgia*. It can help to relieve the symptoms of colds and infections. Heart and brow chakras - Aids in intuitive divination, and encourages focused, heartfelt, intention. Sometimes called white turquoise, chalcosiderite is actually not a turquoise but is very closely related, containing iron rather than the aluminum in turquoise. The material used by Southwest Indian artists comes mostly from southeast Arizona.
The "Cross Stone". This crystal is a variety of Andalusite. It exhibits the axis and angle in a different color from the rest of the crystal forming a natural cross. It is used as a sign of devotion towards awareness and dispels negativity. It signifies both death and re-birth and helps one to understand the realization of immortality. It is used as a bridge for "crossing over". It helps one to assimilate during times of change. It provides insight to answers when problem solving. This powerful
Chinese Writing Stone, Chinese Letter Stones: This is a limestone matrix with Andalusite crystals. It is also called Porphyry. It received the name Chinese Writing Rock or Stone because of the crystalline structure resembling the Chinese characters of the written language. The stone is found in the Yangtze River Valley of the Hunan Province of China and also it is known to be found in the Auburn, California region of the foothills of the Sierra Nevada.
Known as a purifier, chlorite is used for cleansing the aura, chakras, and energy meridians. It is particularly healing to the cells and helps balance their fluid and electrolyte levels (etheric fluids as well as physical ones). It helps the metabolism (actually the mitochondria, for the technically minded) use the power in available nutrients and how to make the ideal energy connection with those nutrients at etheric level. It also protects them from random connections with energies
Mtorolite is a natural support stone for all practices involving homeopathy and plant cultivation. It is especially useful as a stone which helps to ?weather the storm?, providing a sense of lucidity in crisis and the strength to endure. It supports the heart chakra and the message of this stone is one of calmness for your whole being. It helps you to trust the circumstances you are experiencing and accept the position you are in with that situation
Chromite provides a state of non reaction to unpleasant situations. It is all so a excellent bringer of awareness. Chromite it stimulates the brain and provides cleverness and makes you more perceptive to the world around you. It is a good stone to stimulate the energies of the throat.
Serpentine - Helpful during meditation. When placed on the Crown Chakra, it helps the movement of Kundalini. It is used to help disorders in all areas of body and mind with conscious direction. It can help clear clouded areas of the chakras and stimulate the crown and heart chakras. It is a wonderful stone for healing and is useful for helping you find inner peace. It can be used to help with emotional cleansing, psychic powers and attract love, abundance and money.
Chrysanthemum stone is named for its unique patterns embedded in the stone that resemble flowering chrysanthemums. It is a stone that awakens your true purpose in life and lends the support and courage necessary to follow your dreams. This stone brings unexpected opportunities (luck) once you have stepped on a chosen path. Chrysanthemum stone contains an energy that forges through obstacles to joy, love and abundance in your life. It creates a sense of balance between physical and spiritual
Confidence, self-pride, healing. Amplifies other gems Some are irradiated to turn green- trust your feeling with each stone.