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Blue Obsidian

Blue Obsidian aka Cobalt Blue Obsidian aka Columbian Blue Obsidian, Stimulates Throat Chakra, communication, helps in astral travel, Tarot reading. Helps keep away negativity and is an extremely protective stone when traveling. Helps with directional knowledge, as well, particularly for sensitive people.

Blue obsidian cannot be used for evil. This is the protection stone for sensitive or psychic people. It provides a wonderful screen against negative energy and is good for balancing the digestive system.

Blue obsidian, as well as having the general properties of obsidian, stimulates the throat chakra. An excellent stone for someone who has to speak in public, it enhances communication. It is said to aid telepathic skills and act as a protector during traveling.It is good in relieving eye problems, it assists with speech therapy and alleviates pain. It can also assist mental clarity with disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and multiple-personality confusion.

The color of obsidian varies depending on the presence of impurities.


Blue Obsidian Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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