Strictly speaking, Amber is not a crystal at all. It is a tree resin that solidified and became fossilized. It has strong connections with the earth and is a grounding stone for higher energies. Amber is a powerful healer and cleanser that draws dis-ease from the body and promotes tissue revitalization. It also cleans the environment and the chakras. It absorbs negative energies and transmutes them into positive forces that stimulate the body to heal itself. A powerful protector, it links the everyday self to the higher spiritual reality. It can help counteract suicidal or depressive tendencies. Mentally, Amber stimulates the intellect, clears depression and promotes a positive mental state and creative self expression. It brings balance and patience and encourages decision-making, being a useful memory aid. Its flexibility dissolves opposition. Emotionally, Amber encourages peacefulness and develops trust. Spiritually, Amber promotes altruism and brings wisdom.
Clear yellow or orange, this ancient petrified resin (possibly pine tree) has electromagnetic properties. Great for past life work and weight gain. Opens solar plexus chakra for mental clarity, moods balance, confidence. Stomach anxiety, spine, Central Nervous System, brain, memory loss, cell regeneration. Aligns mental and emotional bodies via orange and yellow. Excellent detoxification and protection from radiation, especially x-rays, sun, computers, airport, planes and others' energies. Sacred use (incense/worn) by Asian and American Indians, and worldwide. Useful on the brain, lungs, thyroid, spleen, endocrine system, inner ear, and neurological tissue. Draws disease out of afflicted areas and neutralizes negative energy. It is a grounding healer. Can add stability to your life. Helpful in clearing up depression and bringing about a positive mental state. Also useful as a memory aid. Amber should be cleansed after being used for healing to dispense the negative energy it has absorbed. An excellent natural antibiotic, as well as a healing and aiding in tissue revitalization.
Amber is the fossilized resin of coniferous trees, they come from Poland and parts of Russia. This mineral is used for allowing the body to heal itself, absorbing and transmuting negative energy into positive energy. It is used to open and cleanse all chakras. It is said to be a stone of good luck. It was burned as incense to clear negativity. It purifies the area in which it is placed and is excellent for use in rooms where re-birthing is done. It's properties bring wisdom, balance, and patience. It self-heals drawing disease from the body, lessens stress, negativity, and depression. Aids memory and decision making.