Healing Crystals & Healing Stones That Begin With Q & R
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Revelation Stone has a powerful resonance with the heart, and stimulates the heart’s consciousness of the unfolding pattern of the future. It displays that awareness to the mind’s eye as images or visions rather than words. The future one sees is not a precise, predetermined set of events, but a pattern of possibility—the potential future, or the blueprint for what may happen, depending on human choices.
Is an immune system builder that is able to work within the DNA structure and cellular level to re-polarize and magnetically open the gateways to God’s direct healing light. It is effective in healing past grief induced trauma that is locked within the emotional energy field and the body’s cells, causing pain in both areas. It can and will align all energy bodies, and all the Chakra centers. Quantum Quattro Silica is from Namibia, the only known source for this combination
Melody says these stones are "from one of the "Grand Formations" of our planet, and, hene, each minute piece of the combination continues to exhibit the properties of the combined mineralogy" This is similar to Super Seven, the energies of all the components are present in every stone even though there may be none of that mineral in the specific piece you have. "Que Sera" has been shown to facilitate the amassing of one's mental, physical, psychic, and spiritual powers, such that one is always "
Rainbow Mayanite will help you to feel safe thru this planetary transition as well as to easily obtain this spiritual enlightenment. This unique crystal offers healing on many levels by resonating with our entire energy system or chakras. The full spectrum of color OR Rainbow. We find that the Rainbow Chakra Quartz never needs cleansing because of the intense strength and ability to self cleanse. Lay the Rainbow Chakra Quartz on each chakra to activate and stimulate each energy center.
1st and 2nd chakras. This is from my personal collection of healing stones, Realgar from the Royal Reward Mine in Washington State. Realgar is a very potent arsenic sulfide. I find this rare mineral to be very energetic, it works by clearing your first and second chakras, and then activates them with intense energy. Good for those who need activation and for those who need more physical energy.
Coral symbolizes life and blood force energy. Dark red coral is used for heating and stimulating the bloodstream it is important that people understand “fossil coral” is a natural stone formed from ancient corals. It should not be mistaken for protected and endangered coral reef from the modern oceans of today.
Emanates currents that reverberate in the heart, third eye, and crown chakras
Said to greatly amplify the energies of other stones, and to increase one's self-confidence and ability to manifest one's will. From Siri - Rhodizite is one of the top five healing crystals. It is a Master Healer and never needs cleaning. It works on cancer etc. These are amazing crystals--never be without one. This crystal never needs to be cleaned.
Gentle and yet probably the most vibrant loving stone to heal the Heart Chakra, especially for giving/receiving love. Rhodochrosite is the "Stone of Love and Balance". Also for loneliness, loss, heartache, fear, insecurities, inner-child issues, abuse and incest. Helps self-forgiveness, deservingness and trust issues, spiritual and self-love, desire to live and purpose. Best worn 24 hrs. a day. Most effective for opening the hand healing Chakra. It is used in times of transition by providing com
Rhodolite helps to attract good luck through a greater awareness of how often one has been very lucky in life. This essence also helps to release negative energies from all the Chakras and thus helps one to feel much lighter and more refreshed energy wise. It also helps to stimulate positive changes in one's life, attracting new opportunities quite quickly. It also helps one to know what opportunities are best for one to pursue so as they appear, one may take needed action quickly and decisively
Rhodonite is the "Stone of Love"! Rhodonite works with the Heart Chakra by soothing the heart center as well as the Root Chakra for grounding and balancing, due to the presence of black oxides in this stone. This balance of colors allows for a powerful and vibration for caring for one's self. Rhodonite allows for confidence and self worth. Helps us express confidence and lovingness on physical plane in day-to-day ways. Calms and feeds the soul through the heart; love and service. It helps us wi
Rhyolite was named "streaming rock" because of its beautiful bands, bubbles and crystal-rich layers that form as lava flows onto the surface of stone and moves forward. Rhyolite can look very different, depending on how it erupts. Rhyolite has a composition similar to granite but has a smaller grain size. It is composed of the light-colored silicates and is usually buff to pink in color. Because of its varied formational traits it represents change, variety and progress. It sparks creativity in
Richterite is a stone of calmness, relaxation and strength. It is said to help lessen the "fight or flight" syndrome associated with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and other anxiety states. It is said to help one balance action and reaction, and handle life in a calm, steady, and strong manner. When one is already in a relaxed state such as meditation, richterite can profoundly deepen the relaxation, allowing the body freedom to heal more fully, grow stronger, and for the mind to expand
As a throat chakra stone, richterite is involved with communication, but rather than external communication it is primarily involved with communication within the entity or person. Physically richterite is used in folklore and spiritual healing to aid in healing of circulation problems, glandular problems, particularly thyroid problems, respiratory problems, parasites, fevers of various kinds, and typhoid. Richterite is commonly associated with the throat (5th) chakra.
recommended by Doctors for possible health benefits due to increase the negative ion count in the air around you, helping you feel tranquil and relaxed. Whether you're looking for a meditation aid or just want to boost the air quality and ambiance around you.
It is a stone of the heart. Its currents quickly and deeply move into and throughout the chest, in and around one's heart, bringing sensations of soothing, calming and loving caresses. Through this stone, it feels as though one is being touched with the loving invisible hands of the Divine Feminine, the Intimate One who is vast enough to fill the world and even the cosmos, and is at the same time fully aware and caring of each human being. There is a feeling quality engendered by these stone whi
Strengthens, grounds/rejuvenates, warms. Unites heart and body for love, courage, passion, energy, stamina, steadiness. High Lithium content (thus pink/red color) brings emotional balance, lovingness, devotion in a down-to-earth way. Balances body's electrochemistry. Heart and Root Chakra. Helps detach from personal pain. Releases reproductive, blocks; stimulates fertility. Used to strengthen and detox blood and immune system and to ease radiation effects. Yang. Creativity, love, devotion. Corr
Wealth, Joy, Love, Sexual Energy and Power. Warms, energizes after exhaustion. Strengthens physical and emotional heart (4th chakra), love, courage, confidence, vitality, stamina, strength, leadership, success over challenges. Intensifies all emotions (passion, jealousy, impatience, love...) Attempted use for pressure/control (for love) backfires onto user. Used for reproductive/root Chakra; infections, cholesterol, clots, blood detox (alcohol, caffeine), sexual blocks. Stimulates circulation, m
A beautiful combination of Fuchsite, Ruby and Blue Kyanite Gem Sphere from India. The Ruby crystals have a wonderful sparkle surrounded by Blue Kyanite in Green Fuchsite. Kyanite does not hold negative energy and assists in cleansing other crystals. Ruby encourages the search of one's Bliss and lights the darkness within the spirit. Fuchsite is said to increase the healing properties and flow of energy from other healing crystals
Green Zoisite found with Ruby has long been a valued ornamental stone. The combination is prized as magical and healing in Asian countries because of its highly energetic properties.
Also known as Anyolite, Ruby within a matrix of the mineral Zoisite. Metaphysical Properties: It helps to increase the awareness of the super-ego, your energy being an extension of the rest of the world. Helps amplify the whole energy field of a person, reaching within to release inner talents of the mind.
It helps to increase the awareness of the super-ego, your energy being an extension of the rest of the world. Helps amplify the whole energy field of a person, reaching within to release inner talents of the mind.
Known as the "star of purity", "star fire" or "Ruby crystal" is said to promote dreaming and tends to stimulate connection between the self and your spirit guides. Used as a rod-like conductor, it provides the pathway from the user to the electrical and magnetic forces. It assists in purifying, and correcting disoriented energy which leads to atrophy. It helps to align the auric and physical bodies as one. It is an excellent stone for releasing blocks which keep you from a spiritual path.
Root chakra. Red symbolizes energy, strength, physical existence, and vitality. It is associated with the material side of life (abundance) and survival issues. It is used to stimulate the life-force, increase circulation and to energize the nervous system. Red increases your connection with the Earth, it gives strength and will to live in the physical world. It speaks of fertility and sexual issues. Ruby intensifies life force energy in the root chakra and kundalini line. Stimulates the will to