The healing properties of the element, Bismuth relieves symptoms of isolation, both spiritually and emotionally. As a stone of transformation, it calms disorder and helps push changes in the right direction with a physical vitality, connecting to “all that is”. Energy is transformed from the crown chakra to the base chakra, which is something other stones don’t do. It can be used on all chakras. The power of wisdom can be actualized through Bismuth.
As a healing crystal it lessens catatonic states and has been used to diminish fevers. Because it stimulates energy, it can clear the biological field, and help you enjoy the journey towards achieving a goal through the togetherness of teamwork, groups or relationships. It improves concentration and visualization during Shamanic journeys.
In helping to transit from a physical plane to an astral state or spiritual realm, it provides for continuity in travel for a pre-established plan. Ruled by the planets of Venus and Saturn, it is believed to have a relationship as a messenger of the Goddess and messenger of the Gods, in a connection to Aquarius which is also ruled by Saturn.
Bismuth is a heavy, brittle silver-white crystalline that transforms with tinges of pink to red. It naturally occurs with an iridescent oxide tarnish that reflects a full spectrum of colors including blue, yellow and green, as well. Bismuth crystals are typically laboratory grown where Bismuth is melted and a rod is placed in the molten metal and pulled up slowly, which allows crystals to form as it cools.
Bismuth (element #83 on the periodic table) forms beautifully colored and geometrically intricate hopper crystals, shown in the image to the left, as it slowly cools and solidifies from its molten state.
The distinctive, 'hoppered', shape of a Bismuth crystal results from a higher growth rate around its outer edges than on its inside face. The higher rate of growth on the edges forms a crystal which appears to be partially hollowed out in a rectangular-spiral stair step design.
The crystal's eye-catching array of colors results from the formation of a thin oxide layer on its surface. The colors on Bismuth crystals arise in a similar fashion to those on a soap bubble or thin film of oil on water in which light reflecting off the top and bottom of the film produce interference maxima of a particular color depending on the film’s thickness. A thin layer of Bismuth Oxide on the otherwise pure Bismuth crystal causes light of certain wavelengths to interfere constructively upon reflection giving rise to the color seen on the surface. Due to variations in the thickness of the oxide layer, the crystal is not one solid color but rather is a rainbow of colors corresponding to the wavelengths (and colors) of light which interfere constructively at each location.
Metaphysical Properties: Stone of transformation, progression, and order.
Corresponding Astrological Sign: Aquarius