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A rare and light bearing crystal, Azeztulite is a stone for the new age.    Its extremely pure vibration, one of the most refined in the mineral kingdom, is attuned to the highest frequencies.  It brings higher frequencies down to earth to aid spiritual evolution.  This crystal expands your consciousness.  If you are ready, it can lift your awareness and vibration to a higher level.  As Azeztulite raises your vibrations, it helps you to give out a positive  vibration to a higher level and as it raises your vibrations, it helps you to give out a positive vibration to others. 

This crystal should be handled with care if you are not use to working in the spiritual realms or at high frequencies.  The vibrational shift it induces is powerful and can have unpleasant side effects until it has been fully assimilated. 

Healing at a physical level, this crystal treats cancer, cellular disorders and inflammations.  It aids the chronically sick by revitalizing purpose and restoring the will.  Most of Azeztulite's healing work is at the spiritual vibration, working on the chakra connections to higher reality and facilitating a vibrational shift

Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite

Vermont Azeztulite

North Carolina Azeztulite

Amazez Azeztulite

Cinnazez Azezulite

Pink Azeztulite

Pink Fire Azeztulite

Red Fire Azeztulite

Golden Azeztulite

Sauralite Azeztulite

Himalayan Gold

Himalayan Red

Himalayan Red Gold Azeztulite

Lemurian Gold Azeztulite

Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite

Satyaloka Rose Azeztulite

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite

Honey And Cream Azeztulite

Black Azeztulite

Black Tourmaline Azeztulite

White Ray Azeztulite

Sedona Azeztulite


Azeztulite Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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