Rathbunite is a type of Jasper, characterized by multi-hued looping stripes that curve and curl through the stone. Its colors include reddish brown, yellow, orange, white and gray. Energetically, it is highly positive and dynamic, manifesting a unique and enjoyable personality.
Rathbunite is the kind of stone that makes you smile when you pick it up. Its currents are emotionally uplifting, stimulating the voice of the heart to speak from its wisdom. This stone can aid one in 'doing serious work lightly'. It enhances one's capacity to take on life's challenges with a buoyant spirit, combined with a good natured determination.
Rathbunite is a stone of creative manifestation. When placed on the solar plexus, it energizes that chakra and increases one's capacity to focus on one's will to bring about a desired outcome. When worn, Rathbunite allows one to draw scattered thoughts together and organize them into coherent patterns. It is a great stone for those who are talented but have difficulties bringing projects to completion. Rathbunite helps one achieve goals without losing the enjoyment of the present moment.
Rathbunite is a stone of fun and good humor. Its capacity to lift one's mood helps one to remember to see the humor in life, and it inspires wit and verbal play. It is linked energetically to the archetypes of the Divine Messenger and the Magician, as well as the Fool. As Divine Messenger, Rathbunite enhances intuition, and the capacity to see meaningful patterns in seemingly random events. It stimulates the sixth sense and helps one to develop latent psychic capacities. As Magician, Rathbunite aids one in learning to attune one's will to Divine Will, channeling the flow of the Tao or Divine energies, and directing the potential of the higher Powers into beneficial creative manifestation. As the Fool, Rathbunite stimulates one's sense of play, dispelling egotism and encouraging oneself and others to laugh at one's own and life's absurdities. This can be of great benefit in healing old wounds to the emotional body, and in dissolving old habits of emotional reactiveness.
Rathbunite is a wonderful stone for just about everyone. It's message to us is 'Lighten up,' and as we do so, we are unexpectedly lifted into the spiritual Light which our hearts had been seeking all along. In essence, Rathbunite attunes one to Love, Joy, Pleasure and Play. If we truly embrace these qualities, we will move far along the path of enlightenment.