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Fuchsite is a lovely green form of Muscovite Mica. Held in the light, its amazing sparkle just seems to draw the eyes to it!

It is known as the Healers Stone as it is particularly good for healers.


This is a stone with strong metaphysical properties that is very beneficial for everyone to have in their vicinity.


It is especially helpful for who regularly try to save others from themselves, when it might be better to let the person to take responsibility for their own health concerns.


Even if you are not a healer, it may help you to look after your own needs and requirements, and the health of your loved ones, when you need to.
Where Is It From? 


Fuchsite or Fuschite is mainly found in Brazil, and is a variety of Muscovite. It was named after the German mineralogist Johann Fuchs.

It has also been found in Russia and India. Its color is due to the presence of chromium in it, as it is the green form of Muscovite Mica.

It comes in various shades of green, from medium green through to a slightly paler color. You may also find stones that are a mixture of the Red Muscovite and the Green crystal.


Fuchsite is a variety of Green Muscovite, a stone that will generally help you by stimulating your mind. This may intensify inspiration and aid with problem solving, and help to develop your intuition.


Meditation with any variety of crystal is the best and highest use for it and it is also true for these green stones. As you go deeper into the meditative state, this is the time when you begin to access information that will aid you in your life.


Hold a small piece of this stone in your hand during meditation to assist you to receive divine guidance about issues that are of concern to you.
Who Should Use It?


It may be helpful to have a fair sized piece of Fuchsite within the home environment, where there may be one member of the family who begins to get sick, and may get looked after by others.


Others within the family group may be comfortable with the situation, as they may like to "mother" that person. This can create a situation where one person becomes the "family patient".


By having a reasonable sized piece of this sparkling green stone in the home, it encourages the patient to take charge of their own health.

It encourages each person in its vicinity to be responsible for their own health, growth and movement forward in their life.


It allows anyone who is a care-giver to release the need to be responsible for another person. The carer also may gain by this, as they too can move on with their life.


This stone is also useful if you are a person who likes to be of service to others, and who gets involved in groups or organizations. Many people start out in an organization, and find they become involved in situations that are not in either their interests, or the interests of the group.


What Is Fuchsite? Why Would You Use It
Fuchsite CrystalsFuchsite Crystals have sparkling radiant energy!

This sparkling green stone is a lovely green mica that has a strong heart chakra vibration

When looking at this beautiful green stone in the light, your eyes seem to be drawn to the sparkling light from within it, as you are attracted by its radiance.

By using its radiant energy you may be able to access information from the universal mind, via your intuition.

You may find yourself becoming altered, if you immerse yourself within the sparkling light from Green Fuchsite.

It has been called 'The Healers Stone' and is a stone that has been used by ancient healers and shamans.

If you are a healer of any sort, try to obtain a reasonable sized piece of this stone.

There are a number of good reasons why it is a most helpful stone to have in the area where you are seeing clients.

The foremost reasons is that often healers so very much want their patients to get better, that they are unable to see the situation clearly.

It will aid you to say 'No' when you hear from clients wanting more from you, particularly time, than you are able or willing to give. Fuchsite will help you to stand back from situations, both mentally and emotionally.

It will aid you, as the healer, to ensure you do not 'surrogate' or take too much responsibility for any one else's healing.

Many healers will benefit by its use, by avoiding surrogating and allowing clients to take responsibility for their own healing.

By this change you avoid potential problems, especially if you are someone who likes to rescue others. It may benefit your overall spirituality and health and help to create improved emotional well-being.


Fuchsite Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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