Stibnite keeps away the intrusive. Helps to go directly into a meditative state. Used for protection, it enhances your energy field and creates a barrier around the body. Use to stabilize your Financial situation. Helps in attracting that which you have clearly defined. Use for disorders of the stomach.
Chakras: Base
Astrological sign: Scorpio, Capricorn
Protection, conducive to meditation. Totem stone of the Wolf.
Stibnite is a wonderful crystal to enhance psychic knowing, guidance and direction. Brings us information about the soul, soul structure and spiritual realities. It stimulates mental understanding of the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms, allows us to communicate on a higher level. Good for those who are in relationships, allows a greater understanding of partnerships and how to improve them. On the physical level, Stibnite is used to treat disorders of the stomach and to relieve muscle stiffness. 7th chakra.
Numerology- Vibrates to the number 8. Abundance and personal power.
Gemological Properties- Stibnite offers a chemical composition of Sb2S3. From the Greek, stimmi or stibi, "antimony". The color is a light to dark lead-gray and very brilliant. The hardness is a 2 on the Moe's Scale of Hardness. The specific gravity is very heavy at 4.63. This mineral can be brittle, so handle with care. The sources are Spain, China, Italy, Japan and the USA
Warning: Stibnite is antimony sulfide, but it looks like silver. For that reason, the huge, shining metallic crystals of this unstable compound were once fashioned into magnificent eating utensils. But the sword shaped crystals bore the powers of death to those who used them. Stibnite’s antimony laced crystals killed a number of people before it became known that use of the mineral was causing food poisoning of the worst kind. Even in collections, stibnite samples should be handled with great caution to avoid poisoning. Hand washing is advisable after any contact. Mines near Oksaku in Japan have produced the best stibnite crystals in the world, measuring up to a foot in length. Many stibnite samples have the appearance of a miniature steeple.