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Blue Beryl, Golden Beryl, Alexandrite Beryl, Cat's Eye Beryl, Cymophane Beryl, Bixbite Red Beryl, Chrysoberyl


Beryl stones represent a group of minerals, which include aquamarine, emerald, golden or yellow beryl, heliodor and morganite, to name a few. Beryl assists its possessor in learning how to filter out distractions and unnecessary stimulation. Good for relieving stress, calming the mind. This stone works with the particular color in relation to each Chakra center. This stone is known to stimulate communication (blue), acceptance and healing (green), reawakens the love of married people (pink), supports spiritual growth (gold and white) and gives us strength and power (yellow). 

Folk Remedies: Beryl has been used for centuries to help stomach, intestines, ulcers, nausea and eating disorders. It works with the mental body for exhaustion, depression and stimulates the mind, nervous system, spine and bones. Beneficial for elimination organs such as the kidneys, liver, and intestines. Helps strengthen the circulatory and pulmonary systems, making them more resistant to toxins and pollutants. Helpful to the eyes, throat and easing a stressed mental state. Beryl is often used as a sedative. 

Feng Shui: Beryl stones are used in the Center area for harmony, balance and spiritual growth, in the North area for personal journey and in the Southwest area for relationships of any kind. 

History: This stone is found in the US, India, and USSR. It is found in shades of yellow, gold, white, blue, or green. Beryl stones' color results in the amount of metals found within these minerals. Beryl was used as cutting tools in the Upper Paleolithic period, as ceremonial stones in the rites of magic and used to signify greatness. Famous forms of beryl include Morganite, found by industrialist, JP Morgan, Heliodor, called the gift of the sun and Bixbite, named after Maynard Bixby, who cataloged the minerals of Utah.


CLEAR BERYL (also known as Goshenite) increases intellectual abilities, wisdom and the capacity to see things from all sides. Stimulates the mind, nervous system, spine, bones, Solar Plexus and 3rd eye, with warm sun energy for mental clarity, confidence, willpower, visualizing, protection. Helps stomach, intestines, works with mental body for exhaustion , depression, ulcers, nausea, eating disorders. Cleans emotional and physical toxins from liver, skin, (including: fear and resentment).

GOLDEN BERYL (also known as Heliodor) brings persistence, altruism, spirituality, healing, strength, learning, communication and comfort. 
PINK or RED BERYL (also known as Morganite or Bixbite) fosters tolerance, empathy, love, acceptance and a "live and let live" attitude. Excellent for heart , growth, transition, stabilizing. 


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