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Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite

These new Satyaloka Azeztulites are wonderful Light tools! They powerfully stimulate the third eye, crown and Soul Star chakras, emanating a beam of intense current through their terminations. The growth of these Satyaloka points lends them a focus and intensity that is quite remarkable. These are stones of a highly enlightened energy, and they invite us to work with them and awaken to the ecstatic state of full awareness. 


 Satyaloka Azeztulite opens the crown chakra with a tremendous flow of energy. When I worked with this stone, I felt it pouring downward through the crown as soon as I held it in my hands. The crown chakra opened and a pulsing energy cascade thrust down again and again through the top of my head all the way to my heart. As it extended further, it seemed to be exploring or slowly penetrating the column of my chakras below the heart, with each pulse reaching a little deeper. Satyaloka Azeztulite placed upon the heart in a pouch produced a deep sense of reverence, an appreciation of the presence of the Holy in the heart. It became difficult to speak or form words as I allowed this vibration of the Holy to move into my heart center. 


This stone carries deep currents of what I would term the Holy Silence. It has a direct resonance with the vastness of consciousness at the site of Origin. It opens a stream via which one may venture toward the Source. It is a rather magnetic feeling, as the Source draws one toward itself. As one gets closer and closer to it, words are left behind, and as one approaches nearer, one is conscious only of the swirling White Light that whirls around the center void in a spiraling cloud. Satyaloka Azeztulite is tremendously powerful. Throughout the entire mineral kingdom I know no currents more intense than these. It organizes and re-centers brain activity. It brings consciousness to a deepening sense of quiet and gives a heightened sensitivity to subtle energies and streams of consciousness. It asks a great deal of the heart, for it pulls Light through the heart and into the rest of the body. It is not a difficult or painful thing at all; it is a lovely feeling. It is simply powerful.


 Satyaloka Azeztulite is resonant with the energies described in Indias mystical traditions as sat-chit-ananda. Sat means truth, chit is consciousness and ananda is bliss, so this sat-chit-ananda is the quality of truth, consciousness and bliss as one whole pattern. Satyaloka Azeztulite can infuse the Liquid Crystal Body Matrix with the intense high frequencies of sat-chit-ananda. There is, I can only say, a tremendous Light in these stones.


 Satyaloka Azeztulite is a stone of powerful spiritual dedication. It can guide in purification of ones energy bodies, of ones intention, will, even of ones love activities and energies. It encourages one-pointed focus of consciousness through the will in the third chakra. This is an extremely powerful capacity, because one-pointed focus through the will is the most powerful inner posture for specific co-creating activity and manifestation of what one envisions. Satyaloka Azeztulite can be used to travel through the realms of Light to many higher planes of reality. It can be ridden all the way to the archetypal first emanations from Source. It is a powerful stone for conducting one on conscious journeys into the spiritual worlds via the geometries of Light. It enables one to more readily place the Light geometries along and within the body/temple. Satyaloka Azeztulite encourages us to envision ourselves and our world as temples, as holy places. Its adherence to the purpose of Light in the world is absolute, and it engenders absolute devotion to Spirit in the individual.


Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite Pieces, Email For Special Orders

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