Ajoite in Quartz is among our favorite crystals and is unparallel for its sweetness and positive energies. It is ideal for self-healing in all realms and is perhaps the most beneficial stone for emotional healing. It links one's soul with the soul of the earth.
Ajoite was discovered in Messina, South Africa (and is also found in Arizona and named after its discovery locality, the New Cornelia mine, Ajo, USA)
and is a powerful tool for the New Age. There are a number of minerals present in this stone when found in South Africa, including Hematite, Limonite and Papagoite. Ajoite produces a melding between the heart and throat chakras and facilitates speaking that which is in your heart. This quality provides for peacefulness within the emotional system and a joyful acceptance of your surroundings, circumstances and environment. The energy of Ajoite also brings peace within your self, regardless of your actual physical or mental location and it stimulates understanding and total acceptance. The Earth-keeper of the Ajoite will find clarity of spirit through communication via the heart, bringing to fruition the perfection of love and facilitating communion with all of the internal parts of the Earth, Sky and life. It can also be used to eliminate hostility and it can also be used to eliminate anger, abrasiveness, jealousy, prejudice or any other negative attribute you could imagine. It is also said to energise and activate the ‘peace’ chakra (an energy field between the throat and heart chakras). It symbolizes the awareness of ‘All’ and represents the purity of both the Earth and the infinite potential available for access. It stimulates bonding between souls on the Earth plane who have agreed to meet again in this lifetime. It also stimulates the connection between the kindred spirits of both the spirit world and other worlds, providing for transfer of information. It also provides the proper reception frequency for the cellular structures of the body and is both a master healer and a medium for access to the higher worlds. Ajoite is one of the most beautiful, loving and joyous crystals, which has come from our Earth.
Ajoite crystals have not been mined in over 20 years, so they may soon become an "extinct" mineral.