Water Crystals Products
Call upon the water in your body to merge with the water you are submerged in, inviting the healing properties of water around you and within you to connect. Imagine a circular energy flow starting with the water and entering through your hands, spreading into your entire body and back out into the water.
The brain takes in the Qi from water directly from the mouth before it goes into the stomach and intestines to be used for lubrication. The rest of the body must rely upon the digestion process to get its water. However, it's not that simple, as the body treats food differently to water. And here is where most people get into trouble in thinking that things like coffee and tea or fruit juice are water, or even better! The body senses that anything that has food in it, is food and treats that liquid as food, not as water! So the brain is being depleted of necessary Qi or energy that it must gain from water because the body sees water that has food in it as being wet food! The Qi stored in water is never taken out in the mouth when we drink anything other than water. Only when we drink water, does the brain receive its electrical Qi. So although our body feels satisfied and not thirsty, we really are dying of thirst!
By putting stones and crystals (avoid toxic stones and crystals, research first to make sure you can put the stone you choose into water or by direct contact, for instance not cinnabar, malachite, sulfur, stibnite, chalcanthite, creedite, etc) will give you the healing properties into your body, combine stones and crystals for overall effects.