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The biggest and most historically significant use of rutilated quartz has been as a stone that promotes psychic power.

Rutile is one of the most significant stones for improving psychic powers in western culture, and the power of quartz magnifies this significantly, as it does with the power of any stone it is paired with!

The specific type of psychic power that rutile enhances is known as clairsentience, meaning “clear thinking.”

In other words, it will not make you hear people’s thoughts or see visions (although, if this is what you’re after, it can certainly be paired with other stones to get there)


Picture is an example, shapes and color will vary. Stones sold individually 


Grade A: 

Small 20mm

Medium 25mm

Large 30mm

Grade B:  measure approximately 1/2" to 3/4"+

Rutilated Quartz Healing Properties

Rutilated Quartz Tumbled Stones

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